viernes, junio 29, 2007


El definitorio pregón del "orgullo gay europeo", en Madrid

Hace dos días, dio comienzo la fiesta del “Orgullo gay europeo” en Madrid.

El bochimche que se ha formado en Madrid es de unas dimensiones que sólo os podéis imaginar si os cuento que han cortado las calles adyacentes al barrio homosexual, Chueca, que se esperan dos millones de personas y que el Ayuntamiento de Madrid (de derechas) ha donado 250.000 euros para la extensión de la homosexualidad.

Todavía alucinaréis más, si os cuento que en las pasadas fiestas patronales de Madrid (San Isidro) no hubo ni una sola actuación musical gratuita de grandes dimensiones, y aquí, en la fiesta que celebra EL MURO ENTRE HOMBRES Y MUJERES, el cartel es extensísimo y la acogida de los medios de comunicación, entusiasta.

Es hora de que tú, que pensaste alguna vez que ser homosexual era algo antisistema, izquierdista o revolucionario, despiertes de ese sueño y abras los ojos a la Realidad: el movimiento gay está impulsado, gestado y financiado por el propio sistema capitalista con el fin de separar a los hombres de las mujeres. Ya no puedes engañarte más con que la derecha está en contra, porque el ayuntamiento de Madrid está gobernado por un partido de derechas y la Unión Europea, también.

¿Has oído hablar de alguna fiesta que conmemore o celebre la unión de hombres y mujeres? No, ¿verdad? Lo que se celebra es que las mujeres y los hombres vayan cada uno por su lado. De esta manera, la terrorífica fábula del “Mundo Feliz” de Aldous Huxley en la que las relaciones naturales habían sido prohibidas (sólo se podían encontrar “hombres y mujeres alfa”) y los niños se concebían “in vitro”, se hace realidad. Por cierto, ¿sabéis lo que significa “gay” en inglés? ALEGRE. Es decir, el “Mundo Feliz” de Aldous Huxley era el Mundo del movimiento gay. TODO ESTABA PLANIFICADO.

Si todavía queréis alguna prueba más de a quien representa este movimiento, leed estos párrafos de una noticia publicada hoy por el diario El Mundo acerca del pregón de la fiesta homosexual. Atención.

Carlos Fuentes fue el siguiente en leer algunos de los párrafos del pregón y afirmó que por primera vez en su historia, el 'Europride' se celebra en un país del sur de Europa, "donde el calor no es siempre el de la climatología sino el de nuestras pasiones demoniacas". "Hoy no sólo nos reunimos aquí los degenerados madrileños, o los libertinos de otros lugares de España sino también de otros lugares de Europa", como, continuó Fuentes, "italianos promiscuos, franceses amariconados o polacos en el exilio".

A continuación, Mariola Fuentes dio "a los forasteros la bienvenida, de la mano de osos y osas que se suben al madroño" y les invitó "a gastar el tiempo de estos días haciendo todo lo posible para ganarse la condenación eterna".

Calificó de "colosal" los más de 200 actos que tendrán lugar con motivo de las fiestas y aseguró que "quien participe en ellos tendrá un pie más cerca del infierno deseado".

Por su parte, Pablo Puyol recomendó a todos a "bailar donde suene la música, reivindicar en voz alta lo que les pertenece, besar con lengua o sin ella a todo aquel que quiera ser besado" y "oler el azufre de los cuerpos" por lo que "la alegría no sólo es posible, sino que es inevitable", exclamó.

Pepón Nieto leyó las últimas palabras del pregón y deseó que "el 'eurorgullo' sea el comienzo de una explosión de libertad que recorra Europa de confín a confín y conquiste para siempre los derechos del infierno en todos los países que la componen".

¡Que pasada de artículo colega!.

Cuando lei por primera vez eso que decias por aqui de que la homosexualidad le interesaba a "los malos" me sonó a chino. Pero, claro, todo lo que cuentas por aqui suena a chino la primera vez que lo oyes.

Menos mal que nunca he "cruzado la cera" sino ahora me sentiria un poquito peor, aunque seguro que tampoco me arrepentiria jajaja

Conciénciame. Queremos crear un grupo para subtitular vídeos y documentales. En colaboración con Rafapal, y NoSomosTontosNiCiegos (el proyecto matriz no porque están muy liados). Cada persona traducirá una pequeña parte. Un método rápido y sencillo.

Trabajos pendientes.

UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied

¡Que corra la voz!

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Political Information Last Updated: Jun 26th, 2007 - 22:42:04


How Dick Cheney Broke My Mind
By William River Pitts, with commentary by Candace
Jun 27, 2007, 11:12

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Comments by Candace: You will see in this piece that Dick the Prick Cheney doesn't believe the Office of the VP is part of the executive branch, and guess what folks, its NOT, because you see, our "government" is not that government created long ago to serve the people of the United States. Our "government" is a private corporation, including the Federal Reserve system that owns all of us as slaves. We DO NOT LIVE under our original constitution, and this process of erosion started after the Civil War. All state and federal employees serve CORP USA, and not we the people. It started when Amendment 13 was intentionally left out of printed copies of our Constitution after the Civil War, and we have not been under our Constitution since that time. So Dick is correct, the office of the Vice President of the false flag corporation, Corp USA is not under the executive branch of the real Constitution.

This process continued in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve Banking system, which is NOT a Federal organization, but rather serves the private bankers of Europe. The IRS is the Federal Reserve's collection agency. Your taxes do not go to the Treasury of the united States, but to the Federal Reserve system, who lends money to the treasury and this creates the majority of our national debt. It is illegal to tax the income from ones labor, by the way. That was a premise of our country, and the 16th amendment, never ratified, did NOT create the income tax, it's purpose was to support the previous consitutional laws regards taxation, that said the wages of a person were that person's property and could not be taxed. Maybe that's why it wasn't ratified. The only money our treasury apparently coins, is our small change. Those dollar bills, are your notes made payable to the Federal Reserve. They are called 'notes" because they are notes payable, and not money. They are a loan. Taxing the earned wages of a person, commits that person to slavery, for you no have control over it. A simple example, is we get to pay for Iraq, we have no control over that.

All "citizens" of the USA are NOT citizens of our original country. You all have offshore addresses you are unaware exist, given to you, because you are chattle slaves to the system. Modern birth certificates and Drivers licenses, have the names in capitol letters. Your name in capital letters, is your false registered name with CORP USA. Take care, Candace

How Dick Cheney Broke My Mind
By William Rivers Pitt
t r u t h o u t | Columnist

Tuesday 26 June 2007

I was absolutely savaged by an unexpected emotional detonation on Thursday. Every rough emotion I am capable of experiencing - anger, fear, sorrow, rage, bitterness, despair, loathing, astonishment, woe, regret, horror, fury - erupted within me at the same time that day. I spent hours in the aftermath trying to type an accurate description of what had happened to me and why, but I failed. For the first time in a long, long while, I was completely unable to write.

What could have been powerful enough to huff and puff and blow my house down? What manner of mind bomb could hurl me so far off kilter that I was incapable of explaining it on paper?

It was, of course, Dick Cheney.

The news story that started it all was just another report on Dick being Dick, doing his Dick thing the way Dick always does. If they ever hold a contest to decide which politician has the most appropriate first name, you should bet the farm, the barn, the house, the cow, every crop, every truck, and throw in all your shoes besides, on Dick winning in a walk. Dick would win in such a dominant fashion that the NBA Finals would appear competitive by comparison.

It was Dick, and he got me on Thursday but good. You've probably heard the news story by now, and maybe you reacted to it like I did.

The National Archives is basically the federal filing cabinet where all governmental paper records are stored and organized. The Archives is an invaluable repository of our governmental history. These documents are publicly available, and are a giant treasure trove for historians, biographers or anyone who loves to feel a bit of history between their fingers.

So the Archives people had asked Cheney's office for his papers, because it was time to do so, because doing so is the law, because those papers are the property of the people. We pay for their printing and we pay for their storage, and the return on our investment can be found in the History/Biography/Politics section of any bookstore in America.

Dick turned the National Archives down flat, and this is what destroyed me on Thursday. Not only did he turn them down, his office wrote - actually wrote on paper in a letter to the Archives - their amazing explanation for refusing to hand over the papers. If you've not heard this, brace yourself.

Dick had the fire-breathing gall, the awe-inspiring temerity, the light-bending arrogance to put forth the argument - which was actually written down - that the office of The vice president of the United States is not actually part of the executive branch of the federal government, and is therefore not required to give any papers to anyone, ever.

Breathe. Breathe. It'll pass.

I could use a thousand words to describe what this thing did as it ripped through me. I tried all Thursday to do it, and failed time and again. I have finally fixed upon the one word that truly explains how I felt once the shock had passed.

I was offended.

These people offend me on a daily basis, but for some reason, this was too much. The vice president of the United States actually defended his insane lust for secrecy by claiming, with his bare face hanging out, that the OVP is not a part of the executive branch. Cheney is covered by executive privilege, and he is a member of the presidential cabinet, yet somehow his office is not part of the executive branch.

It offended me. It offended my patriotism, it was a rank insult to anyone who took grade-school civics, and it was pure horrid hubris-flecked power run amok, power so deranged that it is dangerous to every American. I have no context to place this in, but maybe context isn't required. Lawyers use a Latin phrase, "Res ipsa loquitor," which means "The thing speaks for itself." That's pretty much exactly correct, as far as this mayhem is concerned.

Cheney's argument, by the way, is prima facie cause for his removal from office. Simply, his office exists in the first place because all presidents are mortal, and so require a waiting replacement should the need arise. It sounded on Thursday like Dick pretty much quit his constitutionally-mandated next-in-line post. If he's not doing that job anymore, he should go home.

This is a personal matter now.

Somehow, another news story about Cheney just being Cheney while doing his Cheney thing caused a tectonic shift. Encompassing the awesome, towering, astonishing, awful, brutal, sick, deadly thing that is alive within the man; a thing that once was mistaken for mere arrogance, was enough to get me thinking in Biblical terms. There are stories in the Book describing people confronted by the very face of God. They tend to have a common theme: The moment they actually see I Am Who I Am, they wind up getting clobbered for their trouble.

I saw the true face of Dick Cheney on Thursday, undistilled Cheney: The core essence and clearest example of what imperils us all. The monstrous things perfectly revealed by Cheney's actions left me writhing like Saul in the dust of that Damascus road. It was holy, in a weird way, because it brought about a profound experience that hurt even as it cleansed. I now know that a glimpse of evil can also be a holy and spiritual moment, if you make it through the aftermath. The difference, perhaps, is that anyone who sees God is blinded by the sight. I got a look at evil walking like a man, and I see so much now that I didn't see before.

I actually owe Cheney a bit of gratitude. I was worried that his actions, and the actions of his crew, had abused the fabric of my capacity for surprise beyond the limit, had worn down one of the better human emotions by just being Cheney. I was wrong. He proved I am still capable of awe.

William Rivers Pitt is a New York Times and internationally bestselling author of two books: "War on Iraq: What Team Bush Doesn't Want You to Know" and "The Greatest Sedition Is Silence." His newest book, "House of Ill Repute: Reflections on War, Lies, and America's Ravaged Reputation," is now available from PoliPointPress.


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El día del orgullo gay me parece el día de la decadencia humana.

Los gays, tan clones unos de los otros me parecen los robots de un malévolo tirano, como en las películas de cuentos para no dormir de niños.

Realmente es escalofriante ver lo que están creando en todo el planeta. Ejercitos de robots clonados, estériles, consumistas, fris, calculadores e insensibles, que acatan órdenes de inmediato creyendo que son alternativos, especiales o marginados.

Dentro de unos años no se donde nos vamos a esconder los verdaderos humanos.

Humilde Humano
Un link interesante al respecto.
Este pais es una Calamidad. Una auténtica verguenza ver como toman las calles y si te quejas algo...eres un aguafiestas. Lo más indignante es como "cuelan" a tanta gente joven, cómo los manipulan, cómo se dejan llevar; qué sucedáneo de música aguantan y qué confundídos con el "buenismo" estan. Una auténtica pena, y si alguien levanta la para muchos (no para mí) la ULTRADERECHA...y de ahí no los apeas !!
Rafapal dices... "Es hora de que tú, que pensaste alguna vez que ser homosexual era algo antisistema, izquierdista o revolucionario, despiertes de ese sueño y abras los ojos a la Realidad: el movimiento gay está impulsado, gestado y financiado por el propio sistema capitalista con el fin de separar a los hombres de las mujeres""

Rafapal..Si esto es así explícame porque el partido de tu candidato López Obrador ha legalizado la unión de homosexuales en la Cd de México..

¿Quién es quién? La verdad ya no se sabe...
"""Dentro de unos años no se donde nos vamos a esconder los verdaderos humanos"""

Tranquilo Humilde Humano...Los gay siempre han existido, algunos muy ilustres por cierto, como Leonardo Da Vinci, el conquistador Alejandro Magno, Platón, etc.,etc.

No te rompas las vestiduras por tan poca cosa.. y dedica tu esfuerzo a cosas mas trascendentes que procuparte por donde le gusta a cada cuál que le den...
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