viernes, mayo 11, 2007
Sheldan Niddle, el portavoz de la Federación Galáctica

(La Federación estrena logo por cortesía de David, en Tarragona).
Sheldan Nidle nació en la Ciudad de Nueva York el 11 de noviembre de 1946 y creció en Búfalo Nueva York. Sus primeras experiencias extraterrestres y con OVNIS comenzaron poco después de su nacimiento pero destacaron en 1955 con diversos tipos de contacto, fenómenos, comunicaciones manifestadas en forma de luz, visitas extraterrestres,sesiones de enseñanza a bordo de la nave espacial y en la Tierra, comunicaciones telepáticas e introducciones de conocimiento directas. El ha visto naves en numerosas ocasiones a través de los años.
Alrededor de la edad de catorce años, Sheldan le pidió a los Sirianos que dejaran de comunicarse con el porque experimentó demasiado conflicto entre su conocimiento científico y lo que el estaba estudiando aquí en la Tierra. Ellos se fueron, pero le dijeron que regresarían cuando fuera su tiempo para completar su misión para este planeta y su gente. En secundaria, Sheldan fue colocado en programas de ciencia avanzados en áreas como Física, Química y Cálculo. Como adolescente, fue parte de un equipo que ayudó a inventar el microscopio de campo de iones. Antes de graduarse en la Universidad Estatal de Búfalo Nueva York el fue vicepresidente del Club de Astrónomos Amateurs.
Sheldan recibió una Mención Académica de la Universidad de Ohio en Gobierno del Sudeste de Asia en 1970, y una Mención Académica en Política Americana y Administración Pública Internacional de la Universidad del Sur de California en donde también realizó un programa de medicina (1974-1976). En los 1970's fue vicepresidente de programación científica en Producciones Syntar en donde creó un documental sobre la vida y los logros de Nikola Tesla. Desde los 1970's hasta mediados de los 1980's Sheldan estuvo involucrado en investigación científica en fuentes alternativas de energía eléctrica. A mediados de los 1980's sus contactos extraterrestres continuaron. Actualmente es representante y conferencista de la Federación Galáctica.
La visión de Sheldan es que la gente se active en servicio para crear una red cooperativa de consciencia para la nueva civilización galáctica. Su misión es establecer Grupos de Activación Planetaria e informar y educarnos respecto a los cambios que están ocurriendo (nuestro cambio acelerado hacia la plena consciencia) y nuestros nuevos papeles como humanos galácticos.
'Lo que todo el mundo quiere saber sobre Sheldan Nidle y nadie se atreve a preguntar'
(Esta información es de archivo, pero es muy útil para recapitular el contenido
de los informes semanales de la Jerarquía Espiritual y la Federación Galáctica.)
1.- ¿Cuál es el propósito de tus comunicados? ¿Qué es lo que realmente hacen estos por nosotros y por qué hay tantos?
- El propósito de los comunicados es informar, activar, facultar, elevar, inspirar y unir. Si, algunas personas se activan al leer mis comunicados canalizados y libros. El proceso real de activación es muy sutil e involucra una ligera elevación de su amnesia espiritual. La activación toma lugar a través del uso de diversas combinaciones y secuencias de palabras en cada página, ya sea en mis comunicados o en mis libros. Estos contienen una vibración específica que establece una resonancia en su memoria reprimida de ARN/ADN. Este patrón de vibración ayuda entonces gradualmente a activar sus recuerdos de aquellos eventos pasados y/o verdades universales que están integrados en su memoria celular. Los han reprimido desde la infancia. Cuando el tiempo o las circunstancias son correctos, esas profundas memorias comienzan a hacer su aparición nuevamente. Soy muy afortunado de ser una de esas personas a quienes se les ha dado el don de activar a la gente de esta forma maravillosa. Hay muchos comunicados, realmente dos veces a la semana, para que la gente sepa que hay un proceso educativo y de activación llevándose a cabo. Este proceso requiere que se le den al público una serie constante de comunicados. Los propósitos principales de está misión son informarles lo que está sucediendo y ayudar a la Federación Galáctica a prepararlos para la eventualidad de un primer contacto.
2.- ¿Qué te hace creer que cuando llegue el primer contacto la gente va a estar lista y en actitud de aceptación en lugar de desconfiada y rebelde?
- Podemos separar esta respuesta en dos partes. Primero, el proceso entero para nuestro primer contacto está siendo orquestado por la Jerarquía Espiritual. Ellos han arreglado que el contacto ocurra solo en el tiempo divino correcto. Este tiempo sucederá cuando nuestra población esté lo suficientemente preparada espiritualmente y tenga la conciencia en las proporciones necesarias para el contacto divino. Esta preparación está ocurriendo en el periodo presente. Aquellas personas que ahora están despertando están pasando a través de una preparación que los liberará rápidamente de gran parte de la reacción negativa potencial hacia el primer contacto. También, el primer contacto introducirá a nuestro planeta en gran escala a las increíbles energías positivas de la Jerarquía Espiritual. El primer contacto es un retorno a nuestro hogar espiritual y una aceptación de quienes realmente somos. Esto es, nosotros somos Angeles físicos despertando que ayudarán a la Jerarquía Espiritual en el despliegue de la Creación en el Universo Físico. Segundo, el primer contacto se emprende para terminar con su cuarentena galáctica. Es un tiempo para poner fin a la amnesia espiritual que tiene agarrados a la mayoría de ustedes desde la tierna infancia. Cuando se complete este proceso, ustedes recordarán todo lo que ahora han olvidado. La mayoría de ustedes recordará la naturaleza del contrato del alma al que accedieron antes de encarnar en el planeta Tierra. En este sagrado contrato del alma nosotros le dimos nuestro permiso a la Jerarquía Espiritual para que solicitara una intervención divina. Este procedimiento reúne uno de los criterios principales para el primer contacto y le asegura a la Federación Galáctica nuestra plena cooperación en este asunto. Este contacto no es una misión de rescate. Sino que es un retorno a las realidades interdimensionales de donde venimos y a las que añoramos todos los días regresar. Este proceso de recordar nos permite superar cualquier resistencia o negatividad que nuestras estructuras mentales limitadas sean capaces de poner en nuestras mentes.
3.- En tu libro y conferencias mencionas que la Tierra será un planeta modelo. ¿Qué quieres decir con planeta "modelo"?
- Desde sus inicios, la Madre Tierra ha sido bendecida con un gran destino profético. Este destino divino, como lo profetizaron los Arcángeles, era que la Tierra tendría un día una gran civilización galáctica sobre ella. Esta futura sociedad galáctica sería la sociedad divina que traería el fin de las guerras galácticas y establecería una paz y unidad galáctica permanente. Esta sociedad galáctica estaría compuesta de las almas de muchos grandes Seres de toda la Galaxia de la Vía Láctea. Ellos se reunirían y pasarían a través de las etapas finales de un gran experimento genético. Su éxito marcaría el surgimiento de una nueva era en nuestra galaxia.
El planeta Tierra y este sistema solar están por lo tanto destinados a volverse el lugar de reunión de toda la galaxia. La sociedad galáctica de la Tierra se volverá el más fino ejemplo de como una civilización galáctica sirve a las leyes divinas del Creador. La Madre Tierra y sus sagrados hijos enseñarán a muchas de las otras naciones estelares cómo aplicar de la mejor forma las leyes divinas del Universo. La Tierra se convertirá un gran lugar de reunión y centro de intercambio para el canje de todas las formas de bienes innovadores. Es por esta razón que ésta se volverá un planeta "modelo".
4.- ¿Quiénes son el Concilio de los Nueve?
- El Concilio de los Nueve son los representantes principales del Gran Refugio Azul de la Gran Luz Azul. Esta Gran Luz Azul de la Creación viene directamente del Señor Siraya. Esta pasa primero a través del Concilio de los Nueve y desde ahí se distribuye al los Altos Concilios de Luz de Orión. Desde ahí, pasa a través de todos los Grandes Concilios Sagrados de los Arcángeles, Angeles, Elohim y Señores del Tiempo (el linaje del Cielo) que existen en toda la Creación. En su divina existencia, el Concilio de los Nueve lleva las poderosas energías sagradas de la santa VOLUNTAD del Señor Siraya, un aspecto principal del Supremo Creador. El Gran Refugio Azul está compuesto por los lugares sagrados en donde la sagrada Luz Azul de la Creación Divina es radiada a cada parte de la Creación. En el caso de la Galaxia de la Vía Láctea, el punto en donde se ancla esta sagrada y divina Luz es el sistema estelar de Sirio. Es ahí en el sistema solar Sirio B en donde se localiza el gran Templo del Oráculo del Concilio de los Nueve y de el Señor Siraya. Es el magnífico destino de la Tierra unirse al sistema estelar de Sirio en el próximo año galáctico de 8 Eb (2013 DC) y tener un Gran Templo del Oráculo del Señor Siraya y de la Gran Luz Azul correspondiente construido ahí. El Concilio de los Nueve son los mensajeros más profundos del Señor Siraya. Ellos llevan la divina Luz del Señor Siraya a toda la Creación. En su nombre ellos proclaman la poderosa VOLUNTAD del Creador a todos los Seres. Es su sagrada tarea ver que cada Creación se despliegue como fue provisto por el Plan Divino. A través de su concilio sabio y profundo, el sagrado conocimiento de cada Creación es revelado a todos los que concierne. Todo el divino linaje del Cielo está subordinado al Gran Concilio de los Nueve.
5.- ¿Qué es el cinturón de fotones y que le pasó?
- El cinturón de fotones principal es un inmenso cinturón interdimensional de energía de Luz. Tiene la forma de una gran dona que tiene casi 26,000 años en diámetro. Este cinturón afecta grandemente a nuestro planeta y a nuestro sistema solar en bases regulares. Usualmente, toma alrededor de 2,000 años para que nos movamos a través de una de las partes con forma de dona de este inmenso cinturón cósmico. Actualmente estamos inmersos en un gran hoyo rasgado a través de este por otro cinturón de fotones menor. Esta rasgadura en una de las partes con forma de dona del cinturón de fotones es más grande que el diámetro entero del sistema solar de la Tierra. Unas horas antes de que nuestro sistema solar encontrara la zona nula del cinturón de fotones principal, el cinturón de fotones menor, o la onda gama de la gran nova de 1987, creó un hoyo enorme en el cinturón de fotones principal. Durante el curso de esta colisión entre los dos cinturones de fotones, las energías de rayos gama amenazadores para la vida del cinturón más pequeño disminuyeron grandemente, y los que permanecieron fueron totalmente disipados por su encuentro subsecuente con los planetas Saturno y Júpiter. En el tiempo apropiado, entraremos brevemente el cinturón de fotones principal y entonces nos uniremos con el sistema estelar de Sirius.
6.- ¿Nuestros ritos y meditaciones han cambiado realmente el escenario para los cambios de la Tierra a fin de que éstos no sean tan catastróficos? Si los cambios van a ser más sutiles, ¿cambiará esto los planes de la Federación para evacuar a una parte de la población de la Tierra?
- Sí, su maravilloso trabajo espiritual ha ayudado grandemente a la Jerarquía Espiritual local para cambiar tanto el tiempo como la intensidad de los Cambios Planetarios. Sin embargo, habrá de todas formas Cambios Planetarios. Su amado planeta debe cambiar la naturaleza y energía de su actual superficie topográfica y regresar a su estado prístino. Lo que ustedes han hecho es darle a la población del planeta el tiempo adicional para cambiar y despertar. Esta maravillosa realidad es un gran regalo maravilloso que ustedes le han dado a sus compañeros humanos y su Jerarquía Espiritual local. En el presente, los planes de la Federación Galáctica no han cambiado respecto a una evacuación física de algunos elementos de su población planetaria en el futuro próximo. Lo que ha cambiado son algunos aspectos del escenario total de evacuación. Este escenario de evacuación se ve ahora como una forma significativa para introducir a la Federación Galáctica de Luz a toda la población humana del planeta Tierra. Lo que ha cambiado es solo la intensidad y el tiempo de estos drásticos Cambios Planetarios.
7.- Algunos miembros de los GAP viven muy lejos entre sí y las reuniones semanales no son muy convenientes. ¿Podemos nosotros conducir asuntos de GAP sin vernos físicamente?
- La respuesta a esa pregunta es si. La clave es informar a cada miembro de los GAP de lo que está ocurriendo y de el progreso de los diversos proyectos. Su retroalimentación puede darse a través de teléfono (llamadas en conferencia), transacciones continuas en línea por correo electrónico, transmitiendo reportes de progreso y respuestas inmediatas, o hasta por una reunión quincenal con los miembros de los GAPs. Lo que es importante es que haya un intercambio constante y creativo de información entre los miembros del GAP. Esperamos que las futuras tecnologías mitiguen ampliamente las dificultades existentes.
Segunda parte
1.- Sheldan, muchos de tus comunicados se refieren a la necesidad de que nosotros expandamos la "Red de Luz" en el mundo. ¿Cómo esperas que esto suceda?
- La Red de Luz Global es un concepto muy importante. Es un concepto con el que la Federación, así como los Reinos Angélicos están mucho muy involucrados. Ellos sienten que la red de consciencia, que es lo que esta Red de Luz es, será esparcida de dos formas básicas. Primero, ellos se basan en su trabajo, que realizan cada día, para traer mayor consciencia hacia el planeta y para ayudar que suceda esta Red de Luz. Después, aquellos individuos comprometidos que sienten profundamente la necesidad de realizar esta Red de Luz, tendrán las energías individuales para lograrlo. El segundo punto se refiere a nuestras propias responsabilidades. Nosotros tenemos que tomar la información que se nos ha dado para crear los diversos nodos GAP alrededor del planeta, y para unir a los GAPs con las tecnologías de vanguardia y el mayor entrenamiento posible. Esta segunda parte sucederá a consecuencia de la primera. En cuanto un mayor número de personas adquieran mayor interés y despierten, y cuando todos los que ven lo que ya esta sucediendo se unan, lo discutan y hagan las cosas motivados por su pasión y necesidad, entonces todo sucederá. Y si estas dos cosas pasan como se supone que deben, de hecho como están pasando, entonces sucederá verdaderamente. No tenemos por qué estar preocupados o agitados o en pánico por el tiempo. Nosotros solo tenemos que hacer el flujo divino, lo que se sienta bien dentro de nosotros y permitir que pase. Eso es todo lo que se requiere.
2.- Debido a que nosotros vivimos en un mundo que mide el tiempo en términos científicos de tercera dimensión, muchos de nosotros tenemos dificultades con los conceptos de tiempo y Tiempo Divino Correcto. ¿Podrías aclarar lo que es Tiempo Divino Correcto y explicar por qué es tan diferente a nuestra propia forma de medir el tiempo?
- El tiempo divino correcto es básicamente: el tiempo que se establece para que suceda el flujo correcto en el sagrado momento en que debe ser. Cuando todo está en el Tiempo Divino Correcto o en el flujo Divino Correcto, esto sucede. Tenemos que entender que nuestro concepto de tiempo en realmente ilusorio. El concepto de estallidos cortos, secuenciales, que es como medimos y entendemos el tiempo no es realmente la forma en que es el tiempo. El tiempo fluye, y mientras fluye crea solo un "ahora". Este "eterno ahora" so mueve hacia adelante y crea lo que en tiempo secuencial nosotros llamamos pasado, presente y futuro. Pero realmente, solo existe el presente, y cuando el presente se une y crea la necesidad de lo que debe pasar, entonces ocurre lo que está ordenado divinamente. Esa es la diferencia entre tiempo divino correcto y lo que nosotros pensamos como tiempo. Cuando nosotros entendemos esto, y le permitimos fluir y volverse uno con nuestra realidad interna, entonces cesan todas las ansiedades que tenemos acerca del tiempo.
3.- Debido a la extensa investigación en la búsqueda de vida extraterrestre en el universo conducida por al Instituto SETI ¿Ha contactado la Federación Galáctica a estos científicos?
- Lo que ha estado haciendo la Federación es muy simple. Esos grupos SETI, como por ejemplo el CSETI, etc., han sido contactados de diversas formas y modos. Ahora el proceso es muy simple. Lo que la Federación Galáctica desea que nosotros entendamos más que cualquier otra cosa es que se aproxima una energía de consciencia. Esta energía de consciencia afecta lo que va a suceder. Ellos son seres de consciencia superior. Nosotros somos seres de consciencia menor que nos estamos moviendo hacia su consciencia. Ellos comprenden lo que debe suceder. Para nosotros, ellos, los hermanos y hermanas mayores, son lo que intentan utilizar sus habilidades para manifestar una nueva realidad. Esta realidad es algo que va más allá de cualquier cosa que sepamos o entendamos, y todo lo que ellos quieren es simplemente hacerlo, o, usar lo que se ha dicho en la última pregunta, hacerlo en un tiempo divino correcto y en una forma divina correcta. Por lo tanto si, algunas personas han sido contactadas, otras no. Esto solo depende en que estén listos y en dónde se encuentre su consciencia.
4.- Ya que se nos ha dicho que nuestros cuerpos están en proceso de cambio, ¿por qué la mayoría de nosotros se siente tan increíblemente cansado estos días? ¿Podrías explicar más acerca del cuerpo?
- Lo que nos está sucediendo es un proceso muy simple de ascensión. Cuando se alcanzan ciertos niveles en la fijación de su cuerpo de luz, del cambio en su estructura celular en los niveles genéticos de su ARN ADN, en esos niveles, su cuerpo se sobrepasa. Véanse a sí mismos, nuevamente, como un niño pequeño, en este caso, un infante, menor a 3 años, intentando crecer. ¿Y qué hacen los niños? Ellos duermen mucho. Se sienten fatigados. Tienen mucha energía, grandes explosiones de esta a veces y de pronto, aparentemente, esta se esfuma. Esto es todo lo que está sucediendo. Ni más ni menos. Así que solo fluyan y comprendan que es parte de todo el proceso de su crecimiento en consciencia y de su manifestación, la integración, de sus seres físicos y espirituales.
Guillermo Herrera
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¿Conoceis los libros de "
Vázquez Mazón"? os dejo su direccion web
Hace unos años me lei "nación cósmica", vaya lio chicos... en España tenemos tambien "comandate"
Recordais el caso manises...
(Nota: el autor, en este libro acerto plenamente sobre quien sería el proximo Papa, no es broma)
Por cierto, si buscais en internet sobre los mensajes de Adame Tornell (otro contactado-canalizado) nos previene que Asthar es UN FARSANTE y es de los "malos". Mucho ojo.
Moraleja: en las dimensiones superiores parece que tienen los mismo lios que en la nuestra, todos CREEN tener la VERDAD.
Yo por ahora me quedo con CASTANEDA
Un saludo del curioso.
Vázquez Mazón"? os dejo su direccion web
Hace unos años me lei "nación cósmica", vaya lio chicos... en España tenemos tambien "comandate"
Recordais el caso manises...
(Nota: el autor, en este libro acerto plenamente sobre quien sería el proximo Papa, no es broma)
Por cierto, si buscais en internet sobre los mensajes de Adame Tornell (otro contactado-canalizado) nos previene que Asthar es UN FARSANTE y es de los "malos". Mucho ojo.
Moraleja: en las dimensiones superiores parece que tienen los mismo lios que en la nuestra, todos CREEN tener la VERDAD.
Yo por ahora me quedo con CASTANEDA
Un saludo del curioso.
En Argentina también tienen al comandante Clomro, ha desafiado muchas veces a Ashtar pero este siempre le huye.
Esto de la Federación Galactica es un camelo,nadie va a venir a salvarnos. El que se quiera salvar lo tiene que hacer por si mismo, este es el único modo, y el mundo solo se acaba para el que se muere...
Nuestra salvación es en el contexto espiritual...y los cambios que vienen ,en todo orden(Federación Galactica, Maestros,Ciencia,etc.) es para que despertemos y elevemos nuestro espíritu( Amor/Verdad)y esto hay que hacerlo por si mismos.
Recuerden nada se destruye (o muere) todo se transforma!!
Recuerden nada se destruye (o muere) todo se transforma!!
El ashtar ese es un bago galactico , ya menciono atraves de otros contactos que vendrian a hacer no se que , luego que se les habia roto un foco de la nave y no pudieron venir , luego dieron otra fecha y se quedaron tiraos sin energia del punto 0 por un fallo del motor , otra vez que dio un mensaje tambien a un frances que le dijo que vendrian a traer la paz , se les fundio el fruzo de la turbina y mira por donde tampoco vinieron , esos contactos con estos vagos espaciales que nos tienen comida la cabeza , andaros con ojo , que no es oro todo lo que reluce,mucho mensaje de amor , mucha leche y mirar la realidad o en realidad lo que hacen o en lo que ayudan como esta el mundo? adivinenlo igual o peor cada dia ,
habrir los ojos no es facil , pues nos enseñan desde pequeños a creer en caramelitos de fresa para poder darnos palos y que no reaccionemos.
Cuidao con la confederacion galactica , sus propositos no son tan buenos como nos gustaria creer , para prueba , mira lo que hay .
Un saludo.
habrir los ojos no es facil , pues nos enseñan desde pequeños a creer en caramelitos de fresa para poder darnos palos y que no reaccionemos.
Cuidao con la confederacion galactica , sus propositos no son tan buenos como nos gustaria creer , para prueba , mira lo que hay .
Un saludo.
Sionismo galactico... este tio alucina
Si es un Dios benigno y todo poderoso quien viene a la Tierra a salvarnos, quizas a este tipo se le ocurra decir que es sionista. ¿Que de malo tiene que la gente crea en algo?, ¿que hay de malo en que la gente se una bajo un pensamiento positivo?. Pues nada....
Si es un Dios benigno y todo poderoso quien viene a la Tierra a salvarnos, quizas a este tipo se le ocurra decir que es sionista. ¿Que de malo tiene que la gente crea en algo?, ¿que hay de malo en que la gente se una bajo un pensamiento positivo?. Pues nada....
El JudeoMesianisno es lo malo.
"Cuando el caos reine en la tierra será momento de instaurar un Nuevo Orden Mundial"
Pues esto lo que pretende hacer la judía Federación Galáctica.
Entra en la página oficial y te toparás con una estrella de David que ocupa casi media página de la web.
Sheldan Niddle es Judío.
El Dios Benigno y Todopoderoso es ni más ni menos que Yahvé.
No pasa nada, noooo, abrazad al judeomesianismo intergalactico.
NESARA está compuesto por un grupo de JUDÍOS EX-MORMONES !!
La National Economic Security and Reformation Act NO existe, forma parte del complejo de conspiración sionista para seguir gobernando el mundo.
NESARA es una creación de la COINTELPRO.
Hace ya una semana que os lo estoy diciendo.
Hay que ser muy tonto para no darse cuenta.
Llevais ya 4 años esperando esta fantasia del Nesara.
Pobres presas de Sión.
"Cuando el caos reine en la tierra será momento de instaurar un Nuevo Orden Mundial"
Pues esto lo que pretende hacer la judía Federación Galáctica.
Entra en la página oficial y te toparás con una estrella de David que ocupa casi media página de la web.
Sheldan Niddle es Judío.
El Dios Benigno y Todopoderoso es ni más ni menos que Yahvé.
No pasa nada, noooo, abrazad al judeomesianismo intergalactico.
NESARA está compuesto por un grupo de JUDÍOS EX-MORMONES !!
La National Economic Security and Reformation Act NO existe, forma parte del complejo de conspiración sionista para seguir gobernando el mundo.
NESARA es una creación de la COINTELPRO.
Hace ya una semana que os lo estoy diciendo.
Hay que ser muy tonto para no darse cuenta.
Llevais ya 4 años esperando esta fantasia del Nesara.
Pobres presas de Sión.
Me pregunta:
Que pasaría si las profecias de los mayas: diciembre 2012, y de otros, sea un invento de los iluminite...
Que pasaría si las profecias de los mayas: diciembre 2012, y de otros, sea un invento de los iluminite...
Su objetivo no mesianico puro y duro, es la instauración un Yes-Hua, o sea, el Mesias Judío, el Xpo, el UNGIDO.
Y el ungido no es Cristo, Ungido es una palabra que solamente sale en el Antiguo Testamento, es pura alegoría judía.
Y el ungido no es Cristo, Ungido es una palabra que solamente sale en el Antiguo Testamento, es pura alegoría judía.
Donde dije: "Su objetivo no mesianico puro"
quise decir:
"Su objetivo es mesianico puro"
Donde dije: "Su objetivo no mesianico puro"
quise decir:
"Su objetivo es mesianico puro"
It really depends whom you ask.
The term NESARA (National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act) was originally coined as a legislative proposal several years ago by an organization called the NESARA Institute. Its author mailed copies of the proposed bill to Congress, but it was never taken any further than that. It called for monetary and fiscal reform. The points of the original bill can be seen here.
Over time, through the wonders of the Internet and some enterprising New Age gurus, NESARA has morphed into something resembling a religious movement. A woman from Shelton, Washington calling herself "Dove of Oneness," who claims to have ties to the CIA, FBI, and other exclusive circles, puts out regular internet reports that NESARA was passed by Congress, signed into law by Bill Clinton, and has a scope much wider then the version proposed by The NESARA Institute (which she claims is a Bush-backed front designed to discredit "The True NESARA Law"). She also is a frequent guest on radio programs where she discusses NESARA, but never makes public appearances or reveals her true identity. In July of this year (2004 - ed.), after extensive research by the Tacoma News Tribune, her true identity was released. Her updates promise immense wealth to NESARA believers, but that's just the beginning.
The Planetary Activation Organization (, run out of Hawaii by a man named Sheldan Nidle, (originally from the Bronx) also began incorporating NESARA into his weekly online reports from The Galactic Federation on April 8th, 2003 and he recently authored the book "Sheldan Nidle and the Galactic Federation Present: Humanity’s Future: Galactic Contact and N.E.S.A.R.A."
The new NESARA promises forgiveness of all debt, elimination of the IRS, world peace, the disbandment of the current government and—some believers say—its replacement with religious deities, with Jesus Christ at the helm, and unity with our space brethren.
The film focuses on one particular group of NESARA true believers out of Salt Lake City,Utah—and how they have been influenced by the NESARA phenomenon. We hope it brings up questions about faith, desperation, poverty, hope, money and debt in today's America, and how a new religion is born.
A current Google search brings up over 50,000 hits worldwide (54.900 at 5-29-'05, - ed.).
It really depends whom you ask.
The term NESARA (National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act) was originally coined as a legislative proposal several years ago by an organization called the NESARA Institute. Its author mailed copies of the proposed bill to Congress, but it was never taken any further than that. It called for monetary and fiscal reform. The points of the original bill can be seen here.
Over time, through the wonders of the Internet and some enterprising New Age gurus, NESARA has morphed into something resembling a religious movement. A woman from Shelton, Washington calling herself "Dove of Oneness," who claims to have ties to the CIA, FBI, and other exclusive circles, puts out regular internet reports that NESARA was passed by Congress, signed into law by Bill Clinton, and has a scope much wider then the version proposed by The NESARA Institute (which she claims is a Bush-backed front designed to discredit "The True NESARA Law"). She also is a frequent guest on radio programs where she discusses NESARA, but never makes public appearances or reveals her true identity. In July of this year (2004 - ed.), after extensive research by the Tacoma News Tribune, her true identity was released. Her updates promise immense wealth to NESARA believers, but that's just the beginning.
The Planetary Activation Organization (, run out of Hawaii by a man named Sheldan Nidle, (originally from the Bronx) also began incorporating NESARA into his weekly online reports from The Galactic Federation on April 8th, 2003 and he recently authored the book "Sheldan Nidle and the Galactic Federation Present: Humanity’s Future: Galactic Contact and N.E.S.A.R.A."
The new NESARA promises forgiveness of all debt, elimination of the IRS, world peace, the disbandment of the current government and—some believers say—its replacement with religious deities, with Jesus Christ at the helm, and unity with our space brethren.
The film focuses on one particular group of NESARA true believers out of Salt Lake City,Utah—and how they have been influenced by the NESARA phenomenon. We hope it brings up questions about faith, desperation, poverty, hope, money and debt in today's America, and how a new religion is born.
A current Google search brings up over 50,000 hits worldwide (54.900 at 5-29-'05, - ed.).
NESARA is an acronym for the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act, which is a legislative proposal that merely reintroduces specie as alternative currencies to help combat anti-inflationary policies of the paper currency. The NESARA proposal is sponsored by the “NESARA Institute”, having offices at 7635 Jefferson Highway, No. 354, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809 (Ph: 864-886-0657). Although the NESARA proposal has been presented to many Congresspersons over the years, and some have expressed interest in the proposal, it hasn't yet built up sufficient support for even introduction to Committee, much less to a full vote by Congress. Maybe someday the NESARA proposal will find support in Congress and may be presented for a vote, but that really isn't the point of this webpage. (You can read all about NESARA at The point of this webpage is that when certain scam artists claim that NESARA has been "enacted into law" by "secret Acts of Congress" they are telling a great big lie and total fabrication because NESARA has never even been formally made into a Bill or presented for either a Committee vote or a full vote or Congress
Scam artists often latch on to something that sounds good to relieve suckers of money. For example, scam artists will often set up boiler-room phone solicitations to seek charitable donations for firemen or policemen, which the scam artists then pocket without actually giving any money to firemen or policemen. The making of charitable donations to firemen and policemen is a good thing, but the scam artists simply divert the donations to their own pockets.
The NESARA proposal is currently being used in just this sort of a scam. Some of the same people who helped keep alive the myth that Omega Trust & Trading would eventually pay out millions of dollars for every $100 sent to “trader” Clyde Hood (now convicted and serving a lengthy prison sentence), are now saying that Omega Trust & Trading and the other “original Prosperity Programs” will still pay out their millions/ billions/ trillions/ quadrillions of dollars when (not if) the “true NESARA law” is finally announced.
The scam artists pitching the NESARA scam claim that the “True NESARA Law” was already adopted by Congress in 2001, but that Congress has been keeping it a secret all this time (like anybody in Washington D.C. can really keep a secret about anything), and that soon the “True NESARA Law” will be announced. According to these scam artists, the “True NESARA Law” does the following:
All of the “Prosperity Programs” (failed HYIP and bank debenture scams) will fund, giving zillions of dollars to those smart enough to have invested in them and believed in them even after their promoters were convicted of fraud and went to prison.
Because the funding of the “Prosperity Programs” will swamp the Earth with wealth, nobody in any country will ever have to pay taxes again, which is nice.
Because the banks will have more money than they will know what to do with (because of deposits from those smart enough to invest in the “Prosperity Programs”), there will be “Debt Forgiveness” of all debts, i.e., home mortgage payments, car payments, credit card payments, whatever, which is also nice.
The scam artists have set up several websites “updating” NESARA and pitching the coming debt forgiveness and new money system. These websites make some of the wildest, bizarre, and downright gut-busting statements as to why the “True NESARA Law” has not yet been announced. For instance, at NESARA_Update.html the scammers claim that on September 11, 2001,
" at 10 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, Alan Greenspan, was scheduled to announce the new Treasury Bank system, DEBT FORGIVENESS for all U.S. citizens, and abolishment of the IRS as the first part of the public announcements of NESARA.
Instead, at just before and after 9 a.m. EDT, planes attacked the World Trade Center. The attack on the WTC served to stop the announcement of NESARA because a crucial banking computer center on the first and second floors of the WTC was prevented from carrying out a computer system download to U.S. banks which was scheduled to begin at 9 A.M. EDT."
This same website similarly claims that:
“For the last month in Orange County California, citizens have been receiving letters enabling them to have ALL their credit card debts forgiven and their mortgage debt taken off their shoulders. If their mortgage was taken out before 1997, it is totally "forgiven" and the DEED to the property will be mailed out to the owner. If the mortgage was taken out during 1997 or later, the mortgage bank is required to turn it into a "self-liquidating loan" which the BANKS are required to pay off on behalf of the citizens. Some lucky people in Orange County are receiving these benefits of NESARA which EVERY citizen in the United States is SUPPOSED to have ALREADY RECEIVED!”
Hmmm. So everybody in Orange County, California (about 4 million people) had all their debts forgiven but the rest of the nation didn’t hear about it? Wow, the power of the government to suppress information cannot be underestimated! For that matter, we here at Quatloos! are all in Orange County, but our debts weren’t forgiven. Hmmm.
But if you think all of that is strange, you haven’t heard anything yet. The primary scam artist goes by the name of "Dove of Oneness" or usually just “Dove” hosts a website called “The Four Winds” at that spews a bunch of New Age hooey, such as “Lord Ari’s Galactic Tales”. Additionally, Dove has an “update line” that you can call at: (206) 781-3897 to hear the latest updates on the “True NESARA Law”. These updates, which are archived both on Dove’s website and ours (for posterity, of course) offer totally bizarre news events, such as that “100,000 Bankers who would not accept the True NESARA Law have been eliminated” and that the spaceships of the Galacticans are regularly seen visiting Washington D.C.
For those of you in law enforcement, Dove has listed her address for purposes of sending “donations” as:
3430 Pacific Ave. SE
Suite A6, Box 217
Olympia, Washington 98501
which apparently, in a course consistent with more sane scam artists, is simply a drop-box. Dove has conspired with a bunch of other scam artists/nuts
But others much less intelligent have allowed themselves to be drawn into this scam, as have some who have been mentioned as “White Knights” (whom the scammers claim are persons that protect the “True NESARA Law” and fight for it’s announcement) who probably aren’t even aware of NESARA. The nut category includes Sheldan Nidle, who gives updates from the Planetary Activation Organization,, and writer David Icke,, who claims that most important politicians and leaders are actually shape-shifting lizards from outer space, see icke/ temp/ reptconn.html.
But as amazingly stupid as all this stuff is, it is still nothing more-or-less than a scam, and one that is at times simple to discern and at other times more complex.
The easy part of the scam is little more than a common “donations” scam. Dove and several of these nuts openly solicit “donations”, ostensibly to keep their phone lines on, etc. When they need more money, they will spin a bogus tale of somebody needed medical treatment or an operation, or about somebody’s house about to foreclosed, and invite their listeners to send them money. Then, they simply pocket the cash.
The most active of these scammers is Jennifer Lee who, again for our friends in law enforcement, lists her address for purposes of sending “donations” as:
8726 South Sepulveda, Apt. B-13
Los Angeles, California, 90045
Jennifer operates her own “update line” at (310) 842-5902, and daily (and sometimes three or four times per day) generates several minutes of airhead stream-of-consciousness, usually summarizing Dove’s updates or reciting the babble of several other scam artists who have come on board. These scam artists have amusing names, such as “A and A”, the “King of Swords”, and our personal favorite, “The Nameless Ones”.
Usually, towards the end of her message, Jennifer will spin a sob story about not being able to pay the rent, or pay her phone bill, or pay her electricity bill, or whatever else comes to mind, and about once a week she asks for money to “help” somebody else out. The Galacticans must sure be cheap if they themselves can’t help ‘ol Jennifer out with the phone bill!
From this relatively simple scam comes the more complex stuff. Dove and other scam artists will from time-to-time either offer themselves or direct their listeners to their shills who continue to sell units in one or another of the “Prosperity Programs”. Believe-it-or-not, people actually send money to these idiots to buy units in programs that have proven to be totally fraudulent, and where the original promoters (such as Omega’s Clyde Hood) are serving long prison terms. Ah, the stupid and their money shall soon be parted . . .
Some of Dove’s function is just to keep the scam victims quiet and thinking that eventually they will receive their money. Before Clyde and the other Omega fraudsters were indicted, Dove was strident in remarks aimed at keeping the sheep in line for sheering. Although we’re not sure, Dove’s voice seems eerily familiar to that of “Mumbles”, who ran a scam called Destiny that was supposed to “fund” at the same time as Omega. People actually sent “Mumbles” $100 bills wrapped in aluminum, without getting receipts, and then listened to bizarre messages predicting imminent funding on a voice machine traced to Texas. Again, the stupid and their money are soon parted . . .
This scam also has, in addition to the weird New Age aspects, an extremist left-wing bent. Hardly a week goes by that Dove doesn’t call for or predict the arrest of Bush, Cheney, et al., and at times Dove’s messages have seemed to be an open invitation for some nut to take unilateral action and attempt to assassinate them so that the “Prosperity Programs” can finally fund.
More information on other these and other looney-tunes is on our Omega Chronicles page, at cm-omega/ omega-chronicals.htm
One of our Quatloos! readers recently sent an e-mail to Dove crony “Patrick Bellringer” and received the following reply:
I am a newcomer to Nesara and I am very happy to know that it may soon become a reality. However, as I have read many of the articles and thought about many aspects of the law and its implementation, I have a few questions. Perhaps you can answer some of them.
1. Since this is apparently so secret, how is it that you seems to have so much access to what is going on?
1) KOS (King of Swords) The White Knight in charge of all White Knights communicates truth to select individuals for release to the public. A few other "insiders" are doing the same.
2. If higher souls and masters, such as St. Germain and Sananda are helping run things, why push for it to perhaps be announced before things are ready?
2) Admiral Sananda, who is in charge of Earth Shan's transition, gave the order weeks ago to the White Knights to announce NESARA. Things are ready!
3. I do find it difficult to believe that so many people could keep this thing a secret. Washington is particularly not noted for keeping secrets.
3) Secrecy under threat of death. Some have broken their silence and are now deaded!
4. I am in retailing and when I look at the people I deal with every day, when I think of Nesara being passed, I see chaos and confusion. When people are told that their dollars have decreased in number( but not value), that prices are being cut and they no longer will have taxes withheld,they are going to have more to deal with than many of them are capable of handling. Add to that that the administration and congress will resign and I can see riots and paranoia being rampant.
4) When prices and salaries are reduced by the same ratio--buying power remains the same. People are not ignorant. They will be relieved to have no debt, no income tax, and no evil government. Where are you at? Things will move forward in an orderly fashion. We White Knights are not stupid!
5. Dove talks about these prosperity programs. Was one of them the Omega Trust? I came across a reference to it somewhere and there was a person named Dove apparently involved in that. Where can I find more info on these programs?
5) Why do you want to know about Omega? It is closed to new people and held confidential. You will have your opportunity to participate in a prosperity program---later.
6. I love many of the ideas that Nesara puts forth, but one of the things I keep hearing in many of the articles is When do I get MY money? It seems that many of the current have-nots want to become "haves". If this is the motivation, I predict disaster for the whole thing.
6) People are anxious to get their funds to get on with their lives and their humanitarian projects. I have waited ten years, and I am angry. Those with greed will get nothing.
7. I e-mailed one of the national radio websites about Nesara and they said they had not found any documentation that it was real. The 10 ways Dove lists to prove that Nesara is real ( NESARA/ history/ dove101702.html) are a joke as far as I'm concerned. How many people do you know that are bank presidents or member of the German legislature?
7) If you think that Dove's list of 10 ways to prove NESARA is a joke---then I consider you to be most ignorant and quite lazy. With that attitude you deserve no part of NESARA. It is obvious that you have had no part in it, thus far.
As funny as all this is, what is even funnier is that Dove and Jennifer constantly imploring their listeners to send postcards to the U.S. Supreme Court demanding announcement of the “True NESARA Law”, and to write “NESARA Now!” when you send in your utility bills, postcards for magazine subscriptions, etc. We can only image the poor mail room clerk at Pacific Bell getting a bunch of phone bills with “NESARA Now!” written on them and wondering just what in the hell NESARA is . . .
The extreme left-wing agenda of Dove seems strangely similar to that of the "Communist Party USA" found at It will be recalled that "debt forgiveness" was a common theme of both Lenin's and Castro's communist takeovers. It certainly wouldn't surprise us if later Dove is found to be fronting for some fringe communist or socialist party.
NESARA is an acronym for the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act, which is a legislative proposal that merely reintroduces specie as alternative currencies to help combat anti-inflationary policies of the paper currency. The NESARA proposal is sponsored by the “NESARA Institute”, having offices at 7635 Jefferson Highway, No. 354, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809 (Ph: 864-886-0657). Although the NESARA proposal has been presented to many Congresspersons over the years, and some have expressed interest in the proposal, it hasn't yet built up sufficient support for even introduction to Committee, much less to a full vote by Congress. Maybe someday the NESARA proposal will find support in Congress and may be presented for a vote, but that really isn't the point of this webpage. (You can read all about NESARA at The point of this webpage is that when certain scam artists claim that NESARA has been "enacted into law" by "secret Acts of Congress" they are telling a great big lie and total fabrication because NESARA has never even been formally made into a Bill or presented for either a Committee vote or a full vote or Congress
Scam artists often latch on to something that sounds good to relieve suckers of money. For example, scam artists will often set up boiler-room phone solicitations to seek charitable donations for firemen or policemen, which the scam artists then pocket without actually giving any money to firemen or policemen. The making of charitable donations to firemen and policemen is a good thing, but the scam artists simply divert the donations to their own pockets.
The NESARA proposal is currently being used in just this sort of a scam. Some of the same people who helped keep alive the myth that Omega Trust & Trading would eventually pay out millions of dollars for every $100 sent to “trader” Clyde Hood (now convicted and serving a lengthy prison sentence), are now saying that Omega Trust & Trading and the other “original Prosperity Programs” will still pay out their millions/ billions/ trillions/ quadrillions of dollars when (not if) the “true NESARA law” is finally announced.
The scam artists pitching the NESARA scam claim that the “True NESARA Law” was already adopted by Congress in 2001, but that Congress has been keeping it a secret all this time (like anybody in Washington D.C. can really keep a secret about anything), and that soon the “True NESARA Law” will be announced. According to these scam artists, the “True NESARA Law” does the following:
All of the “Prosperity Programs” (failed HYIP and bank debenture scams) will fund, giving zillions of dollars to those smart enough to have invested in them and believed in them even after their promoters were convicted of fraud and went to prison.
Because the funding of the “Prosperity Programs” will swamp the Earth with wealth, nobody in any country will ever have to pay taxes again, which is nice.
Because the banks will have more money than they will know what to do with (because of deposits from those smart enough to invest in the “Prosperity Programs”), there will be “Debt Forgiveness” of all debts, i.e., home mortgage payments, car payments, credit card payments, whatever, which is also nice.
The scam artists have set up several websites “updating” NESARA and pitching the coming debt forgiveness and new money system. These websites make some of the wildest, bizarre, and downright gut-busting statements as to why the “True NESARA Law” has not yet been announced. For instance, at NESARA_Update.html the scammers claim that on September 11, 2001,
" at 10 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, Alan Greenspan, was scheduled to announce the new Treasury Bank system, DEBT FORGIVENESS for all U.S. citizens, and abolishment of the IRS as the first part of the public announcements of NESARA.
Instead, at just before and after 9 a.m. EDT, planes attacked the World Trade Center. The attack on the WTC served to stop the announcement of NESARA because a crucial banking computer center on the first and second floors of the WTC was prevented from carrying out a computer system download to U.S. banks which was scheduled to begin at 9 A.M. EDT."
This same website similarly claims that:
“For the last month in Orange County California, citizens have been receiving letters enabling them to have ALL their credit card debts forgiven and their mortgage debt taken off their shoulders. If their mortgage was taken out before 1997, it is totally "forgiven" and the DEED to the property will be mailed out to the owner. If the mortgage was taken out during 1997 or later, the mortgage bank is required to turn it into a "self-liquidating loan" which the BANKS are required to pay off on behalf of the citizens. Some lucky people in Orange County are receiving these benefits of NESARA which EVERY citizen in the United States is SUPPOSED to have ALREADY RECEIVED!”
Hmmm. So everybody in Orange County, California (about 4 million people) had all their debts forgiven but the rest of the nation didn’t hear about it? Wow, the power of the government to suppress information cannot be underestimated! For that matter, we here at Quatloos! are all in Orange County, but our debts weren’t forgiven. Hmmm.
But if you think all of that is strange, you haven’t heard anything yet. The primary scam artist goes by the name of "Dove of Oneness" or usually just “Dove” hosts a website called “The Four Winds” at that spews a bunch of New Age hooey, such as “Lord Ari’s Galactic Tales”. Additionally, Dove has an “update line” that you can call at: (206) 781-3897 to hear the latest updates on the “True NESARA Law”. These updates, which are archived both on Dove’s website and ours (for posterity, of course) offer totally bizarre news events, such as that “100,000 Bankers who would not accept the True NESARA Law have been eliminated” and that the spaceships of the Galacticans are regularly seen visiting Washington D.C.
For those of you in law enforcement, Dove has listed her address for purposes of sending “donations” as:
3430 Pacific Ave. SE
Suite A6, Box 217
Olympia, Washington 98501
which apparently, in a course consistent with more sane scam artists, is simply a drop-box. Dove has conspired with a bunch of other scam artists/nuts
But others much less intelligent have allowed themselves to be drawn into this scam, as have some who have been mentioned as “White Knights” (whom the scammers claim are persons that protect the “True NESARA Law” and fight for it’s announcement) who probably aren’t even aware of NESARA. The nut category includes Sheldan Nidle, who gives updates from the Planetary Activation Organization,, and writer David Icke,, who claims that most important politicians and leaders are actually shape-shifting lizards from outer space, see icke/ temp/ reptconn.html.
But as amazingly stupid as all this stuff is, it is still nothing more-or-less than a scam, and one that is at times simple to discern and at other times more complex.
The easy part of the scam is little more than a common “donations” scam. Dove and several of these nuts openly solicit “donations”, ostensibly to keep their phone lines on, etc. When they need more money, they will spin a bogus tale of somebody needed medical treatment or an operation, or about somebody’s house about to foreclosed, and invite their listeners to send them money. Then, they simply pocket the cash.
The most active of these scammers is Jennifer Lee who, again for our friends in law enforcement, lists her address for purposes of sending “donations” as:
8726 South Sepulveda, Apt. B-13
Los Angeles, California, 90045
Jennifer operates her own “update line” at (310) 842-5902, and daily (and sometimes three or four times per day) generates several minutes of airhead stream-of-consciousness, usually summarizing Dove’s updates or reciting the babble of several other scam artists who have come on board. These scam artists have amusing names, such as “A and A”, the “King of Swords”, and our personal favorite, “The Nameless Ones”.
Usually, towards the end of her message, Jennifer will spin a sob story about not being able to pay the rent, or pay her phone bill, or pay her electricity bill, or whatever else comes to mind, and about once a week she asks for money to “help” somebody else out. The Galacticans must sure be cheap if they themselves can’t help ‘ol Jennifer out with the phone bill!
From this relatively simple scam comes the more complex stuff. Dove and other scam artists will from time-to-time either offer themselves or direct their listeners to their shills who continue to sell units in one or another of the “Prosperity Programs”. Believe-it-or-not, people actually send money to these idiots to buy units in programs that have proven to be totally fraudulent, and where the original promoters (such as Omega’s Clyde Hood) are serving long prison terms. Ah, the stupid and their money shall soon be parted . . .
Some of Dove’s function is just to keep the scam victims quiet and thinking that eventually they will receive their money. Before Clyde and the other Omega fraudsters were indicted, Dove was strident in remarks aimed at keeping the sheep in line for sheering. Although we’re not sure, Dove’s voice seems eerily familiar to that of “Mumbles”, who ran a scam called Destiny that was supposed to “fund” at the same time as Omega. People actually sent “Mumbles” $100 bills wrapped in aluminum, without getting receipts, and then listened to bizarre messages predicting imminent funding on a voice machine traced to Texas. Again, the stupid and their money are soon parted . . .
This scam also has, in addition to the weird New Age aspects, an extremist left-wing bent. Hardly a week goes by that Dove doesn’t call for or predict the arrest of Bush, Cheney, et al., and at times Dove’s messages have seemed to be an open invitation for some nut to take unilateral action and attempt to assassinate them so that the “Prosperity Programs” can finally fund.
More information on other these and other looney-tunes is on our Omega Chronicles page, at cm-omega/ omega-chronicals.htm
One of our Quatloos! readers recently sent an e-mail to Dove crony “Patrick Bellringer” and received the following reply:
I am a newcomer to Nesara and I am very happy to know that it may soon become a reality. However, as I have read many of the articles and thought about many aspects of the law and its implementation, I have a few questions. Perhaps you can answer some of them.
1. Since this is apparently so secret, how is it that you seems to have so much access to what is going on?
1) KOS (King of Swords) The White Knight in charge of all White Knights communicates truth to select individuals for release to the public. A few other "insiders" are doing the same.
2. If higher souls and masters, such as St. Germain and Sananda are helping run things, why push for it to perhaps be announced before things are ready?
2) Admiral Sananda, who is in charge of Earth Shan's transition, gave the order weeks ago to the White Knights to announce NESARA. Things are ready!
3. I do find it difficult to believe that so many people could keep this thing a secret. Washington is particularly not noted for keeping secrets.
3) Secrecy under threat of death. Some have broken their silence and are now deaded!
4. I am in retailing and when I look at the people I deal with every day, when I think of Nesara being passed, I see chaos and confusion. When people are told that their dollars have decreased in number( but not value), that prices are being cut and they no longer will have taxes withheld,they are going to have more to deal with than many of them are capable of handling. Add to that that the administration and congress will resign and I can see riots and paranoia being rampant.
4) When prices and salaries are reduced by the same ratio--buying power remains the same. People are not ignorant. They will be relieved to have no debt, no income tax, and no evil government. Where are you at? Things will move forward in an orderly fashion. We White Knights are not stupid!
5. Dove talks about these prosperity programs. Was one of them the Omega Trust? I came across a reference to it somewhere and there was a person named Dove apparently involved in that. Where can I find more info on these programs?
5) Why do you want to know about Omega? It is closed to new people and held confidential. You will have your opportunity to participate in a prosperity program---later.
6. I love many of the ideas that Nesara puts forth, but one of the things I keep hearing in many of the articles is When do I get MY money? It seems that many of the current have-nots want to become "haves". If this is the motivation, I predict disaster for the whole thing.
6) People are anxious to get their funds to get on with their lives and their humanitarian projects. I have waited ten years, and I am angry. Those with greed will get nothing.
7. I e-mailed one of the national radio websites about Nesara and they said they had not found any documentation that it was real. The 10 ways Dove lists to prove that Nesara is real ( NESARA/ history/ dove101702.html) are a joke as far as I'm concerned. How many people do you know that are bank presidents or member of the German legislature?
7) If you think that Dove's list of 10 ways to prove NESARA is a joke---then I consider you to be most ignorant and quite lazy. With that attitude you deserve no part of NESARA. It is obvious that you have had no part in it, thus far.
As funny as all this is, what is even funnier is that Dove and Jennifer constantly imploring their listeners to send postcards to the U.S. Supreme Court demanding announcement of the “True NESARA Law”, and to write “NESARA Now!” when you send in your utility bills, postcards for magazine subscriptions, etc. We can only image the poor mail room clerk at Pacific Bell getting a bunch of phone bills with “NESARA Now!” written on them and wondering just what in the hell NESARA is . . .
The extreme left-wing agenda of Dove seems strangely similar to that of the "Communist Party USA" found at It will be recalled that "debt forgiveness" was a common theme of both Lenin's and Castro's communist takeovers. It certainly wouldn't surprise us if later Dove is found to be fronting for some fringe communist or socialist party.
"It would seem impossible that an intelligent people, with the faculty of reading and the right of thinking, should continue much longer to slumber under the pupilage of an interested aristocracy of priests and lawyers, persuading them to distrust themselves, and to let them think for them." -- President Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Thomas Seymour, February 11th, 1807. As Plato observed in the Republic, there are four types of government -- Timarchy, Oligarchy, Democracy and Tyranny: we once had a democratic Republic, but it now lies in a deep coma, chloroformed by the savage greed of bankers and their New World Order allies.
On Sunday, January 27th, just a few minutes before 9:00 PM EDT, Virginia M. Brooks of the Reform Party moved a message on the Yahoo discussion group, Free Reform. In that e-mail, which has been recirculated to other interested members of the Reform movement, and to political independents, a November 11th posting on NESARA and its origins was included in its entirety, and with additional materials ostensibly forwarded by the Dove of Oneness, in the days and weeks after November 11th, 2001.
My recent posting to Rumor Mill News, entitled "Slavery & NESARA ..." was, in essence, a challenge to the so-called White Knights and all of those persons who have accepted the Dove's pronunciamentoes as being 'the new gospel.' My analysis of the events of the late 1830's, culminating in the creation of the Independent Treasury by the actions of New York lawmakers in support of President Martin Van Buren, was designed to show that a three-year sequence of events preceeded the formation of that independent treasury system, and that openly-aired political grievances from the opposition had to be addressed or solved, to get it passed and signed into law. The key facts that informed this analysis include the collapse, in 1839, of Nicholas Biddle's United States Bank of Pennsylvania; and the subsequent return of dissident western Democrats and southern Conservatives to the ranks of Van Buren's "Democracy." Thus, he obtained the votes in the House and in the Senate that he needed to win passage of this sweeping legislation.
The message moved to the Reform party reflector, via Yahoo, recapitulates, again, the assertions by the Dove of Oneness that NESARA -- the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act -- was the result of legal decisions handed down by the Supreme Court of the United States beginning in 1993, and that the Act itself was written and approved early in 2000, and then signed into law by William Jefferson Clinton on the 10th of October of that year. Additional resolutions were passed in June and July of 2001 and the supposed date of announcement was -- 9/11.
However, as the Dove and as this fellow from Australia assert, George W. Bush and his corrupt cronies in the British-dominanted corporate federal government pulled "a fast one," and used their Black Operations to send four jet airplanes crashing into key targets, thus cancelling the operative plan for telling the U.S. and the whole world about NESARA at 10:00 AM on September 11th. Key to the plan was the abolition of the Internal Revenue Service and the resignation of all members of Congress and of the sitting President and Vice President.
The message moved on Yahoo also includes this statement, which has also appeared before in other variations:
"The U.S. Supreme Court’s rulings were ordered kept SECRET until the official public announcement of these sweeping government restorations. This required that the NESARA law be passed secretly in March 2000. All who were officially involved with it’s [sic] passage and implementation were sworn to secrecy or faced TREASON charges and EXECUTION for breaking the secrecy requirements."
Because treason consists of levying war against the United States as a lawful union of sovereign and republican States, "or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." -- Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution, certain questions must immediately arise concerning the foregoing quote.
How does breaking an oath or pledge of secrecy constitute levying war against the United States? How does breaking an oath or a pledge of secrecy concerning what is supposed to be a lawfully-written and passed federal law, NESARA, constitute giving "Aid and Comfort" to an enemy in the time of war?
The answer must revolve around one of two possible answers:
1) the national security Timarchy which actually controls and operates the corporate shell of the federal government has and must have, an extra-constitutional standing in the world at large, which means it is either a Brotherhood of Piracy or a secret army which operates with Titles of Honor -- those hoary remnants of the Napoleonic era which were prohibited by the constitutional amendment of 1810, and ratified in 1819;
2) or, the national security Timarchy is a second-tier operation controlled by the City of London and the aristocracy of British Zionism, which includes the royal families of Holland, Belgium, England and Wales. If that is true, then the key members of the Timarchy are both British nationals and citizens of the U.S. who have accepted or earned both Titles of Nobility and Honor.
In either case, the Timarchy of spies, saboteurs, false-flag diplomats and merchant bankers has near-absolute control over the electronic news media in these United States. In a society which has been almost completely 'secularized,' over the last thirty years -- some say, by the deliberate cultural planning of the Tavistock group -- the golden girls and handsome fellows of MSNBC, Cable News Network, and perhaps even of the Fox News operation are the 'priests' and 'priestesses' of this new era.
Bill White, writing in the English-language edition of Pravda on the Internet, makes this observation about the 'mainstream' conservative and liberal news magazines which prescribe the limits and the definitions of this priestly "news media" class:
" ... the neo-liberal New Republic and the neo-conservative Weekly Standard, advocating the new American police state and the expansion of dictatorial powers in the hands of America’s security services, [sponsor] writers [who] have advocated torture, deportation to Israel, identity cards, perpetual war for perpetual peace, and all the other trappings of U.S. imperialism and centralized authoritarianism that their “conservative” views allege to repudiate."
The priestly class in this new century is a very elite group. They are beautiful to look upon, with mellifluous voices and a seemingly 'deep understanding,' of current events. They are hired to inspire confidence in what they say, regardless of what it is, or whether it makes any sense at all!!
Having seen the Tavistockers take 'religious thought' and trash it, and having seen many 'spiritual values' stripped out of daily life, the national security Timarchy wisely uses and manipulates these "news fakers," as the great Sherman Skolnick calls them, to create a New Myth.
Or should it be more properly called, "a News Myth." Beginning way back with Joseph Pulitzer, the populace of these free States has been conditioned (or informed by repetition of the lies), to believe that the reporting and broadcasts of the mass media news organs conform to some special standard of objectivity. In the case of Martin Van Buren and the Jacksonian Democrats, every man who could read with any skill understood that the newspapers of that day and time were published by political creatures. So, too, the women of that era -- who were either lucky enough or wealthy enough to have time to read -- understood that the news was always slanted by the owners of the presses, and that the "news" in the newspaper was presented to conform to whatever political agenda those publishers and those editors had going.
The Independent Treasury law of 1840 blocked the ambitions of British Zionism with regard to creating another 'reserve bank,' that their forces, allies and minions could control. There is only one needed proof of the long-term efficacy of this law, and it is the subsequent additions to the union of Florida, Iowa, Texas, California and Oregon, and the organization of the Territories of Colorado, Dakota, Nebraska and then Wyoming.
Experts on the true history of the United States know that the British were clever schemers then, as now. They were willing, in the 1840s, to part with their joint control of Oregon -- if their control of western Canada was improved and guaranteed by treaty, which it was -- but the British fought long and hard to keep Texas from becoming a part of the union, hoping that it would either revert to a corrupted Mexico or be an independent weakling they could control by virtue of their buying power in the cotton markets. Such was the wisdom and the clarity of Andrew Jackson's mind, even in the last years of his life, that he was able to see their devious plotting: and so, he worked with Sam Houston and James K. Polk to frustrate these British designs and to bring Texas into the union.
How then, does the national security Timarchy continue to exert their control over these United States, if what was written in the original message of last November is true, as posted to the Reform Party yesterday -- "Because of the intense involvement of top ranking officers in the U.S. Military, Special Forces in the command of these officers performed important support actions required by NESARA. Some of these Special Forces included military intelligence groups with which I have
connections. I learned about the secret passage of NESARA through my military intelligence connections. I had it confirmed by an agent of the National Security Agency and this agent also found that NESARA was signed on October 10, 2000 by Clinton."
Why then was the announcement of NESARA delayed by more than a year? Why not force the issue right before the Presidential elections of 2000, when the entire House was up for renewal, and when six presidential candidates each had a valid chance to be selected? One-third of the Senate was also up for re-election, and the States could have scheduled new elections shortly after the turn of the year 2001 for the remainder of the Senate, so why wasn't this done, and done then? Why wait until the whole economy is mired in a recession so deep it begins to resemble that hated and fearsome word -- depression?
Was it necessary to obtain the resignations of substantial numbers of the Clintonista posse, the federal bureaucrats and workers and office-holders which William J. and Hillary R. had installed in across the country? Was it somehow necessary to derail Albert S. Gore -- by hook or by crooked votes -- when the Dove has repeatedly asserted that Gore knew he would have to resign, the same way she says Bush-the-Lesser was supposed to do?
The Timarchy which really operates the corporate federal beast has not been reluctant to show itself off, in the last year. The network television executives who all dance to their tunes carefully planned new entertainments like ABC's "Alias," where a rogue intelligence operation fights the true (and loyal) CIA, or "The District," where the Chief of Police in Washington, D.C. is made out to be a) white, b) handsome, c) intellectual, d) a tireless crusader against drugs, guns, gangs and hate crimes.
"Since Clinton’s signing of NESARA in October 2000, the White Knights have pressed forward in activities to have NESARA fully implemented. Corrupt politicians and officials of the federal government have fought NESARA’s implementation at every juncture. NESARA requires the resignations of many federal government officials and politicians in order to provide a CLEAN break with the past federal government FRAUD and a NEW START under the restoration of Constitutional Law. (We will have new elections soon after NESARA is announced and a transitional government as required by the U.S. Supreme Court’s rulings.)"
As an intensely political person, this last statement certainly fascinates me: first, where is there any authority for the creation of "a transitional government," in either the Constitution or in some international treaty? Second, a careful analysis of the current political situation indicates that those who are in office now are intent on remaining in office. To wit, Christopher Dodd -- U.S. Senator from Connecticut -- has just recently been seen huddling with Susan St. James, the arch-liberal Democratic activist who is married to NBC honcho, Dick Ebersol. She is a key to the ambitions of any liberal politician who wants to run for the Presidency! That means that the eastern liberals and the post-Clintonista "Democracy" have jettisoned the notion that Hillary Rodham Clinton is a shoo-in for the 2004 nomination, and that Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut is losing his "lustre," even as he criss-crosses the country and the world, looking to be presidential in all ways.
As I stated in my posting on Slavery and NESARA, there is just no indication whatsoever that any true change is in the offing, at least not politically speaking, but Rayelan's comments and her summary of the news and what is newsworthy gave me pause, and the cause to rethink what I was asserting.
If it is true that the Timarchy which controls the federal government is loyal to British interests, as I suspect it is, then they are at war with the American people, both in the United States and in other parts of this hemisphere. If it is true that the Timarchy has standing as a Brotherhood of Piracy, then its origins are more difficult to grasp, but its true power may be less well-grounded, or shallow in its foundations.
What is peculiarly troubling, is the statement made in the message of November 11th, that Alan Greenspan is the one who was going to announce the reality of NESARA on September 11th, and that he would somehow be content to extract himself from his role as the Chairman of the Federal Reserve System. Was it the case that NESARA would require everyone to resign, except him?
The Federal Reserve was concocted by men who were ready, willing and able to sell their country and their home States into a kind of permanent indentured servitude. Their British masters have, since that time, erected their own Zionistic intrigues and they have embroiled these United States in every one of their messy, bloody, dirty little wars. They have corrupted both major party organizations so thoroughly it is impossible to tell them apart, any more, and every true third-party movement since the Populist rebellion which preceeded the fraudulent Sixteenth Amendment, the Income Tax and the Federal Reserve has been pilloried, sabotaged, eroded from within or just plain killed off.
The idea that the victories of British Zionism, purchased with the blood of U.S. veterans and the sorrow of U.S. workers and their families, will be willingly sacrificed and surrendered on the order of a court -- any court anywhere -- is an idea which remains too slippery to grasp, too improbable to consider, too wierd to understand.
In the words of the old gospel song -- "Can I get a Witness?"
White Knights, patriots, libertarians -- what say you to these presentments? Whither NESARA? It is hope or is it a fiction?
"It would seem impossible that an intelligent people, with the faculty of reading and the right of thinking, should continue much longer to slumber under the pupilage of an interested aristocracy of priests and lawyers, persuading them to distrust themselves, and to let them think for them." -- President Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Thomas Seymour, February 11th, 1807. As Plato observed in the Republic, there are four types of government -- Timarchy, Oligarchy, Democracy and Tyranny: we once had a democratic Republic, but it now lies in a deep coma, chloroformed by the savage greed of bankers and their New World Order allies.
On Sunday, January 27th, just a few minutes before 9:00 PM EDT, Virginia M. Brooks of the Reform Party moved a message on the Yahoo discussion group, Free Reform. In that e-mail, which has been recirculated to other interested members of the Reform movement, and to political independents, a November 11th posting on NESARA and its origins was included in its entirety, and with additional materials ostensibly forwarded by the Dove of Oneness, in the days and weeks after November 11th, 2001.
My recent posting to Rumor Mill News, entitled "Slavery & NESARA ..." was, in essence, a challenge to the so-called White Knights and all of those persons who have accepted the Dove's pronunciamentoes as being 'the new gospel.' My analysis of the events of the late 1830's, culminating in the creation of the Independent Treasury by the actions of New York lawmakers in support of President Martin Van Buren, was designed to show that a three-year sequence of events preceeded the formation of that independent treasury system, and that openly-aired political grievances from the opposition had to be addressed or solved, to get it passed and signed into law. The key facts that informed this analysis include the collapse, in 1839, of Nicholas Biddle's United States Bank of Pennsylvania; and the subsequent return of dissident western Democrats and southern Conservatives to the ranks of Van Buren's "Democracy." Thus, he obtained the votes in the House and in the Senate that he needed to win passage of this sweeping legislation.
The message moved to the Reform party reflector, via Yahoo, recapitulates, again, the assertions by the Dove of Oneness that NESARA -- the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act -- was the result of legal decisions handed down by the Supreme Court of the United States beginning in 1993, and that the Act itself was written and approved early in 2000, and then signed into law by William Jefferson Clinton on the 10th of October of that year. Additional resolutions were passed in June and July of 2001 and the supposed date of announcement was -- 9/11.
However, as the Dove and as this fellow from Australia assert, George W. Bush and his corrupt cronies in the British-dominanted corporate federal government pulled "a fast one," and used their Black Operations to send four jet airplanes crashing into key targets, thus cancelling the operative plan for telling the U.S. and the whole world about NESARA at 10:00 AM on September 11th. Key to the plan was the abolition of the Internal Revenue Service and the resignation of all members of Congress and of the sitting President and Vice President.
The message moved on Yahoo also includes this statement, which has also appeared before in other variations:
"The U.S. Supreme Court’s rulings were ordered kept SECRET until the official public announcement of these sweeping government restorations. This required that the NESARA law be passed secretly in March 2000. All who were officially involved with it’s [sic] passage and implementation were sworn to secrecy or faced TREASON charges and EXECUTION for breaking the secrecy requirements."
Because treason consists of levying war against the United States as a lawful union of sovereign and republican States, "or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." -- Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution, certain questions must immediately arise concerning the foregoing quote.
How does breaking an oath or pledge of secrecy constitute levying war against the United States? How does breaking an oath or a pledge of secrecy concerning what is supposed to be a lawfully-written and passed federal law, NESARA, constitute giving "Aid and Comfort" to an enemy in the time of war?
The answer must revolve around one of two possible answers:
1) the national security Timarchy which actually controls and operates the corporate shell of the federal government has and must have, an extra-constitutional standing in the world at large, which means it is either a Brotherhood of Piracy or a secret army which operates with Titles of Honor -- those hoary remnants of the Napoleonic era which were prohibited by the constitutional amendment of 1810, and ratified in 1819;
2) or, the national security Timarchy is a second-tier operation controlled by the City of London and the aristocracy of British Zionism, which includes the royal families of Holland, Belgium, England and Wales. If that is true, then the key members of the Timarchy are both British nationals and citizens of the U.S. who have accepted or earned both Titles of Nobility and Honor.
In either case, the Timarchy of spies, saboteurs, false-flag diplomats and merchant bankers has near-absolute control over the electronic news media in these United States. In a society which has been almost completely 'secularized,' over the last thirty years -- some say, by the deliberate cultural planning of the Tavistock group -- the golden girls and handsome fellows of MSNBC, Cable News Network, and perhaps even of the Fox News operation are the 'priests' and 'priestesses' of this new era.
Bill White, writing in the English-language edition of Pravda on the Internet, makes this observation about the 'mainstream' conservative and liberal news magazines which prescribe the limits and the definitions of this priestly "news media" class:
" ... the neo-liberal New Republic and the neo-conservative Weekly Standard, advocating the new American police state and the expansion of dictatorial powers in the hands of America’s security services, [sponsor] writers [who] have advocated torture, deportation to Israel, identity cards, perpetual war for perpetual peace, and all the other trappings of U.S. imperialism and centralized authoritarianism that their “conservative” views allege to repudiate."
The priestly class in this new century is a very elite group. They are beautiful to look upon, with mellifluous voices and a seemingly 'deep understanding,' of current events. They are hired to inspire confidence in what they say, regardless of what it is, or whether it makes any sense at all!!
Having seen the Tavistockers take 'religious thought' and trash it, and having seen many 'spiritual values' stripped out of daily life, the national security Timarchy wisely uses and manipulates these "news fakers," as the great Sherman Skolnick calls them, to create a New Myth.
Or should it be more properly called, "a News Myth." Beginning way back with Joseph Pulitzer, the populace of these free States has been conditioned (or informed by repetition of the lies), to believe that the reporting and broadcasts of the mass media news organs conform to some special standard of objectivity. In the case of Martin Van Buren and the Jacksonian Democrats, every man who could read with any skill understood that the newspapers of that day and time were published by political creatures. So, too, the women of that era -- who were either lucky enough or wealthy enough to have time to read -- understood that the news was always slanted by the owners of the presses, and that the "news" in the newspaper was presented to conform to whatever political agenda those publishers and those editors had going.
The Independent Treasury law of 1840 blocked the ambitions of British Zionism with regard to creating another 'reserve bank,' that their forces, allies and minions could control. There is only one needed proof of the long-term efficacy of this law, and it is the subsequent additions to the union of Florida, Iowa, Texas, California and Oregon, and the organization of the Territories of Colorado, Dakota, Nebraska and then Wyoming.
Experts on the true history of the United States know that the British were clever schemers then, as now. They were willing, in the 1840s, to part with their joint control of Oregon -- if their control of western Canada was improved and guaranteed by treaty, which it was -- but the British fought long and hard to keep Texas from becoming a part of the union, hoping that it would either revert to a corrupted Mexico or be an independent weakling they could control by virtue of their buying power in the cotton markets. Such was the wisdom and the clarity of Andrew Jackson's mind, even in the last years of his life, that he was able to see their devious plotting: and so, he worked with Sam Houston and James K. Polk to frustrate these British designs and to bring Texas into the union.
How then, does the national security Timarchy continue to exert their control over these United States, if what was written in the original message of last November is true, as posted to the Reform Party yesterday -- "Because of the intense involvement of top ranking officers in the U.S. Military, Special Forces in the command of these officers performed important support actions required by NESARA. Some of these Special Forces included military intelligence groups with which I have
connections. I learned about the secret passage of NESARA through my military intelligence connections. I had it confirmed by an agent of the National Security Agency and this agent also found that NESARA was signed on October 10, 2000 by Clinton."
Why then was the announcement of NESARA delayed by more than a year? Why not force the issue right before the Presidential elections of 2000, when the entire House was up for renewal, and when six presidential candidates each had a valid chance to be selected? One-third of the Senate was also up for re-election, and the States could have scheduled new elections shortly after the turn of the year 2001 for the remainder of the Senate, so why wasn't this done, and done then? Why wait until the whole economy is mired in a recession so deep it begins to resemble that hated and fearsome word -- depression?
Was it necessary to obtain the resignations of substantial numbers of the Clintonista posse, the federal bureaucrats and workers and office-holders which William J. and Hillary R. had installed in across the country? Was it somehow necessary to derail Albert S. Gore -- by hook or by crooked votes -- when the Dove has repeatedly asserted that Gore knew he would have to resign, the same way she says Bush-the-Lesser was supposed to do?
The Timarchy which really operates the corporate federal beast has not been reluctant to show itself off, in the last year. The network television executives who all dance to their tunes carefully planned new entertainments like ABC's "Alias," where a rogue intelligence operation fights the true (and loyal) CIA, or "The District," where the Chief of Police in Washington, D.C. is made out to be a) white, b) handsome, c) intellectual, d) a tireless crusader against drugs, guns, gangs and hate crimes.
"Since Clinton’s signing of NESARA in October 2000, the White Knights have pressed forward in activities to have NESARA fully implemented. Corrupt politicians and officials of the federal government have fought NESARA’s implementation at every juncture. NESARA requires the resignations of many federal government officials and politicians in order to provide a CLEAN break with the past federal government FRAUD and a NEW START under the restoration of Constitutional Law. (We will have new elections soon after NESARA is announced and a transitional government as required by the U.S. Supreme Court’s rulings.)"
As an intensely political person, this last statement certainly fascinates me: first, where is there any authority for the creation of "a transitional government," in either the Constitution or in some international treaty? Second, a careful analysis of the current political situation indicates that those who are in office now are intent on remaining in office. To wit, Christopher Dodd -- U.S. Senator from Connecticut -- has just recently been seen huddling with Susan St. James, the arch-liberal Democratic activist who is married to NBC honcho, Dick Ebersol. She is a key to the ambitions of any liberal politician who wants to run for the Presidency! That means that the eastern liberals and the post-Clintonista "Democracy" have jettisoned the notion that Hillary Rodham Clinton is a shoo-in for the 2004 nomination, and that Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut is losing his "lustre," even as he criss-crosses the country and the world, looking to be presidential in all ways.
As I stated in my posting on Slavery and NESARA, there is just no indication whatsoever that any true change is in the offing, at least not politically speaking, but Rayelan's comments and her summary of the news and what is newsworthy gave me pause, and the cause to rethink what I was asserting.
If it is true that the Timarchy which controls the federal government is loyal to British interests, as I suspect it is, then they are at war with the American people, both in the United States and in other parts of this hemisphere. If it is true that the Timarchy has standing as a Brotherhood of Piracy, then its origins are more difficult to grasp, but its true power may be less well-grounded, or shallow in its foundations.
What is peculiarly troubling, is the statement made in the message of November 11th, that Alan Greenspan is the one who was going to announce the reality of NESARA on September 11th, and that he would somehow be content to extract himself from his role as the Chairman of the Federal Reserve System. Was it the case that NESARA would require everyone to resign, except him?
The Federal Reserve was concocted by men who were ready, willing and able to sell their country and their home States into a kind of permanent indentured servitude. Their British masters have, since that time, erected their own Zionistic intrigues and they have embroiled these United States in every one of their messy, bloody, dirty little wars. They have corrupted both major party organizations so thoroughly it is impossible to tell them apart, any more, and every true third-party movement since the Populist rebellion which preceeded the fraudulent Sixteenth Amendment, the Income Tax and the Federal Reserve has been pilloried, sabotaged, eroded from within or just plain killed off.
The idea that the victories of British Zionism, purchased with the blood of U.S. veterans and the sorrow of U.S. workers and their families, will be willingly sacrificed and surrendered on the order of a court -- any court anywhere -- is an idea which remains too slippery to grasp, too improbable to consider, too wierd to understand.
In the words of the old gospel song -- "Can I get a Witness?"
White Knights, patriots, libertarians -- what say you to these presentments? Whither NESARA? It is hope or is it a fiction?
Ni existen armas de destrucción masiva en Irak, ni existe Al-Qaeda, ni existen atentados mundiales islamicos, ni existe un peligro de creación nuclear en Irán, ni existe NESARA.
NESARA y los Omegas – Descubiertos!
Por Sherry Shriner
Traducido por Raysa Cruz, República Dominicana
Los creyentes en la Palabra de Dios han esperado por largo tiempo que los últimos días de las profecías Bíblicas salgan a la superficie. Creyentes en cada siglo han anticipado su arribo, y con cada cambio de centuria ellos estuvieron seguros de que ya iba a pasar, pero no pasaba nada. ¿Es ahora el tiempo? ¿Están aquí los últimos días profetizados a través de 1/3 de la Biblia?
El problema con la teología sistemática es que cada uno se atranca en una interpretación, en una línea de pensamiento. Y de esta forma las iglesias no están preparadas para las bolas curvas. ¿Qué si las cosas no pasan como exactamente ellos las están esperando? Sabemos esperar ciertas cosas, pero como llegamos al arribo y conclusión de que esas cosas son algo de lo que las personas no están alertas. Ellas observan las noticias diarias por señales de los tiempos pero el problema es que las noticias están controladas y de esta manera el público no está obteniendo la información que ellos necesitan para observar los tiempos.
Otro problema es que ellos se limitan a si mismos a sencillas interpretaciones. ¿Qué si esas interpretaciones están erradas? Ellos te harían pensar que cualquier cosa contraria a lo que ellos predican no es la verdad, pero el problema es que lo que ellos están predicando no es la verdad! Yen muchos casos, simplemente ellos no están para nada predicando sobre la teología de los últimos tiempos.
No estoy diciendo que yo tengo toda la verdad, o que soy la única persona que la tiene. Sería una idiotez. Pero lo que yo puedo hacer y deseo es lo que el Padre me ha dirigido hacer y esto es destacar las cosas que pueden acontecer y como pasarán para llevarnos a los eventos de los últimos tiempos.
El año pasado el Señor me hizo poner un Website: y comenzó a revelar la agenda NESARA y a algunos de los protagonistas. Inclusive he hecho investigaciones y en los Códigos de La Biblia sobre NESARA, Sananda y Germaine.
¿Por qué he invertido tanto tiempo en esto? Porque la mayor parte de las personas no saben nada acerca de esto, y esta es una de esas enormes bolas curvas viniendo de camino, para la cual la mayoría de las personas sencillamente no están preparadas. NESARA es el programa económico y político del Anticristo y del Falso Profeta por venir. Sabemos que la segunda bestia de Apocalipsis va a instituir y ha imponer un programa economico global que requiere que cada persona tenga una marca sobre o dentro de su mano derecha o frente. No sabemos si es una marca literal o metafórica, pero de cualquier manera, unirse y convertirse en parte de este nuevo sistema que ellos implementarán traerá condenación a las almas que se les unan.
¿Qué es NESARA? Esta representa el Acta de Reforma y Seguridad Económica Nacional y promete restaurar la ley constitucional, eliminar la deuda personal y traer nuevos cambios a nuestro sistema militar, político y económico. ¿Quién está detrás de esto? Alienígenas. Los ángeles caídos. Lucifer mismo. Una de las principales, sino la ruta principal que él está usando para conquistar y ganar el control de la tierra y para implementar su autoridad y control a nivel mundial profetizado en Apocalipsis 13.
Mientras ellos culpan a los cambios ecológicos por la contaminación, abuso corporativo y calentamiento global, lo que ellos no te dicen es que los terremotos y los tsunamis o maremotos que están aconteciendo hoy es el resultado directo de su presencia aquí. Somos advertidos en Mateo 24 de la tierra y los dolores de parto, y amigos, estos son los dolores de parto. Es la entrada de sus planetas y enormes naves del tamaño de la luna dentro de nuestro sistema solar lo que está causando la destrucción por medio de tsunamis, erupciones solares, movimientos en las placas tectónicas, terremotos y erupciones volcánicas en la tierra.
Las promesas de NESARA y los cambios que esta traerá para ayudar a la humanidad, es el pie en la puerta que estos ángeles caídos han estado usando para darle a la humanidad la bienvenida a su presencia aquí. Los de la Nueva Era han estado canalizando sus mensajes por años y es obvio entonces que esto era un engaño. Después de todo, a menos que estés en el mismo Movimiento de la Nueva Era todo lo que sale de ellos es asumido como un engaño para todos los demás. Y usualmente es legítimamente así. Pero lo temible de esto ahora es que esos mismos mensajes canalizados por los de la nueva era son ahora canalizados por aquellos en los movimientos proféticos de ‘iglesianismo’ y grupos religiosos. Profecías, visiones, sueños y palabras todas atribuidas a Jehová están llenando nuestros foros de Internet, tiendas de libros, púlpitos, conferencias, seminarios e iglesias. Esta es la agenda de la bestia de Apocalipsis 13 y está alcanzando su momentum dondequiera que miras.
El que está a cargo de implementar la agenda es un protagonista conocido como sAint Germaine. El se enmascara como un ser quien nunca muere y quien lo sabe todo. El también tiene falsas cicatrices en las palmas de sus manos para su probable venida afirmando que él es a quien clavaron en la cruz hace aproximadamente 2000 años. Mientras tanto uno de sus compañeros de trabajo, Sananda, tras escena juega a Jesús el Mesías en el ámbito espiritual. El aparece a aquellos que tienen experiencias cerca de la muerte, o aquellos quienes necesitan ayuda en canalización, psiquis o círculos de limpieza de la Nueva Era, o en visiones aquellos en el movimiento profético que claman haberlas tenido, dondequiera que su presencia es necesitada donde él pueda jugar el rol de Jesús. El realmente no se le parece en nada, sino a las pinturas de Jesús que la iglesia Católica adoptó hace cientos de años atrás pintada y representada por Miguel Ángel y adoptada por las iglesias modernas de hoy como "Jesús el Mesías" así es exactamente como luce Sananda.
Hay inclusive un oscuro falso mesías, vestido con turbante, que ha estado visitando Kenya y Etiopía como Maitreya. Sanando a los enfermos y predicando religión. Otro día, otro falso mesías. De hecho, no puedo ponerlos a todos ellos. Pero éstos dos son los dominantes y asociados con esta agenda NESARA así que ellos necesitan ser conocidos.
De lo que he estado escuchando de muchas personas las iglesias han estado extrañamente silentes en cuanto a los eventos de los últimos tiempos. Ellos no están predicando que estos falsos mesías vendrán antes de la Segunda Venida de Yahushua, o Jesucristo de Nazaret. Y ellos inclusive están luciendo la imagen de Sananda en sus tiendas de libros casa y dondequiera. Si estudias la cultura del medio oriente de los verdaderos días de Jesús de Nazaret, ellos no tenían el pelo largo y marrón y rostros en forma ovalada. Y tampoco el verdadero Hijo de Dios. Pregúntale a ÉL tú mismo directamente. La mayoría de las personas aun saben que esas pinturas son sencillamente representaciones de cómo Jesús pudo haber lucido, aun cuando este Sananda venga ¿cuantos serán engañados por el de todas formas? ¿O por sAint Germaine, con sus falsas y manipuladas cicatrices de clavos en sus palmas? ¿Por cual bestia el pueblo será engañado? Afortunadamente por ninguna. Pero siempre hay ingenuos. Después de todo, ellos han alcanzado cierta cantidad de éxito con la credulidad de ambos la iglesia y los de la Nueva Era.
Los últimos días se están desarrollando de manera muy diferente a como las iglesias los están enseñando. Después de todo, los EUA está supuesto a dirigir el camino para el sistema de la bestia en los últimos días, ciertamente no la Unión Europea, aun los profetas del Antiguo Testamento predijeron que sería la Babilonia de los últimos días y el Rey de Babilonia quien sería la bestia de los últimos días. Los Códigos de la Biblia revelan a Norteamérica como la Babilonia de los últimos días y nosotros ciertamente ni siquiera necesitamos que éstos nos lo digan ya que si tú lees los pasajes de las Escrituras sin ningún tipo de discernimiento te darás cuenta. Escribí todo un artículo de Norteamérica la Gran Babilonia en mi Site Ninguna otra nación en la tierra puede llenar los requerimientos de la Babilonia de los últimos días como lo hace los mismos Estados Unidos. La mayoría de las iglesias desean que las personas lean Apocalipsis 17 y 18 y luego manipulan estos para hacerlos ver como que es el Vaticano o cualquier otra ciudad. El término ciudad es tanto ciudad como nación e Isaías, Jeremías y Juan nos dan los requerimientos que esta nación de los últimos días llenaría. Y Norteamérica es la única que llena cada uno de ellos.
Los Omegas, un término adoptado por Germaine, uno de los seguidores de Lucifer contiene las armadas de Satanás de los últimos días incluyendo alienígenas y aquellos quienes los apoyen, ellos apoyan la agenda NESARA y ellos han amenazado cada año con implementarlo en los pasados cinco años. ¿Será este año? El tiempo dirá. Echemos un vistazo de algunas cosas que ésta abarca.
Desde sus propios escritos NESARA implicará:
* Una serie de anuncios simultáneos hechos por los gobiernos del mundo a nivel global.
* Una serie de vuelos en horas del día acompañados con anuncios de quienes son ellos y qué están haciendo. Seguido de aterrizajes donde ellos permitirán que unos cuantos individuos disfruten una vuelta en las naves.
* 50 naciones estarán envueltas en el Primer Contacto.
* Ellos afirmarán que las metas son para Promover la paz mundial, modificar las estructuras sociales, culturales y económicas mientras la tierra se rebela en contra de su presencia aquí y prácticamente se autodestruye. Por supuesto ellos se refieren a esto como “la madre tierra se transforma a si misma”.
* El paso final es introducir el mundo a “su herencia espiritual local’ y reunirte con tus hermanos de dentro de la tierra.
Yo no tengo ningunos “hermanos” dentro de la tierra y ciertamente yo no deseo reunirme con nadie de ahí adentro!
Muchos de la comunidad profética (los que están volviéndose más y más en una comunidad patética) están buscando por un tratado de paz a ser firmado entre los Judíos y los Árabes. ¿Resolverá NESARA los conflictos de medio oriente? En sus escritos ellos afirman, “Habrán una serie de anuncios constantes por los Maestros Ascendidos que ayudarán a resolver ciertas luchas culturales de poder y harán posible la cooperación intercultural. Cada uno dará un paso al frente y explicara los orígenes y las historias de sus muchas culturas y religiones, y cambios radicales tomarán lugar en sus luchas religiosas”.
En otras palabras, después que ellos den sus puntos de vista de nuestra historia y de nuestros “verdaderos orígenes” armados con su este nuevo conocimiento las naciones detendrán su conflicto.
Aquí hay algo interesante. “será también proclamado que no toleraremos mas la codicia y la arrogancia de sus actuales conspiradores (los gobiernos). El anuncio del ‘Primer Contacto’ estimulará la revelación de los hasta ahora súper secretos archivos del gobierno sobre los así llamados Ovnis. El área de estudio de los así llamados Ovnis requiere un arma espiritual. Este segmento nos capacita para ver más allá de la tecnología y darnos cuenta que estas avanzadas e iluminadas sociedades son primariamente espirituales en su naturaleza. “En otras palabras, ¿Quizás admitan ellos su estatus de ángeles caídos? De que una vez ellos fueron ángeles quienes fueron echados del cielo? Lo dudo.
He aquí más puntos en la agenda y que observar de acuerdo a sus escritos:
* Ellos tienen un horario de 14 meses para conquistar la tierra e implementar su nuevo sistema económico: “El cielo ha apartado un periodo desde meras semanas hasta 14 meses para servir como transición”.
* Habrá un vasto vuelo de honor de naves exploradoras antes de que el aterrizaje masivo ocurra.
* “Comenzaremos un programa que les permita visitar nuestras naves Madres” (refiérase a mi artículo "Para Servir al Hombre").
* "Por un corto tiempo el equipo de la Federación Galáctica dejarán sus naves para instruirlos en cuanto a esta tecnología, y explicarles su responsabilidad como Ángeles Físicos (Ellos inclusive afirmarán somos dioses co-creadores recordándonos quienes somos). Comenzaremos un programa para permitirles visitar nuestras naves Madres. Habrán vastos vuelos alrededor de naves exploradoras, las cuales ocurrirán antes de un aterrizaje masivo.
* "Liberaremos tecnología secreta, y aun mas asombrosos dispositivos, incluyendo muchas invenciones relacionadas a energía y transportación, que han sido producidas alrededor de nuestro mundo durante la pasada centuria. Sus gobiernos secretos suprimieron esta tecnología, junto con muchas otras innovaciones ambientales, debido a un enraizado temor de que tales descubrimientos resultarán en su destrucción.
* "El surgimiento de un ambiente post-Internet, les introducirá a nuevas opciones en comunicación y entretenimiento. Sencillas dispositivos transportables y fáciles de llevar, proveerán instantánea información, y les capacitará para comunicarse libremente con cualquiera en su mundo. Usando pequeñas computadoras orgánicas, vendrás a ser globalmente reconocible por la verdadera frecuencia de tu cuerpo. Estos aparatos de interfase con tu mente, proveyendo una figura holográfica tridimensional que contiene datos, imágenes, etc. el sistema comercial será telepáticamente holográfico tridimensional a full color. Cualquiera que desee comunicarse puede sencillamente visualizar una persona y su computadora lo contactará. Esto incluirá un traductor universal y un sistema de marcado de frecuencia especial., que está cercanamente conectado a tu única firma física. Cada grupo familiar recibirá un dispositivo que convierte energía de luz en materia para proveer ropa y comida. Recuerda que los programas de abundancia les permitirá tener todos los recursos financieros que necesiten. Nuestros aliados terrestres han consentido con muchos acuerdos aún más poderosos que NESARA. Estas provisiones no serán liberadas al público en general, hasta que primero no se anuncien públicamente el primer grupo de acuerdos. Solamente entonces la segunda y tercera ola de acciones serán revelada y hechas ley pública.” NESARA es sencillamente el escalón para conquistar la tierra entonces, luego ellos introducirán sus agendas llamadas “segunda y tercera olas”.
* "Les introduciremos a la tecnología que les permitirá viajar mas libremente. Serán provistos con una nueva forma de transportación, y sus nuevos vehículos personales levitarán unos cuantos pies del suelo, y son capaces de alcanzar velocidades sobre las 500 millas (800 kilómetros) por hora. Las naves como ustedes las conocen desaparecerán y serán convertidas en tecnología de ‘elevadores magnéticos’, con capacidades Mach 8, como también proveyendo naves primitivas que se parezcan a las nuestras. Un sistema de tele-transportación estará disponible a gran escala para viajes de emergencia. Usaremos también esta tecnología para construir un completo sistema de vías automatizado."
* "Será introducido un extensivo programa de entrenamiento para prácticas médicas que no son dañinas para la salud. Alinearemos sus servicios médicos más cerca de los nuestros. Absorberán una enorme cantidad de información, y ayudará a la asimilación de vastas cantidades de conocimiento, proveeremos tecnología que puedan ‘descargar’ directamente dentro de la memoria de sus cerebros y un sistema de recuperación. Desarrollarán su ciencia y expandirán sus filosofías en formas aún no conocidas, resultando en una resplandeciente unión de estos ahora contradictorios elementos. Les introduciremos en las maravillas de la ‘inteligencia artificial’. Proveeremos un sistema de tecnologías que con sus habilidades manifestadas, revertirán la contaminación que ahora ensucia su aire, tierra y agua en la Madre Tierra, en menos de seis meses. Nuestro segundo objetivo serán las factorías, las casas, las estaciones generadoras de energía, aire, agua, y los vehículos terrestres que esparcen la mayoría de la contaminación. Los aparatos de energía libre serán introducidos de manera que sean construidos de manera masiva. Usando nuestra tecnología, podremos evaporizar y totalmente levantar edificios en cuestión de días, y remodelaremos sus redes de manufactura en menos de una semana. Además, podremos totalmente automatizarlas. Aparatos tecnológicos les permitirán terminar con su dependencia de materiales manufacturados. Serán capaces de construir sus propias viviendas y ciudades colectivamente. Sus áreas rurales serán retornadas a su condición original de bosques y prados impolutos. Un número de nuestras tecnologías podrán convertir Luz en comida, ropa y otros usos, terminando así su larga dependencia en la agricultura y en la industria maderera. Recuerden que la tecnología es una herramienta, provista por la conciencia, para crear un ambiente tan placentero como sea posible. Necesitarán hacer el próximo gran ‘salto’ – esto es, crecer desde una sociedad planetaria a una galáctica. Nunca olviden, queridos, que están mutando dentro de una “Homo Galaxia”, una versión mas integrada de ustedes, esta galaxia humana, posee la habilidad de mantener un dialogo abierto y significativo con su verdadero yo."
* "Centros Especiales del Mundo serán creados. Un nuevo sistema financiero nacerá. Nuestro objetivo principal sigue siendo una ‘segura y sana’ conclusión exitosa de nuestra Primera Misión de Contacto. Este proceso envuelve muchas diferentes posibilidades, la que nosotros preferimos es ser un silente apoyo para una rápida y exitosa transición militar, política y económica en su mundo”.
* "Crucial invasión en nuestra habilidad para controlar y forzar una serie de mayores renuncias en un numero de poderosos gobiernos están también en lugar. En adición, documentos legales para comenzar este procedimiento han sido firmados y legalmente adjudicados a los más altos niveles posibles. Los gobiernos se reformarán o renunciarán, y las Naciones Unidas serán reorganizadas, y proclamado un nuevo mandato internacional de soberanía humana y libertad."
* Los virus creados por el Gobierno abolidos “hemos observado los muchos proyectos biológicos producidos por las oscuras conspiraciones de los laboratorios. Mientras es drásticamente restringido esos proyectos desde finales del 1990, muchos de ellos, introducidos durante el 1970 y 1980, desbastaron su mundo y se convirtieron en grandes epidemias globales (SIDA). Nuestros equipos de médicos están monitoreándolos y podrán interferir directamente solo cuando el Primer Contacto ocurra...”
* "Estamos determinados a asegurarles a nuestros aliados un éxito inmediato haciendo cierto que todo el personal esencial ahora controlado por los últimos conspiradores de la tierra (El Nuevo Orden Mundial) serán rápidamente capturados.” Esto significa el arresto de nuestro Presidente y aquellos líderes considerados “traficantes del Nuevo Orden Mundial”.
* "Con los líderes conspiradores bajo arresto, serán formalmente anunciados algunos de los mayores y positivamente indisputables cambios. Una vez la paz sea declarada, supervisaremos la rápida liberación de todos partidos opuestos (Paz en el medio oriente entre Judíos y Árabes).”
* "Descubrimientos incluso harán posible la proclamación pública de nuestra existencia por los nuevos gobiernos provisionales. (Lo cual significa que los gobiernos son primero controlados, después que ellos lleguen). Además, ellos podrán transmitir por radio y televisión nuestro planeado ‘pre-primer contacto’. Inicialmente, esta serie de transmisiones aclararán nuestro rol en esos eventos y preparar la gente de la para el ‘Primer Contacto’.
* "Originado de nuestras naves exploradores o grandes naves Madres, revelaremos a través de la radio, la TV y la red de computadoras (les dije que ellos tiene acceso a Internet en esos Ovnis), el verdadero retrato de la historia del mundo (en sus propias palabras e imágenes, por supuesto), también de conspiraciones para negarles un alijo de tecnología. –Las transmisiones explicarán como las personas de dentro de la tierra han velado por ustedes. Ellos han preparado casi un sin fin de enclaves para ustedes, ámbitos parecidos al Edén donde completarán su mutación a seres completamente concientes. Los lugares especiales construidos para ustedes están operando totalmente esperando por ustedes. Aterrizajes masivos serán retrasados hasta que el tiempo arribe para liberarlos s sus nuevos hogares temporales, dentro de la tierra. Los cielos tienen establecidos un período desde meras semanas a casi 14 meses para servir como transición.”
* "La armonía y un nivel de cooperación global nunca antes vistas en su mundo vendrá a ser normal (porque nadie controlará más su propia mente). Un nuevo sistema será establecido que les permitirá transformar la operación de su mundo (oh sí, esto es llamado implante de chip y holografía). El Maestro Ascendido a cargo de esta operación, es el Comte de Sainte Germaine. Prosperidad global llegará y una nueva sociedad galáctica (demoníaca) nacerá.”
* "Los Maestros Saint Germaine e Hilarion, también como El Morya y muchos otros Maestros, se proponen supervisar la formación de su Sociedad Galáctica.”
* Federación Galáctica de la Luz = Federación Galáctica de la Oscuridad.
Germaine ha afirmado, “La Armada de Dios ha sido ensamblada. Ellos esta aquí en su total gloria en las frecuencias del Oficio de Cristo, bajo la dirección y protección del Señor Miguel y sus eléctricas Flamas azules de la Verdad de la poderosa espada Excalibur.” (“Estoy sencillamente segura de que ellos unirán sus fuerzas con los Caballeros de Malta y aquellos en la construcción y preparación de la 3ra ola de la “Armada de Joel” ahora en los proféticos/patéticos movimientos").
Sus propios seguidores revelan que esos Omegas han infiltrado cada sociedad y gobierno en el mundo: “hay un grupo especial de seres que están aquí (en la tierra) trabajando secreta y silentemente, ayudándonos detrás de escena, y han estado por bastante tiempo! Ese grupo originalmente vino a la tierra cerca del fin del período de los Atlántidos/Egipcios y han intervenido en varios momentos en el pasado en muchas situaciones junto al camino, para asegurar que este tiempo de ahora tomaría lugar y finalmente tendríamos nuestra libertad restaurada! Estos seres son viajantes en el tiempo y mercenarios quienes tienen dones y talentos muy especiales, quien hace lo que ellos hacen mejor” ellos se han infiltrado, a través del tiempo, en cada simple organización, tanto civil como militar – cada gobierno y sociedad secreta a través del planeta!.
Y así sigue, “Ellos no responden a nadie excepto a la Oficina del Cristo lo cual incluye todas las Fuerzas de la Luz, Señor Miguel, el Rey de las Espadas (Germaine), Madre Sekhmet y Señor Alcyone, los Maestros Ascendidos, y nosotros “La Tripulación de Tierra” ----todos los que son conocidos como la Facción 3! Estos asombrosos seres tienen muy avanzadas tecnologías y está aquí para que el trabajo sea hecho. Y lo que ellos dejan detrás es para el festín de los buitres! Ellos están aquí para asegurarse que NESARA sea anunciada, y la santa flama de la libertad esté firmemente plantada en la tierra para siempre”.
Los Omegas describen su próxima toma de control como pacífica. ¿Habían escuchado algo semejante? ¿Por qué sencillamente no cortan y editan la basura de “paz y prosperidad” y dicen sino lo que realmente es, Esclavitud Hostil? Aquí ellos finalmente muestran algo de sus verdaderos colores con su adagio de estar armados y listos para tomar el control de nuestro país, uno de sus canalizadores afirmó, “Esta mañana el Rey de las Espadas (Germaine) me dijo que ellos están armados hasta los dientes y listos ahora mismo para hacer lo que tenga que ser hecho! El me dijo que “acciones repentinas” tomarán lugar donde “tribunales militares” serán llamados de acuerdo a las Leyes de La Constitución y Las Leyes del Tribunal Solar. Todos esos criminales de guerra quienes han cometido crímenes en contra de la humanidad serán rodeados instantáneamente, traídos ante los tribunales donde serán juzgados, apresados y sentenciados por sus crímenes inmediatamente, y sin demora! El me dijo así es como será hecho, y no de otra manera.”
De sus propios escritos ves un laberinto de amor hablado pero preparado para el odio. Ellos hablan de paz mientras están armados hasta los dientes y totalmente preparados para conquistar cualquiera que se pare en su camino para establecer su idea de paz, suena como otro discurso de “trayendo libertad y paz al mundo” que hemos escuchado de nuestros propios líderes. Los Omega emplearán a escritores de discursos presidenciales.
De acuerdo a su Site principal en
Provee perdón de las deudas de tarjetas de crédito, hipotecas, y otras deudas bancarias como remedio a los fraudes bancarios y gubernamentales;
Suprime los Impuestos sobre la Renta; crea tarifa única para fines de los impuestos del gobierno aplicables sólo a la venta de “nuevos artículos” no esenciales;
Iniciar un nuevo Sistema Bancario del Tesoro de los EUA, el cual absorbe la Reserva Federal, y nuevos metales preciosos respaldan la monedea del Tesoro de los EUA;
Restaura la Ley Constitucional;
Requiere las renuncias de la actual administración para ser reemplazadas por los designados Presidente y Vicepresidente Constitucionalmente aceptados hasta las nuevas elecciones dentro de 120 días;
Requiere que el Presidente Designado declare "Paz" habilitando mejorías bancarias internacionales para avanzar sin problemas, termine inmediatamente con las agresivas acciones militares, y muchas otras mejoras.
Esto no suena mal, de hecho suena como algo que todos desearíamos. Pero recuerden, nada es gratuito. Ni aun NESARA. La agenda NESARA viene con los términos de quienes la traen, los alienígenas/ángeles caídos, no en nuestros términos. NESARA requiere membresía para unírsele tal como está predicho en Apocalipsis 13. Por lo tanto mucha “limpieza” será requerida de aquellos con cualidades “oscuras”. En otras palabras, sencillamente los locos con el Nuevo Orden Mundial, los cristianos, los patriotas, las alimañas que se nieguen a unirse a la gente de NESARA serán perseguidos y asesinados justo como el Nuevo Orden Mundial habría hecho con ellos. Esta no es una agenda diferente. Este es el programa económico de Satanás y parte del reino que el va a establecer en esta tierra. Así que para ser parte de el, debes unirte al reino de Satanás o morirte de hambre.
Esto es como mecer bananas en la cara de los monos. Esto es tentador, pero a menos que entiendas la parte oscura de esto, serás engañado uniéndote al reino de Lucifer.
Recuerda, de acuerdo a los Omegas NESARA es sencillamente el primer escalón de su plan, aun no sabemos que son ni el segundo ni el tercero. Pero sabemos a donde ellos se dirigen y a aquellos quienes los siguen:
9Y el tercer ángel los siguió, diciendo a gran voz: Si alguno adora a la bestia y a su imagen, y recibe la marca en su frente o en su mano, 10él también beberá del vino de la ira de Dios, que ha sido vaciado puro en el cáliz de su ira; y será atormentado con fuego y azufre delante de los santos ángeles y del Cordero; 11y el humo de su tormento sube por los siglos de los siglos. Y no tienen reposo de día ni de noche los que adoran a la bestia y a su imagen, ni nadie que reciba la marca de su nombre. (Apoc. 14:9-11).
20Y la bestia fue apresada, y con ella el falso profeta que había hecho delante de ella las señales con las cuales había engañado a los que recibieron la marca de la bestia, y habían adorado su imagen. Estos dos fueron lanzados vivos dentro de un lago de fuego que arde con azufre. (Apoc. 19:20).
4Y vi tronos, y se sentaron sobre ellos los que recibieron facultad de juzgar; y vi las almas de los decapitados por causa del testimonio de Jesús y por la palabra de Dios, los que no habían adorado a la bestia ni a su imagen, y que no recibieron la marca en sus frentes ni en sus manos; y vivieron y reinaron con Cristo mil años. (Apoc. 20:4).
Por Sherry Shriner
Traducido por Raysa Cruz, República Dominicana
Los creyentes en la Palabra de Dios han esperado por largo tiempo que los últimos días de las profecías Bíblicas salgan a la superficie. Creyentes en cada siglo han anticipado su arribo, y con cada cambio de centuria ellos estuvieron seguros de que ya iba a pasar, pero no pasaba nada. ¿Es ahora el tiempo? ¿Están aquí los últimos días profetizados a través de 1/3 de la Biblia?
El problema con la teología sistemática es que cada uno se atranca en una interpretación, en una línea de pensamiento. Y de esta forma las iglesias no están preparadas para las bolas curvas. ¿Qué si las cosas no pasan como exactamente ellos las están esperando? Sabemos esperar ciertas cosas, pero como llegamos al arribo y conclusión de que esas cosas son algo de lo que las personas no están alertas. Ellas observan las noticias diarias por señales de los tiempos pero el problema es que las noticias están controladas y de esta manera el público no está obteniendo la información que ellos necesitan para observar los tiempos.
Otro problema es que ellos se limitan a si mismos a sencillas interpretaciones. ¿Qué si esas interpretaciones están erradas? Ellos te harían pensar que cualquier cosa contraria a lo que ellos predican no es la verdad, pero el problema es que lo que ellos están predicando no es la verdad! Yen muchos casos, simplemente ellos no están para nada predicando sobre la teología de los últimos tiempos.
No estoy diciendo que yo tengo toda la verdad, o que soy la única persona que la tiene. Sería una idiotez. Pero lo que yo puedo hacer y deseo es lo que el Padre me ha dirigido hacer y esto es destacar las cosas que pueden acontecer y como pasarán para llevarnos a los eventos de los últimos tiempos.
El año pasado el Señor me hizo poner un Website: y comenzó a revelar la agenda NESARA y a algunos de los protagonistas. Inclusive he hecho investigaciones y en los Códigos de La Biblia sobre NESARA, Sananda y Germaine.
¿Por qué he invertido tanto tiempo en esto? Porque la mayor parte de las personas no saben nada acerca de esto, y esta es una de esas enormes bolas curvas viniendo de camino, para la cual la mayoría de las personas sencillamente no están preparadas. NESARA es el programa económico y político del Anticristo y del Falso Profeta por venir. Sabemos que la segunda bestia de Apocalipsis va a instituir y ha imponer un programa economico global que requiere que cada persona tenga una marca sobre o dentro de su mano derecha o frente. No sabemos si es una marca literal o metafórica, pero de cualquier manera, unirse y convertirse en parte de este nuevo sistema que ellos implementarán traerá condenación a las almas que se les unan.
¿Qué es NESARA? Esta representa el Acta de Reforma y Seguridad Económica Nacional y promete restaurar la ley constitucional, eliminar la deuda personal y traer nuevos cambios a nuestro sistema militar, político y económico. ¿Quién está detrás de esto? Alienígenas. Los ángeles caídos. Lucifer mismo. Una de las principales, sino la ruta principal que él está usando para conquistar y ganar el control de la tierra y para implementar su autoridad y control a nivel mundial profetizado en Apocalipsis 13.
Mientras ellos culpan a los cambios ecológicos por la contaminación, abuso corporativo y calentamiento global, lo que ellos no te dicen es que los terremotos y los tsunamis o maremotos que están aconteciendo hoy es el resultado directo de su presencia aquí. Somos advertidos en Mateo 24 de la tierra y los dolores de parto, y amigos, estos son los dolores de parto. Es la entrada de sus planetas y enormes naves del tamaño de la luna dentro de nuestro sistema solar lo que está causando la destrucción por medio de tsunamis, erupciones solares, movimientos en las placas tectónicas, terremotos y erupciones volcánicas en la tierra.
Las promesas de NESARA y los cambios que esta traerá para ayudar a la humanidad, es el pie en la puerta que estos ángeles caídos han estado usando para darle a la humanidad la bienvenida a su presencia aquí. Los de la Nueva Era han estado canalizando sus mensajes por años y es obvio entonces que esto era un engaño. Después de todo, a menos que estés en el mismo Movimiento de la Nueva Era todo lo que sale de ellos es asumido como un engaño para todos los demás. Y usualmente es legítimamente así. Pero lo temible de esto ahora es que esos mismos mensajes canalizados por los de la nueva era son ahora canalizados por aquellos en los movimientos proféticos de ‘iglesianismo’ y grupos religiosos. Profecías, visiones, sueños y palabras todas atribuidas a Jehová están llenando nuestros foros de Internet, tiendas de libros, púlpitos, conferencias, seminarios e iglesias. Esta es la agenda de la bestia de Apocalipsis 13 y está alcanzando su momentum dondequiera que miras.
El que está a cargo de implementar la agenda es un protagonista conocido como sAint Germaine. El se enmascara como un ser quien nunca muere y quien lo sabe todo. El también tiene falsas cicatrices en las palmas de sus manos para su probable venida afirmando que él es a quien clavaron en la cruz hace aproximadamente 2000 años. Mientras tanto uno de sus compañeros de trabajo, Sananda, tras escena juega a Jesús el Mesías en el ámbito espiritual. El aparece a aquellos que tienen experiencias cerca de la muerte, o aquellos quienes necesitan ayuda en canalización, psiquis o círculos de limpieza de la Nueva Era, o en visiones aquellos en el movimiento profético que claman haberlas tenido, dondequiera que su presencia es necesitada donde él pueda jugar el rol de Jesús. El realmente no se le parece en nada, sino a las pinturas de Jesús que la iglesia Católica adoptó hace cientos de años atrás pintada y representada por Miguel Ángel y adoptada por las iglesias modernas de hoy como "Jesús el Mesías" así es exactamente como luce Sananda.
Hay inclusive un oscuro falso mesías, vestido con turbante, que ha estado visitando Kenya y Etiopía como Maitreya. Sanando a los enfermos y predicando religión. Otro día, otro falso mesías. De hecho, no puedo ponerlos a todos ellos. Pero éstos dos son los dominantes y asociados con esta agenda NESARA así que ellos necesitan ser conocidos.
De lo que he estado escuchando de muchas personas las iglesias han estado extrañamente silentes en cuanto a los eventos de los últimos tiempos. Ellos no están predicando que estos falsos mesías vendrán antes de la Segunda Venida de Yahushua, o Jesucristo de Nazaret. Y ellos inclusive están luciendo la imagen de Sananda en sus tiendas de libros casa y dondequiera. Si estudias la cultura del medio oriente de los verdaderos días de Jesús de Nazaret, ellos no tenían el pelo largo y marrón y rostros en forma ovalada. Y tampoco el verdadero Hijo de Dios. Pregúntale a ÉL tú mismo directamente. La mayoría de las personas aun saben que esas pinturas son sencillamente representaciones de cómo Jesús pudo haber lucido, aun cuando este Sananda venga ¿cuantos serán engañados por el de todas formas? ¿O por sAint Germaine, con sus falsas y manipuladas cicatrices de clavos en sus palmas? ¿Por cual bestia el pueblo será engañado? Afortunadamente por ninguna. Pero siempre hay ingenuos. Después de todo, ellos han alcanzado cierta cantidad de éxito con la credulidad de ambos la iglesia y los de la Nueva Era.
Los últimos días se están desarrollando de manera muy diferente a como las iglesias los están enseñando. Después de todo, los EUA está supuesto a dirigir el camino para el sistema de la bestia en los últimos días, ciertamente no la Unión Europea, aun los profetas del Antiguo Testamento predijeron que sería la Babilonia de los últimos días y el Rey de Babilonia quien sería la bestia de los últimos días. Los Códigos de la Biblia revelan a Norteamérica como la Babilonia de los últimos días y nosotros ciertamente ni siquiera necesitamos que éstos nos lo digan ya que si tú lees los pasajes de las Escrituras sin ningún tipo de discernimiento te darás cuenta. Escribí todo un artículo de Norteamérica la Gran Babilonia en mi Site Ninguna otra nación en la tierra puede llenar los requerimientos de la Babilonia de los últimos días como lo hace los mismos Estados Unidos. La mayoría de las iglesias desean que las personas lean Apocalipsis 17 y 18 y luego manipulan estos para hacerlos ver como que es el Vaticano o cualquier otra ciudad. El término ciudad es tanto ciudad como nación e Isaías, Jeremías y Juan nos dan los requerimientos que esta nación de los últimos días llenaría. Y Norteamérica es la única que llena cada uno de ellos.
Los Omegas, un término adoptado por Germaine, uno de los seguidores de Lucifer contiene las armadas de Satanás de los últimos días incluyendo alienígenas y aquellos quienes los apoyen, ellos apoyan la agenda NESARA y ellos han amenazado cada año con implementarlo en los pasados cinco años. ¿Será este año? El tiempo dirá. Echemos un vistazo de algunas cosas que ésta abarca.
Desde sus propios escritos NESARA implicará:
* Una serie de anuncios simultáneos hechos por los gobiernos del mundo a nivel global.
* Una serie de vuelos en horas del día acompañados con anuncios de quienes son ellos y qué están haciendo. Seguido de aterrizajes donde ellos permitirán que unos cuantos individuos disfruten una vuelta en las naves.
* 50 naciones estarán envueltas en el Primer Contacto.
* Ellos afirmarán que las metas son para Promover la paz mundial, modificar las estructuras sociales, culturales y económicas mientras la tierra se rebela en contra de su presencia aquí y prácticamente se autodestruye. Por supuesto ellos se refieren a esto como “la madre tierra se transforma a si misma”.
* El paso final es introducir el mundo a “su herencia espiritual local’ y reunirte con tus hermanos de dentro de la tierra.
Yo no tengo ningunos “hermanos” dentro de la tierra y ciertamente yo no deseo reunirme con nadie de ahí adentro!
Muchos de la comunidad profética (los que están volviéndose más y más en una comunidad patética) están buscando por un tratado de paz a ser firmado entre los Judíos y los Árabes. ¿Resolverá NESARA los conflictos de medio oriente? En sus escritos ellos afirman, “Habrán una serie de anuncios constantes por los Maestros Ascendidos que ayudarán a resolver ciertas luchas culturales de poder y harán posible la cooperación intercultural. Cada uno dará un paso al frente y explicara los orígenes y las historias de sus muchas culturas y religiones, y cambios radicales tomarán lugar en sus luchas religiosas”.
En otras palabras, después que ellos den sus puntos de vista de nuestra historia y de nuestros “verdaderos orígenes” armados con su este nuevo conocimiento las naciones detendrán su conflicto.
Aquí hay algo interesante. “será también proclamado que no toleraremos mas la codicia y la arrogancia de sus actuales conspiradores (los gobiernos). El anuncio del ‘Primer Contacto’ estimulará la revelación de los hasta ahora súper secretos archivos del gobierno sobre los así llamados Ovnis. El área de estudio de los así llamados Ovnis requiere un arma espiritual. Este segmento nos capacita para ver más allá de la tecnología y darnos cuenta que estas avanzadas e iluminadas sociedades son primariamente espirituales en su naturaleza. “En otras palabras, ¿Quizás admitan ellos su estatus de ángeles caídos? De que una vez ellos fueron ángeles quienes fueron echados del cielo? Lo dudo.
He aquí más puntos en la agenda y que observar de acuerdo a sus escritos:
* Ellos tienen un horario de 14 meses para conquistar la tierra e implementar su nuevo sistema económico: “El cielo ha apartado un periodo desde meras semanas hasta 14 meses para servir como transición”.
* Habrá un vasto vuelo de honor de naves exploradoras antes de que el aterrizaje masivo ocurra.
* “Comenzaremos un programa que les permita visitar nuestras naves Madres” (refiérase a mi artículo "Para Servir al Hombre").
* "Por un corto tiempo el equipo de la Federación Galáctica dejarán sus naves para instruirlos en cuanto a esta tecnología, y explicarles su responsabilidad como Ángeles Físicos (Ellos inclusive afirmarán somos dioses co-creadores recordándonos quienes somos). Comenzaremos un programa para permitirles visitar nuestras naves Madres. Habrán vastos vuelos alrededor de naves exploradoras, las cuales ocurrirán antes de un aterrizaje masivo.
* "Liberaremos tecnología secreta, y aun mas asombrosos dispositivos, incluyendo muchas invenciones relacionadas a energía y transportación, que han sido producidas alrededor de nuestro mundo durante la pasada centuria. Sus gobiernos secretos suprimieron esta tecnología, junto con muchas otras innovaciones ambientales, debido a un enraizado temor de que tales descubrimientos resultarán en su destrucción.
* "El surgimiento de un ambiente post-Internet, les introducirá a nuevas opciones en comunicación y entretenimiento. Sencillas dispositivos transportables y fáciles de llevar, proveerán instantánea información, y les capacitará para comunicarse libremente con cualquiera en su mundo. Usando pequeñas computadoras orgánicas, vendrás a ser globalmente reconocible por la verdadera frecuencia de tu cuerpo. Estos aparatos de interfase con tu mente, proveyendo una figura holográfica tridimensional que contiene datos, imágenes, etc. el sistema comercial será telepáticamente holográfico tridimensional a full color. Cualquiera que desee comunicarse puede sencillamente visualizar una persona y su computadora lo contactará. Esto incluirá un traductor universal y un sistema de marcado de frecuencia especial., que está cercanamente conectado a tu única firma física. Cada grupo familiar recibirá un dispositivo que convierte energía de luz en materia para proveer ropa y comida. Recuerda que los programas de abundancia les permitirá tener todos los recursos financieros que necesiten. Nuestros aliados terrestres han consentido con muchos acuerdos aún más poderosos que NESARA. Estas provisiones no serán liberadas al público en general, hasta que primero no se anuncien públicamente el primer grupo de acuerdos. Solamente entonces la segunda y tercera ola de acciones serán revelada y hechas ley pública.” NESARA es sencillamente el escalón para conquistar la tierra entonces, luego ellos introducirán sus agendas llamadas “segunda y tercera olas”.
* "Les introduciremos a la tecnología que les permitirá viajar mas libremente. Serán provistos con una nueva forma de transportación, y sus nuevos vehículos personales levitarán unos cuantos pies del suelo, y son capaces de alcanzar velocidades sobre las 500 millas (800 kilómetros) por hora. Las naves como ustedes las conocen desaparecerán y serán convertidas en tecnología de ‘elevadores magnéticos’, con capacidades Mach 8, como también proveyendo naves primitivas que se parezcan a las nuestras. Un sistema de tele-transportación estará disponible a gran escala para viajes de emergencia. Usaremos también esta tecnología para construir un completo sistema de vías automatizado."
* "Será introducido un extensivo programa de entrenamiento para prácticas médicas que no son dañinas para la salud. Alinearemos sus servicios médicos más cerca de los nuestros. Absorberán una enorme cantidad de información, y ayudará a la asimilación de vastas cantidades de conocimiento, proveeremos tecnología que puedan ‘descargar’ directamente dentro de la memoria de sus cerebros y un sistema de recuperación. Desarrollarán su ciencia y expandirán sus filosofías en formas aún no conocidas, resultando en una resplandeciente unión de estos ahora contradictorios elementos. Les introduciremos en las maravillas de la ‘inteligencia artificial’. Proveeremos un sistema de tecnologías que con sus habilidades manifestadas, revertirán la contaminación que ahora ensucia su aire, tierra y agua en la Madre Tierra, en menos de seis meses. Nuestro segundo objetivo serán las factorías, las casas, las estaciones generadoras de energía, aire, agua, y los vehículos terrestres que esparcen la mayoría de la contaminación. Los aparatos de energía libre serán introducidos de manera que sean construidos de manera masiva. Usando nuestra tecnología, podremos evaporizar y totalmente levantar edificios en cuestión de días, y remodelaremos sus redes de manufactura en menos de una semana. Además, podremos totalmente automatizarlas. Aparatos tecnológicos les permitirán terminar con su dependencia de materiales manufacturados. Serán capaces de construir sus propias viviendas y ciudades colectivamente. Sus áreas rurales serán retornadas a su condición original de bosques y prados impolutos. Un número de nuestras tecnologías podrán convertir Luz en comida, ropa y otros usos, terminando así su larga dependencia en la agricultura y en la industria maderera. Recuerden que la tecnología es una herramienta, provista por la conciencia, para crear un ambiente tan placentero como sea posible. Necesitarán hacer el próximo gran ‘salto’ – esto es, crecer desde una sociedad planetaria a una galáctica. Nunca olviden, queridos, que están mutando dentro de una “Homo Galaxia”, una versión mas integrada de ustedes, esta galaxia humana, posee la habilidad de mantener un dialogo abierto y significativo con su verdadero yo."
* "Centros Especiales del Mundo serán creados. Un nuevo sistema financiero nacerá. Nuestro objetivo principal sigue siendo una ‘segura y sana’ conclusión exitosa de nuestra Primera Misión de Contacto. Este proceso envuelve muchas diferentes posibilidades, la que nosotros preferimos es ser un silente apoyo para una rápida y exitosa transición militar, política y económica en su mundo”.
* "Crucial invasión en nuestra habilidad para controlar y forzar una serie de mayores renuncias en un numero de poderosos gobiernos están también en lugar. En adición, documentos legales para comenzar este procedimiento han sido firmados y legalmente adjudicados a los más altos niveles posibles. Los gobiernos se reformarán o renunciarán, y las Naciones Unidas serán reorganizadas, y proclamado un nuevo mandato internacional de soberanía humana y libertad."
* Los virus creados por el Gobierno abolidos “hemos observado los muchos proyectos biológicos producidos por las oscuras conspiraciones de los laboratorios. Mientras es drásticamente restringido esos proyectos desde finales del 1990, muchos de ellos, introducidos durante el 1970 y 1980, desbastaron su mundo y se convirtieron en grandes epidemias globales (SIDA). Nuestros equipos de médicos están monitoreándolos y podrán interferir directamente solo cuando el Primer Contacto ocurra...”
* "Estamos determinados a asegurarles a nuestros aliados un éxito inmediato haciendo cierto que todo el personal esencial ahora controlado por los últimos conspiradores de la tierra (El Nuevo Orden Mundial) serán rápidamente capturados.” Esto significa el arresto de nuestro Presidente y aquellos líderes considerados “traficantes del Nuevo Orden Mundial”.
* "Con los líderes conspiradores bajo arresto, serán formalmente anunciados algunos de los mayores y positivamente indisputables cambios. Una vez la paz sea declarada, supervisaremos la rápida liberación de todos partidos opuestos (Paz en el medio oriente entre Judíos y Árabes).”
* "Descubrimientos incluso harán posible la proclamación pública de nuestra existencia por los nuevos gobiernos provisionales. (Lo cual significa que los gobiernos son primero controlados, después que ellos lleguen). Además, ellos podrán transmitir por radio y televisión nuestro planeado ‘pre-primer contacto’. Inicialmente, esta serie de transmisiones aclararán nuestro rol en esos eventos y preparar la gente de la para el ‘Primer Contacto’.
* "Originado de nuestras naves exploradores o grandes naves Madres, revelaremos a través de la radio, la TV y la red de computadoras (les dije que ellos tiene acceso a Internet en esos Ovnis), el verdadero retrato de la historia del mundo (en sus propias palabras e imágenes, por supuesto), también de conspiraciones para negarles un alijo de tecnología. –Las transmisiones explicarán como las personas de dentro de la tierra han velado por ustedes. Ellos han preparado casi un sin fin de enclaves para ustedes, ámbitos parecidos al Edén donde completarán su mutación a seres completamente concientes. Los lugares especiales construidos para ustedes están operando totalmente esperando por ustedes. Aterrizajes masivos serán retrasados hasta que el tiempo arribe para liberarlos s sus nuevos hogares temporales, dentro de la tierra. Los cielos tienen establecidos un período desde meras semanas a casi 14 meses para servir como transición.”
* "La armonía y un nivel de cooperación global nunca antes vistas en su mundo vendrá a ser normal (porque nadie controlará más su propia mente). Un nuevo sistema será establecido que les permitirá transformar la operación de su mundo (oh sí, esto es llamado implante de chip y holografía). El Maestro Ascendido a cargo de esta operación, es el Comte de Sainte Germaine. Prosperidad global llegará y una nueva sociedad galáctica (demoníaca) nacerá.”
* "Los Maestros Saint Germaine e Hilarion, también como El Morya y muchos otros Maestros, se proponen supervisar la formación de su Sociedad Galáctica.”
* Federación Galáctica de la Luz = Federación Galáctica de la Oscuridad.
Germaine ha afirmado, “La Armada de Dios ha sido ensamblada. Ellos esta aquí en su total gloria en las frecuencias del Oficio de Cristo, bajo la dirección y protección del Señor Miguel y sus eléctricas Flamas azules de la Verdad de la poderosa espada Excalibur.” (“Estoy sencillamente segura de que ellos unirán sus fuerzas con los Caballeros de Malta y aquellos en la construcción y preparación de la 3ra ola de la “Armada de Joel” ahora en los proféticos/patéticos movimientos").
Sus propios seguidores revelan que esos Omegas han infiltrado cada sociedad y gobierno en el mundo: “hay un grupo especial de seres que están aquí (en la tierra) trabajando secreta y silentemente, ayudándonos detrás de escena, y han estado por bastante tiempo! Ese grupo originalmente vino a la tierra cerca del fin del período de los Atlántidos/Egipcios y han intervenido en varios momentos en el pasado en muchas situaciones junto al camino, para asegurar que este tiempo de ahora tomaría lugar y finalmente tendríamos nuestra libertad restaurada! Estos seres son viajantes en el tiempo y mercenarios quienes tienen dones y talentos muy especiales, quien hace lo que ellos hacen mejor” ellos se han infiltrado, a través del tiempo, en cada simple organización, tanto civil como militar – cada gobierno y sociedad secreta a través del planeta!.
Y así sigue, “Ellos no responden a nadie excepto a la Oficina del Cristo lo cual incluye todas las Fuerzas de la Luz, Señor Miguel, el Rey de las Espadas (Germaine), Madre Sekhmet y Señor Alcyone, los Maestros Ascendidos, y nosotros “La Tripulación de Tierra” ----todos los que son conocidos como la Facción 3! Estos asombrosos seres tienen muy avanzadas tecnologías y está aquí para que el trabajo sea hecho. Y lo que ellos dejan detrás es para el festín de los buitres! Ellos están aquí para asegurarse que NESARA sea anunciada, y la santa flama de la libertad esté firmemente plantada en la tierra para siempre”.
Los Omegas describen su próxima toma de control como pacífica. ¿Habían escuchado algo semejante? ¿Por qué sencillamente no cortan y editan la basura de “paz y prosperidad” y dicen sino lo que realmente es, Esclavitud Hostil? Aquí ellos finalmente muestran algo de sus verdaderos colores con su adagio de estar armados y listos para tomar el control de nuestro país, uno de sus canalizadores afirmó, “Esta mañana el Rey de las Espadas (Germaine) me dijo que ellos están armados hasta los dientes y listos ahora mismo para hacer lo que tenga que ser hecho! El me dijo que “acciones repentinas” tomarán lugar donde “tribunales militares” serán llamados de acuerdo a las Leyes de La Constitución y Las Leyes del Tribunal Solar. Todos esos criminales de guerra quienes han cometido crímenes en contra de la humanidad serán rodeados instantáneamente, traídos ante los tribunales donde serán juzgados, apresados y sentenciados por sus crímenes inmediatamente, y sin demora! El me dijo así es como será hecho, y no de otra manera.”
De sus propios escritos ves un laberinto de amor hablado pero preparado para el odio. Ellos hablan de paz mientras están armados hasta los dientes y totalmente preparados para conquistar cualquiera que se pare en su camino para establecer su idea de paz, suena como otro discurso de “trayendo libertad y paz al mundo” que hemos escuchado de nuestros propios líderes. Los Omega emplearán a escritores de discursos presidenciales.
De acuerdo a su Site principal en
Provee perdón de las deudas de tarjetas de crédito, hipotecas, y otras deudas bancarias como remedio a los fraudes bancarios y gubernamentales;
Suprime los Impuestos sobre la Renta; crea tarifa única para fines de los impuestos del gobierno aplicables sólo a la venta de “nuevos artículos” no esenciales;
Iniciar un nuevo Sistema Bancario del Tesoro de los EUA, el cual absorbe la Reserva Federal, y nuevos metales preciosos respaldan la monedea del Tesoro de los EUA;
Restaura la Ley Constitucional;
Requiere las renuncias de la actual administración para ser reemplazadas por los designados Presidente y Vicepresidente Constitucionalmente aceptados hasta las nuevas elecciones dentro de 120 días;
Requiere que el Presidente Designado declare "Paz" habilitando mejorías bancarias internacionales para avanzar sin problemas, termine inmediatamente con las agresivas acciones militares, y muchas otras mejoras.
Esto no suena mal, de hecho suena como algo que todos desearíamos. Pero recuerden, nada es gratuito. Ni aun NESARA. La agenda NESARA viene con los términos de quienes la traen, los alienígenas/ángeles caídos, no en nuestros términos. NESARA requiere membresía para unírsele tal como está predicho en Apocalipsis 13. Por lo tanto mucha “limpieza” será requerida de aquellos con cualidades “oscuras”. En otras palabras, sencillamente los locos con el Nuevo Orden Mundial, los cristianos, los patriotas, las alimañas que se nieguen a unirse a la gente de NESARA serán perseguidos y asesinados justo como el Nuevo Orden Mundial habría hecho con ellos. Esta no es una agenda diferente. Este es el programa económico de Satanás y parte del reino que el va a establecer en esta tierra. Así que para ser parte de el, debes unirte al reino de Satanás o morirte de hambre.
Esto es como mecer bananas en la cara de los monos. Esto es tentador, pero a menos que entiendas la parte oscura de esto, serás engañado uniéndote al reino de Lucifer.
Recuerda, de acuerdo a los Omegas NESARA es sencillamente el primer escalón de su plan, aun no sabemos que son ni el segundo ni el tercero. Pero sabemos a donde ellos se dirigen y a aquellos quienes los siguen:
9Y el tercer ángel los siguió, diciendo a gran voz: Si alguno adora a la bestia y a su imagen, y recibe la marca en su frente o en su mano, 10él también beberá del vino de la ira de Dios, que ha sido vaciado puro en el cáliz de su ira; y será atormentado con fuego y azufre delante de los santos ángeles y del Cordero; 11y el humo de su tormento sube por los siglos de los siglos. Y no tienen reposo de día ni de noche los que adoran a la bestia y a su imagen, ni nadie que reciba la marca de su nombre. (Apoc. 14:9-11).
20Y la bestia fue apresada, y con ella el falso profeta que había hecho delante de ella las señales con las cuales había engañado a los que recibieron la marca de la bestia, y habían adorado su imagen. Estos dos fueron lanzados vivos dentro de un lago de fuego que arde con azufre. (Apoc. 19:20).
4Y vi tronos, y se sentaron sobre ellos los que recibieron facultad de juzgar; y vi las almas de los decapitados por causa del testimonio de Jesús y por la palabra de Dios, los que no habían adorado a la bestia ni a su imagen, y que no recibieron la marca en sus frentes ni en sus manos; y vivieron y reinaron con Cristo mil años. (Apoc. 20:4).
NESARA/ Dove/ Omega Scam Yields Millions
NESARA/ Dove/ Omega Scam Yields Millions
One of the most pernicious and long-running consumer frauds in recent history has been the NESARA scam, evidently an outgrowth of the Omega fraud, which promised exorbitant returns while defrauding thousands of unsuspecting US citizens.
Shaini Goodwin, who uses "Dove of Oneness" as a pen name, has claimed that a “secret” law called NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act) will supposedly bring about changes in the US financial system including the forgiving of mortgages, credit card debts, as well as abolishing the IRS.
Goodwin’s mythology describes Illuminati factional fighting in which allegedly one group called the "White Knights" is fighting against the dominant group. This is also reminiscent of another mythology promoted by Rumor Mill News, in which Faction 1 of the Illuminati is supposedly engaged in a global power death struggle with Faction 2.
Goodwin’s NESARA scam is based on the gullibility and naivete of US citizens who had been suckered into previous cons like the investment scam called Omega, operated by Clyde Hood of Mattoon, Illinois in the mid 1990s which yielded more than $20 million from thousands of people.
NESARA/ Dove/ Omega Scam Yields Millions
One of the most pernicious and long-running consumer frauds in recent history has been the NESARA scam, evidently an outgrowth of the Omega fraud, which promised exorbitant returns while defrauding thousands of unsuspecting US citizens.
Shaini Goodwin, who uses "Dove of Oneness" as a pen name, has claimed that a “secret” law called NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act) will supposedly bring about changes in the US financial system including the forgiving of mortgages, credit card debts, as well as abolishing the IRS.
Goodwin’s mythology describes Illuminati factional fighting in which allegedly one group called the "White Knights" is fighting against the dominant group. This is also reminiscent of another mythology promoted by Rumor Mill News, in which Faction 1 of the Illuminati is supposedly engaged in a global power death struggle with Faction 2.
Goodwin’s NESARA scam is based on the gullibility and naivete of US citizens who had been suckered into previous cons like the investment scam called Omega, operated by Clyde Hood of Mattoon, Illinois in the mid 1990s which yielded more than $20 million from thousands of people.
Bien, anonimo 9:13 PM
O sea que una vez leído ese texto, la conclusión es que NESARA instaura un NUEVO ORDEN MUNDIAL.
O sea que una vez leído ese texto, la conclusión es que NESARA instaura un NUEVO ORDEN MUNDIAL.
Snared by a cybercult queen:
SEAN ROBINSON; The News Tribune
Shaini Goodwin lies like a lover, and people pay to listen.
Her whispers promise the irresistible: peace, wealth and forgiven credit card debt.
She is a star only the Internet could create - queen of a cybercult, architect of a conspiracy theory built on the ruins of deceit. Every day, typing at a computer or speaking on the phone, she lures disciples to a bewitching creed, and pumps new life into a dead scam that suckered thousands.
Her words are soft and sharp, insistent and insolent, understanding and unyielding. From her South Sound double-wide, she peddles a myth that blends old grift, New Age sermon and political activism into a mixture one historian of confidence games calls "magnificent."
Most of her readers don't know who she is. On the Internet, she writes under an increasingly famous pseudonym: Dove of Oneness.
Editor's Note:
This is part 1 of a two-part series. See part 2.
Hello, Dear Friends and White Knights.
The greeting heads every report she writes. Each ends with the same pleasant farewell:
Blessings and love, Dove of Oneness.
She says she does not lie, that she does not lead a cult, that she is simply a political activist on a spiritual mission, trying to make the world a better place.
"A lot of people who are on spiritual missions ask for help," she says. "People pledge their lives to make a difference in the world. You cannot live a normal life and do what I do."
At Dove's decree, thousands of her followers send letters, postcards and e-mails to the U.S. Supreme Court, the Pentagon, Congress and the halls of international justice. They wave banners, pass out fliers and hold demonstrations on three continents, demanding announcement of a secret law that doesn't exist, anticipating the delivery of easy fortunes that never come.
Some have been conned before. They are being conned again, but telling them is useless. They ignore weary government officials who repeatedly say there is no secret law to announce. They scorn experts in fraud and high finance who tell them they're chasing shadows.
Instead, they put their trust in Goodwin, 57, who has declared bankruptcy at least once, owes the IRS $12,000 and lives in her ailing mother's mobile home in Shelton.
Her latest venture might be more profitable. She sells false hope.
It's not a crime. It's a corporation. Goodwin never mentions it to her followers, but she has a Washington state business license, granted in 2002 for a $20 fee. Her corporate category - computer services. Her corporate name - Dove. Her corporate address - a hole-in-the-wall mail drop in Olympia.
This is where her followers send money, addressed to her Internet persona. Now and then, she asks for "gifts" to cover the costs of her daily "Dove Reports." For those who send such indulgences, she provides explicit instructions:
"Please address your envelope EXACTLY as above or your envelope may not be delivered," she writes. "Also, please REPLY to this message telling me you are sending me a financial gift. You may make checks or money orders payable to 'Dove.'"
It's legal. No law prevents her from waving a cardboard sign on the shoulder of the information highway. The money comes - how much, only Goodwin knows, and she isn't telling. She says she asks for money only when she really needs it. If she lives high, she hides it well. The mobile home is no mansion.
But money isn't the only gift she receives. She also harvests something equally precious: believers.
The secret law
Four weeks ago, as filmmaker Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" opened across the nation, Goodwin's acolytes stood by theater doors, handing out sheets of paper headed with a mysterious acronym - NESARA.
The word appears on purple fliers stacked on a shelf outside an Olympia cafe; on banners unfurled weekly at the World Court in The Netherlands; on signs carried by demonstrators in Texas, Chicago and South America; scrawled in the sand on beaches in Australia; and on the sides of rolling billboards in Washington, D.C.
It stands for the secret law, the one Dove claims Congress passed four years ago. The one that abolishes income taxes, forgives mortgages, zeroes out credit cards and declares peace.
The media can't talk about it, she says. Only Dove knows the truth about NESARA, and as she solemnly explains, it's dangerous information. That's why she has a secret identity.
"Hardly anyone knows my name," she says. "I'm the Deep Throat of the Northwest."
She shows up on radio occasionally, giving interviews to late-night talk show hosts across America who chat about crop circles, UFOs and conspiracy theories. In those broadcasts, she claims connections with highly placed sources among leaders of government and high finance, and knowledge of a war between the forces of good and evil over the secret NESARA law.
She has embroidered the saga for the last four years, writing more than 1,000 Internet reports, recording hundreds of "voice reports" on a Seattle telephone line, giving interviews on radio stations from Alaska to Vermont.
She claims more than 15,000 subscribers to her reports, and 300,000 readers worldwide. Between 5,000 and 10,000 of them are in Western Washington. The numbers cannot be verified, but her online presence suggests an international following. Her reports are translated into Dutch, Korean, German, French and Spanish, and published on Web sites based in America, Canada and Europe.
Her long-running tale is a curtain - a veil that covers a con. She waves the so-called secret law like a winning lottery ticket, telling her followers its provisions will grant them the wealth they were once promised by an Illinois grifter.
The scam that started it all
The grifter is Clyde Hood, a retired electrician from Mattoon, Ill. He's serving a 14-year sentence in federal prison for mail fraud, wire fraud and money laundering.
A decade ago, Hood created an investment fraud scam called Omega. Dove almost never mentions Omega these days, but without it, her celebrity and her cybercult might not exist.
Omega robbed thousands of people, including South Sound residents, of at least $12.5 million. That was the traceable part. Federal attorneys and investigators who prosecuted Hood and 18 co-conspirators think the real number was greater - at least $20 million, perhaps $50 million.
In 1994, Hood started telling a story to Midwestern churchgoers. He said he'd worked for Fortune 500 companies, been in the investment business for 15 or 16 years, owned a foreign bank. He had become an expert in offshore trading, European high-yield investment programs and prime bank notes. He could do a $250 million deal in the morning and again in the afternoon, four times a week.
"I'm the only one with control," he said. "I'm the only one with the collateral account, I'm the one with the fiduciary bank. There are only seven or eight people in the world that can do all this."
With a nod to his Christian audience, he said a vision from God came to him during a business trip in Hong Kong: It told him to help the little people, and do a big trade for humanitarian causes. For that, he had formed a company called Omega Trust and Trading Ltd. He was offering hardworking people a chance to reap their share of "the Lord's storehouse."
They could buy Omega "units" for $100 apiece. Under Hood's supervision, each unit would "roll" for 275 days, with a 50-to-1 return. Investors could let it "roll" again, for another 275 days, again at 50 to 1. After that, they could do one more roll, but that was all.
For onlookers, the math wasn't too hard to figure. In less than three years, $100 could become $12.5 million.
Hood sealed the deal by sending investors an official-looking document called a "private party loan agreement." They even got receipts.
Thousands of people fell for his pitch. Later, he admitted it was bull.
"Did you get a vision, an actual vision from the Lord?" a federal prosecutor asked Hood in 2001.
"No," he said. "I did not."
"Have you ever worked for a Fortune 500 company as a trader?" the prosecutor asked later.
"No," Hood said.
"What is Omega?"
"It's a scam."
The loan agreements were worthless. "Prime bank notes" didn't exist. Hood didn't own a bank and had no experience in finance - just a few financial terms picked up from wealthy friends, and the knowledge that others had engineered the same swindle.
"There's other programs similar, and I just picked up on it and thought I had something I could work," he said in court testimony.
Omega lured suckers from all 50 states and a few foreign countries. Dove was one of them. She says she bought two units in 1998 after learning about the program through a friend in the town of Rainier.
She says she began publishing Internet reports in November 1999. In those early writings, she called herself an Omega investor, still waiting for her "prosperity deliveries" like everyone else. She named Hood and his allies and described her contacts with them.
The Omega pitch spread by word of mouth, through relatives and friends. Hood and four confederates created a network of phone lines in 17 area codes. Omega investors could hear phony, prerecorded "updates" from Hood, explaining Omega's status, and why promised fortunes weren't being delivered.
It worked for six years. From 1994 to 2000, Hood got by with excuses.
"Omega has been interrupted due to some unforeseen financial conflicts," he said in a June 3, 1996, phone message, typical of his style. "These situations or those situations should be completed on June 17, 1996. And the banks then will continue to process your checks and credit cards."
Scores of similar messages explained more delays. The deliveries, always a few weeks or months away, never came.
Meanwhile, the money for new Omega units poured in. Hood's four "coordinators," a handful of allies who collected money for Omega shares, piled cash, cashier's checks and money orders into cardboard boxes. The biggest producers collected between $60,000 and $100,000 per week.
They laundered the money through banks in Texas, California, Illinois and the United Arab Emirates, then spent it on themselves. Hood bought a fleet of classic cars, and handed out interest-free loans to friends and family members who bought houses and businesses.
The messenger
Washington was an Omega stronghold. Only California and Texas ranked higher in the list of documented victims. Within the state, the majority of victims lived in and around Yelm.
"It proliferated throughout this entire town," said resident Emily French, whose mother gave $1,100 to Omega.
"It was just by word of mouth," said Rainier resident Frances Motyer, who lost $4,500. "Some friends of ours told us, and when we turned around to talk to other people about it, they already knew."
The victims didn't always fit the stereotype of elderly shut-ins wooed by smooth-talking grifters. Joseph Dispenza, a chiropractor from Rainier, gave $11,700 to Omega. He thought it sounded legitimate.
A Seattle-based tax attorney with a Yelm address gave Omega $280,000, the largest documented restitution claim filed in the Omega case.
Her name is Ruth Sparrow, and she works for Garvey Schubert Barer, a Seattle law firm. Her biography on the firm's Web site states she spent 14 years in the tax department of a Philadelphia law firm and describes her as having "significant experience in federal income tax matters concerning corporations, partnerships and individuals in business and real estate transactions."
Sparrow refused to discuss Omega when reached by The News Tribune.
As he gathered Omega's threads, Esteban "Steve" Sanchez, the assistant U.S. attorney in Urbana, Ill., who prosecuted the case, noticed the Yelm connection. He realized several victims were linked to JZ Knight, the ethereal New Age guru who claims to "channel" the spirit of a 40,000-year-old warrior called Ramtha.
"I cannot tell you what, if any, direct relationship there was between this person in Yelm, Washington, and Clyde Hood," Sanchez said of Knight. "We knew that there were people associated with her that apparently had invested in Omega, but that was not an angle that we wanted to pursue, because apparently it's very difficult to pursue that angle."
Omega was an open secret at Knight's Ramtha School of Enlightenment, four former students say. They asked not to be named, citing the fear of legal retaliation from Knight, who requires students to sign nondisclosure agreements.
"That's how I became involved in it, was through the school," one student said. "I was involved in it and practically everybody else I knew at the school was involved in it. There were tons of people involved in this on just a cash basis. People were sending in cash - cash with no paperwork, no receipt, no nothing. People were promised their money was going to come in before the next snowfall."
The students say Knight never endorsed or promoted Omega. Some recall her telling students to cultivate an "abundance mentality" if the promised fortunes ever came.
Knight did not respond directly to requests for comment from The News Tribune. Greg Simmons, a Ramtha school spokesman, acknowledged Omega was discussed informally among students at the school. When asked whether Knight lost money in Omega, Simmons would not comment.
In the late 1990s, as Omega reached its peak, Shaini Goodwin was living near Yelm, in a gated community called Clearwood.
She had taken classes at the Ramtha school in the late 1980s and later claimed to be a kind of channeler herself, according to those who know her. She sprinkles her daily Dove reports with frequent references to the "Ascended Masters" and "the Illuminati," common figures in New Age teachings.
Dove's mission
In her early Internet messages as Dove, she claimed access to secret information.
"Two new pieces of info suggest that important strides forward are being made," she wrote March 20, 2000. "You are well advised to GET READY. I have personally been reprogramming my old ideas about prosperity so that I am ready to wisely steward this great abundance."
The News Tribune interviewed 12 Omega victims, including current and former Washington residents. Most said they had heard of Dove through her Internet reports. A few remember Goodwin. None recalls her selling Omega units, and Goodwin says she never sold any. Sanchez found no evidence of it, though he didn't know Dove's real name.
She rose as Omega fell. By 1999, Hood's prerecorded excuses were growing more desperate. The feds were on his trail, and he knew it.
His explanations got spooky: The government was interfering with the deal, and "numerous individuals and entities" wanted to see the program fail.
When investors complained or discussed the delays in the chat rooms, he attacked them for spreading rumors, and warned them that they were jeopardizing Omega and their fortunes.
The conspiracy talk played like a dream with Omega followers. They knew about secrecy. They sent money wrapped in aluminum foil and used private mail carriers, believing the government would have more trouble tracking it. Clyde and the others had warned them the government and other powerful interests would try to get in the way. Now it was happening.
The loose network of Hood's allies, hangers-on and true believers fed the rumor mill. Messages preaching patience filled the chat rooms and the boards. Everyone just needed to stay calm, to remember the program would fund.
One key source of soothing messages was Dove, who wrote with a distinctive voice and gradually gained a following.
"I know that I am receiving information because the divine power behind getting Omega to us all wants the group prayers to continue," she wrote in a message posted July 17, 2000. "So I have been given the mission of passing on as much information as I can without jeopardizing the safety of the processes for our benefit."
Many Omega-related bulletin boards and chat rooms have shut down since the Omega trials, but a few fragments survive. The messages reveal a mishmash of anxious victims and wannabe con artists hitching a ride on the Omega idea.
Some posters headlined messages with obvious come-ons ("I WAS PAID TODAY ... THIS IS HOT"). Others tried the sober approach ("TAKE A SERIOUS LOOK AT THIS PROGRAM, HAS TREMENDOUS BENEFITS AND POTENTIAL"). Some offered plaintive stories of sick relatives, spouses and children.
Some of the messengers weren't working for Hood. He didn't collect money from them and had no way of knowing what they were doing. During the Omega trials, he talked about his freelance imitators.
"So some people could hear of Omega, go out and try to copy what you were doing?" a judge asked.
"Yes," Hood said.
"And then that money, you have no idea what happened to it?"
"No. Do not."
The News Tribune tried to interview Hood, but he didn't answer letters or phone messages. His prison counselor in Michigan said he didn't want to talk.
'The dark agenda'
In the summer of 2000, as investigators closed in on Hood, Goodwin reported new plots on the Internet boards.
As Dove, she cited information from unnamed sources, and described secret struggles among the world's financial elites. Beginning sentences with "I have been told," she said a major European bank had come to Omega's rescue, but a major U.S. bank was fighting the program "with every trick and delay possible."
U.S. Supreme Court justices were on Omega's side. An important judge from the East Coast was fighting on their behalf. A group she called the White Knights was waging war against powerful enemies she began to call "the dark agenda."
Between such ominous reports, she called for group prayers and positive thinking. She wrote lengthy instructions that explained how to handle large sums of money when they arrived. She talked about how she would spend her own money once she received it: She would give large gifts to humanitarian causes.
Periodically, she reported "confirmations" - people who had received their money in sprinkles in one part of the country or another. The names couldn't be revealed, for privacy reasons, she said.
Over and over, she told Omega investors that prosperity deliveries would arrive any day. She and others sometimes referred to Omega in a kind of typewritten code, mixing numbers and numerals, calling it "O" or "the big O." On July 26, 2000, she said members of "the big pr0gram" could expect deliveries by July 31. On Aug, 4, she said deliveries were imminent. On Aug. 7, she said deliveries were scheduled for the end of the week.
Soon, she was pitching an "e-group." Readers could subscribe for free and get regular updates from her.
Omega investors, hungry for any information, devoured her messages. She quickly claimed more than 1,000 subscribers. Her reports started showing up more frequently.
Speculation about her identity fizzed. "Who was she?" other writers asked. A few flamed her on the bulletin boards. She fired back in regal fashion.
"My main sources include very important people whose responsibilities require their presence in the most secret and most important activities of this country and all the major countries in the world," she wrote. "My personal relationships to some key people have caused me to be chosen to be the spokesperson to the lenders."
The parade queen
The real story was less glamorous.
She was born Candace Darlene Goodwin on May 4, 1947, and grew up in McCleary, a small town east of Aberdeen in Grays Harbor County.
The oldest of four children, she was dark-eyed and pretty. In 1962 she was crowned queen of the annual McCleary Bear Festival. The photo made the front page of the now-defunct Elma Chronicle.
Candy Goodwin attended Elma High School, and graduated in 1965. She studied French and made good grades. She joined the pep club. Her high school classmates liked her, and she had lots of friends.
"Very outgoing, vivacious, good sense of humor - I picture her smiling," said classmate Karen Olson, whose maiden name was Basset.
After graduation, Goodwin married but later divorced. There weren't any children. She moved on alone. Boyfriends came and went.
For a few years in the mid-1970s, she lived in Minnesota and worked for a computer company. She came back to Washington and, in 1980, landed a job with the state Department of Social and Health Services as a computer specialist. For the next decade, she bounced between state employment and private business, sometimes living with relatives.
She tried to freelance as a computer consultant, but didn't do well. She got interested in New Age philosophy. JoAnn Witt, Goodwin's aunt, says Candy always was "a little different."
In March 1988, she linked up with a Delaware corporation called EAN Corp., and asked family and friends to invest $1,000 in start-up money. She bought a new truck in early 1989 and listed her corporate salary as $5,000 a month on the loan application.
Delaware state records show EAN didn't make a dime. Goodwin says the company's owner deceived her and stopped paying her salary. On July 16, 1989, Goodwin filed for bankruptcy in Tacoma.
She erased more than $20,000 in maxed-out credit cards, kept the truck and went back to state employment for three years as a computer information consultant.
In 1992, she resigned, moved to Port Angeles, and eventually changed her name from Candace to Shaini. Goodwin says she left her job because a concussion from a car accident made working too difficult.
In 1995, an ex-boyfriend named Larry Tipton sought a protection order against Goodwin in Clallam County and accused her of harassment - peeking in his windows, calling him repeatedly and appearing in places where he could not avoid her. Goodwin disputed the claims. She says Tipton was depressed and suicidal and that she was just trying to keep an eye on him. A judge granted the restraining order.
Tipton hasn't spoken to Goodwin in several years. He said he did not know about her Dove pseudonym or her Internet celebrity.
"She's a wonderful, vivacious woman, but her views are a little bit out there," he says. "She's very bright - she'll tie you in knots. If you want to meet a character, meet Shaini."
In 1997, the IRS filed a lien against Goodwin, seeking $12,000 in unpaid taxes dating from 1991 to 1994. The agency does not lift liens until the debt is repaid in full. As of June, Thurston County court records show the lien remains active.
Goodwin says she was audited in the early 1990s and says she thinks she paid those bills. She told The News Tribune she hadn't seen the lien and gives it no credence. She says the IRS is an illegal organization and its actions have nothing to do with her "work." She says she has never mentioned her bankruptcy to her readers because it's "irrelevant."
The messenger
In August 2000, federal investigators smashed Omega. Steve Sanchez filed indictments against Hood and 18 co-conspirators, charging multiple counts of wire fraud, mail fraud and conspiracy.
On Aug. 29, the day after the indictments were announced, Dove posted a message:
"Tonight we were told by a very high intelligence agency source that this whole thing in Illinois 'has been staged' to try to stop funding! However, this case in Illinois TOTALLY LACKS any ability to stop funding. It's almost a comedy, because the whole case will disappear instantly - VERY SOON."
She added a warning to worried Omega investors seeking information about the case.
"STAY AWAY FROM THE WEBSITE that has information on this case!!!" she wrote. "You will be tracked if you go to that website. And, absolutely avoid filling out any complaints - you could lose your funding if you do that!"
The case didn't disappear.
Sanchez won 18 convictions. The sole exception was Michael Kodosky, one of Hood's key lieutenants. He died before his trial began, from complications related to diabetes. Before his death, Kodosky entered a guilty plea.
Dove claims Omega's enemies, including the government, killed Kodosky with slow-acting poison. In her reports, she scoffed at the "Urbana soap opera."
She claimed Omega wasn't the only program affected by battles among the financial elites. At least 50 more "prosperity programs" were in play. Soon, all of them would be triggered by the announcement of a secret law passed by Congress. She called it NESARA - an acronym for the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act.
The law forgave debt and eliminated taxes. It changed the banking system and shifted the backing for the nation's currency, she claimed. New, colorful bills printed by the U.S. Mint were proof. But no members of Congress could admit the law's existence, she said. They were bound to secrecy by a gag order from the U.S. Supreme Court, and violations were punishable by death. Group prayers were needed to hasten the law's announcement.
She had taken Hood's idea and transformed it. Omega no longer was a simple investment, but an article of faith. She no longer was the messenger for one failed prosperity program, but scores. She made it clear she was the only voice, the designated messenger, for every one of them. She made it clear she was the only one who knew the truth about NESARA.
The man who created NESARA
The claim shocked Harvey Barnard, 62, an engineer, consultant and teacher from Louisiana who wrote NESARA 13 years ago during an academic daydream.
While fooling around with mathematical formulas applied to economics, he decided the American economy was fundamentally unstable. So he came up with new formulas, translated them into legal language and wrote a bill.
"It was just an exercise to see if I could do it," he says.
Barnard printed 1,000 copies and sent them to every member of Congress. At first, he figured the idea was so obvious, he'd have to wait about a week for the bill to pass. Unfortunately, no one was interested in saving the economy. He still pitches the idea, and provides copies of his bill on his Web site. But no one has ever sponsored it.
The rumors from Dove suggested otherwise - that the law had been secretly passed. Dove started referring to NESARA by name, and directing readers to Barnard's Web site. The hits jumped and people started e-mailing questions. Barnard was pleased by the interest, but puzzled by claims that NESARA had passed.
At first, he replied to messages with gentle debunking. He pointed readers to official records of congressional actions, and asked them to look for themselves. NESARA hadn't been introduced, let alone passed. It was unlikely, he said, that every member of Congress, thousands of aides and the media would conspire to keep such a thing secret.
"If you believe any of that, you might also want to start looking for ocean front property in Nebraska," he wrote.
Indifferent to Barnard's message, Dove charged ahead, giving more details about what NESARA would accomplish, including forgiveness of mortgage and credit card debt. Subscriptions to her e-group rose above 2,000.
Barnard did some more research, discovered the clusters of Omega bulletin boards and read news stories about the case. He realized people were attaching his brainchild to a scam.
Part of him wondered whether this was a deliberate disinformation campaign to discredit his idea. The other part wondered if these rumors came from somebody wearing a tinfoil hat.
"Two different explanations," he says. "The simpler one is probably more nearly correct."
Again, he responded to the streams of questions, this time with a tougher tone.
"Many people who write to us seem to believe we are somehow connected with various financial schemes," he wrote. "At least some people are representing or claiming such an idea. We cannot vouch for the validity of those schemes, nor do we care to investigate."
To rumors of debt forgiveness, Barnard responded with specifics. That wasn't how his bill worked. True, it would change certain banking laws, but no loans would be forgiven.
"We really do not know how to dispel such rumors other than refute them, but you can help by not forwarding the rumors to others," he wrote.
When people relayed Barnard's messages to Dove, she dismissed them. It was obvious that the NESARA people couldn't discuss what was happening. They weren't talking to her high-level sources. On April 8, 2001, she explained it all.
"WHY would the people at the NESARA website commit 'TREASON punishable by DEATH' by telling anyone who writes them that NESARA secretly passed in March, 2000?" she wrote. "Leave the NESARA people alone - you are showing your ignorance by asking them to commit TREASON."
On April 10, 2001, Clyde Hood crumbled. In the Illinois federal court, he pleaded guilty to mail fraud, wire fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering. He agreed to testify against his co-conspirators.
The chat rooms and bulletin boards buzzed. Dove and other Omega supporters posted hundreds of messages that suggested the program would still pay.
On April 13, 2001, Dove hinted that Hood's guilty pleas were part of a conspiracy to deny investors their money. His confessions were a sham; the anti-Omega cartel was forcing him to lie, to prevent the announcement of the secret law.
"CH knows the whole Illinois court thing is just a smoke-screen, " she wrote, and added a sinister explanation:
"So, WHO benefits from the smoke-screen?" she asked. "Well, WHO wants the 'general populace' to believe these programs don't exist? WHO puts out this fraudulent info? The top world bankers, who have controlled our money system through the Fed, are the ones who want the general populace to believe these programs don't exist. Why? To keep these programs just for the 'RICH,' who have always had access to these huge money makers."
Her reports generated comments and fierce debates about the quality of her claimed sources. Other Omega supporters began to criticize her, saying she was jeopardizing their fortunes.
On April 14, she again took aim at fact-checking skeptics who couldn't understand why Barnard and the NESARA Web site kept saying the law hadn't been passed.
"QUIT bothering the people at NESARA - and quit sending me emails about how YOU 'think' you got the truth about the SECRET law," she wrote. "It's ridiculous for you to think you can just send an email and get the truth about a SECRET law. Congress has been under a STRICT GAG ORDER about this secret law. So, Quit Wasting my time sending me emails on this."
In the summer of 2001, Hood began to sing. During two trials of Omega conspirators, he spilled it all - how he had devised the scheme, how he knew it would never pay, the private mail carriers, the laundered money, the phony update lines, the stories of government interference dreamed up to dupe investors.
"I didn't really realize how big a liar I was," he said.
Meanwhile, federal attorneys in Illinois tried to help Omega victims get their money back. The antique cars, property and other assets bought with Omega money were seized and sold. Victims were encouraged to file restitution claims.
The attorneys ran into a problem. Many investors refused to file, refused to even talk to government investigators. The problem was the Internet, and the never-ending stream of rumors led by Dove and others that urged Omega victims to clam up.
"All this miscommunication, all this misinformation," Sanchez said. "Everybody kept saying, 'I'm told that it's gonna pay tomorrow, so I'm not talking to you.' No matter how hard we tried to persuade people that the information being put out there was erroneous, people didn't want to believe it. We fought for a long time to find somebody who did not distrust the government - somebody who believed that they had been defrauded."
Hood's former attorney, Douglas McNabb, received phone calls and e-mails from Omega investors for months after the trials ended. They wanted the truth - the real truth.
McNabb told them that Hood said Omega was a scam. He had testified to it in open court.
The callers politely said they understood. They figured Clyde had to say that, just to cut his exposure. But when would Omega pay?
"Some of these people, they just really, really believe it," McNabb said. "That's why these people are so susceptible to being victimized again."
It's true, according to experts: For some reason, being defrauded affects the victim like a drug.
"A very well-known phenomenon," says Andreas Schroeder, co-chairman of the creative writing department at the University of British Columbia and author of several books on scam artists and confidence games.
"People who have been suckered once are your very best bet to be suckered again. You'd think they'd be the last people willing to be conned. Nope. It's almost as if you're genetically prone to believing that kind of stuff. Once you've gone one step of the way, there's no reverse - it's only forward."
On Sept. 11, 2001, hours after planes hijacked by terrorists struck the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Dove posted the message that made her a star.
"The three targets today were ALL connected to NESARA and the banking changes. I just learned that at 9:00 a.m. in New York this morning, there was an IMPORTANT banking activity set to be activated in the IMF international banking computer center in the World Trade Center!" she wrote. "This was obviously WHY the World Trade Center was attacked TODAY at just before and after 9:00 a.m.! ... The orders for these plane attacks came from U.S. citizens who are trying to stop our deliveries/funding and NESARA."
The impact on the Internet was electric. Here was a new rumor to chew. Almost immediately, Dove's message appeared on every Omega bulletin board, and leapfrogged to other sites devoted to conspiracy theory.
In Illinois, assistant U.S. attorney Sanchez, who had continued to follow the doings of the Omeganites, read the message and turned away.
"Once I saw that, I said I'm not going to follow this anymore," he says.
From Louisiana, Harvey Barnard posted an angry message on his NESARA Web site.
"Pure idiocy," he wrote. "Such stories would be humorous if the tragedies of that infamous Tuesday had not happened. We find all such rumor-mongering to be despicable, and the nature of such messages is mindlessness at its worst."
Again, Dove waved off the criticism.
"What would you expect them to say?" she wrote.
With one stroke, Dove mixed con, conspiracy, terrorism, faith, finance and politics. Within a month, her e-group gained more than 1,000 subscribers.
"Brilliant," says Schroeder, the scam historian. "That's cunning. That is definitely magnificent."
Sean Robinson: 253-597-8486
May 4, 1947: Candace Darlene Goodwin, later known as Shaini Goodwin and "Dove of Oneness," is born.
August 1962: Goodwin crowned queen of the McCleary Bear Festival.
June 1965: Goodwin graduates from Elma High School.
April 1980: Goodwin begins working on a temporary basis for the state Department of Social and Health Services as a computer operator. She works for the state off and on for the next decade.
1988: Goodwin joins or partners with a Las Vegas woman to create EAN Corp., a Delaware corporation.
June 1989: Goodwin returns to state employment with DSHS.
July 18, 1989: Goodwin files for bankruptcy.
1990: Harvey Barnard, an engineer from Louisiana, writes a proposed congressional bill he calls NESARA: the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act.
1992: Goodwin leaves state employment, moves to Port Angeles, changes her name to Shaini.
1994: Clyde Hood and co-conspirators begin the Omega investment fraud scheme in Mattoon, Ill.
1997: IRS files lien on Goodwin, seeking unpaid taxes of $12,000.
1998: Goodwin, now living in Yelm, buys two units in the Omega investment fraud scheme for $100 each.
November 1999: Goodwin begins writing Internet reports as "Dove," citing secret sources who tell her Omega will pay as promised.
Aug. 13, 2000: Goodwin's reports begin to discuss a "secret law" that affects "prosperity programs," including Omega.
Aug. 28, 2000: Hood and 18 co-conspirators are indicted on fraud and money-laundering charges related to the Omega scheme.
Aug. 29, 2000: Goodwin's report says the Illinois court case "has been staged" to stop Omega from paying out.
December 2000: Goodwin's reports begin to reference NESARA, which she says Congress has secretly passed.
April 10, 2001: Hood pleads guilty to charges of mail fraud, wire fraud and money laundering, admits that Omega is a scam.
April 13, 2001: Goodwin calls the court action in Illinois "a smoke-screen," and dismisses Hood's confession.
Sept. 11, 2001: Goodwin's Internet report says the terror attacks were planned by the U.S. government to prevent NESARA from being announced.
Nov. 4, 2001: Goodwin claims NESARA will be announced "anytime this week."
Nov. 29, 2001: Goodwin says she will not ask her readers for money.
Jan. 1, 2002: Goodwin says NESARA announcement was "seconds away," but delayed by U.S. Supreme Court.
Jan. 15, 2002: Goodwin claims "mass deliveries" from prosperity programs will arrive "this month."
Jan. 25, 2002: Goodwin thanks readers for sending donations.
April 4, 2002: Goodwin claims NESARA will be announced "tonight."
April 11, 2002: Goodwin starts Dove "voice reports" on a Seattle phone line.
April 14, 2002: Goodwin says prosperity deliveries will arrive by mid-April.
June 10, 2002: Goodwin asks for donations.
July 8, 2002: Goodwin claims the World Court has delayed NESARA announcement until spring 2003.
July 28, 2002: Goodwin claims those who speak against NESARA will lose their funding.
Oct. 15, 2002: Goodwin claims the East Coast sniper attacks were a CIA operation and that some reported deaths of sniper victims are "not true."
Nov. 19, 2002: Goodwin asks for donations.
June 20, 2003: Goodwin asks for donations.
Oct. 4, 2003: Goodwin claims NESARA supporters have sent 51,000 e-mails to the World Court in the Netherlands.
Feb. 4, 2004: Goodwin asks for donations.
April 7, 2004: NESARA billboard trucks appear in Washington, D.C.
April 22, 2004: Goodwin asks for donations.
June 24, 2004: Goodwin urges supporters to hand out NESARA fliers at theaters showing the Michael Moore film "Fahrenheit 9/11."
Shaini Goodwin, who calls herself Dove of Oneness, is the architect of a conspiracy theory that grew out of a financial scam. Here it is, in a nutshell:
•In 1998, she puts money into Omega, an investment fraud scheme that runs from 1994 to 2000 and robs victims of $20 million.
•Omega's ringleader, Clyde Hood, confesses his crimes in 2001, and admits Omega is a scam.
•Goodwin writes Internet reports as "Dove," says Hood's confession is a lie and that Omega is real. She claims a secret law called NESARA - the National Economic Security and Reformation Act - will unlock the wealth held in Omega and other "prosperity programs."
•Dove's reports claim Congress secretly passed NESARA in 2000 but that leaders cannot reveal its existence because violating a U.S. Supreme Court gag order on NESARA is punishable by death.
•Dove claims the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, the East Coast sniper shootings and the Iraq war are diversions planned and plotted by the Bush administration to prevent NESARA's announcement.
• According to Dove, once NESARA is announced, banking rules will change and "mass deliveries" from more than 60 "prosperity programs," including Omega, will arrive.
Despite facts to the contrary, Dove of Oneness insists Congress passed a secret law in 2000. Here's what her Web site,, says the secret NESARA law does:
•Forgives credit card, mortgage and other bank debt.
•Abolishes the IRS, creates a flat-rate sales tax.
•Initiates the U.S. Treasury Bank System, which absorbs the Federal Reserve, and new precious metals-backed U.S. Treasury currency.
•Restores constitutional law.
•Requires resignations of current administration to be replaced by NESARA president and vice president designates until new elections within 120 days.
•Requires the president designate to declare "peace," enabling international banking improvements to proceed; ends "U.S. aggressive military actions immediately, and many more improvements."
Coming Monday: Dove battles "the dark agenda"
Up against 'the dark agenda': Shaini Goodwin says those who question her word risk the loss of their prosperity. She swears that those who deny the existence of the secret law NESARA are lying. She claims those who debunk her claims are tools of the CIA and other powerful forces. Still, her following is growing.
SEAN ROBINSON; The News Tribune
Shaini Goodwin lies like a lover, and people pay to listen.
Her whispers promise the irresistible: peace, wealth and forgiven credit card debt.
She is a star only the Internet could create - queen of a cybercult, architect of a conspiracy theory built on the ruins of deceit. Every day, typing at a computer or speaking on the phone, she lures disciples to a bewitching creed, and pumps new life into a dead scam that suckered thousands.
Her words are soft and sharp, insistent and insolent, understanding and unyielding. From her South Sound double-wide, she peddles a myth that blends old grift, New Age sermon and political activism into a mixture one historian of confidence games calls "magnificent."
Most of her readers don't know who she is. On the Internet, she writes under an increasingly famous pseudonym: Dove of Oneness.
Editor's Note:
This is part 1 of a two-part series. See part 2.
Hello, Dear Friends and White Knights.
The greeting heads every report she writes. Each ends with the same pleasant farewell:
Blessings and love, Dove of Oneness.
She says she does not lie, that she does not lead a cult, that she is simply a political activist on a spiritual mission, trying to make the world a better place.
"A lot of people who are on spiritual missions ask for help," she says. "People pledge their lives to make a difference in the world. You cannot live a normal life and do what I do."
At Dove's decree, thousands of her followers send letters, postcards and e-mails to the U.S. Supreme Court, the Pentagon, Congress and the halls of international justice. They wave banners, pass out fliers and hold demonstrations on three continents, demanding announcement of a secret law that doesn't exist, anticipating the delivery of easy fortunes that never come.
Some have been conned before. They are being conned again, but telling them is useless. They ignore weary government officials who repeatedly say there is no secret law to announce. They scorn experts in fraud and high finance who tell them they're chasing shadows.
Instead, they put their trust in Goodwin, 57, who has declared bankruptcy at least once, owes the IRS $12,000 and lives in her ailing mother's mobile home in Shelton.
Her latest venture might be more profitable. She sells false hope.
It's not a crime. It's a corporation. Goodwin never mentions it to her followers, but she has a Washington state business license, granted in 2002 for a $20 fee. Her corporate category - computer services. Her corporate name - Dove. Her corporate address - a hole-in-the-wall mail drop in Olympia.
This is where her followers send money, addressed to her Internet persona. Now and then, she asks for "gifts" to cover the costs of her daily "Dove Reports." For those who send such indulgences, she provides explicit instructions:
"Please address your envelope EXACTLY as above or your envelope may not be delivered," she writes. "Also, please REPLY to this message telling me you are sending me a financial gift. You may make checks or money orders payable to 'Dove.'"
It's legal. No law prevents her from waving a cardboard sign on the shoulder of the information highway. The money comes - how much, only Goodwin knows, and she isn't telling. She says she asks for money only when she really needs it. If she lives high, she hides it well. The mobile home is no mansion.
But money isn't the only gift she receives. She also harvests something equally precious: believers.
The secret law
Four weeks ago, as filmmaker Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" opened across the nation, Goodwin's acolytes stood by theater doors, handing out sheets of paper headed with a mysterious acronym - NESARA.
The word appears on purple fliers stacked on a shelf outside an Olympia cafe; on banners unfurled weekly at the World Court in The Netherlands; on signs carried by demonstrators in Texas, Chicago and South America; scrawled in the sand on beaches in Australia; and on the sides of rolling billboards in Washington, D.C.
It stands for the secret law, the one Dove claims Congress passed four years ago. The one that abolishes income taxes, forgives mortgages, zeroes out credit cards and declares peace.
The media can't talk about it, she says. Only Dove knows the truth about NESARA, and as she solemnly explains, it's dangerous information. That's why she has a secret identity.
"Hardly anyone knows my name," she says. "I'm the Deep Throat of the Northwest."
She shows up on radio occasionally, giving interviews to late-night talk show hosts across America who chat about crop circles, UFOs and conspiracy theories. In those broadcasts, she claims connections with highly placed sources among leaders of government and high finance, and knowledge of a war between the forces of good and evil over the secret NESARA law.
She has embroidered the saga for the last four years, writing more than 1,000 Internet reports, recording hundreds of "voice reports" on a Seattle telephone line, giving interviews on radio stations from Alaska to Vermont.
She claims more than 15,000 subscribers to her reports, and 300,000 readers worldwide. Between 5,000 and 10,000 of them are in Western Washington. The numbers cannot be verified, but her online presence suggests an international following. Her reports are translated into Dutch, Korean, German, French and Spanish, and published on Web sites based in America, Canada and Europe.
Her long-running tale is a curtain - a veil that covers a con. She waves the so-called secret law like a winning lottery ticket, telling her followers its provisions will grant them the wealth they were once promised by an Illinois grifter.
The scam that started it all
The grifter is Clyde Hood, a retired electrician from Mattoon, Ill. He's serving a 14-year sentence in federal prison for mail fraud, wire fraud and money laundering.
A decade ago, Hood created an investment fraud scam called Omega. Dove almost never mentions Omega these days, but without it, her celebrity and her cybercult might not exist.
Omega robbed thousands of people, including South Sound residents, of at least $12.5 million. That was the traceable part. Federal attorneys and investigators who prosecuted Hood and 18 co-conspirators think the real number was greater - at least $20 million, perhaps $50 million.
In 1994, Hood started telling a story to Midwestern churchgoers. He said he'd worked for Fortune 500 companies, been in the investment business for 15 or 16 years, owned a foreign bank. He had become an expert in offshore trading, European high-yield investment programs and prime bank notes. He could do a $250 million deal in the morning and again in the afternoon, four times a week.
"I'm the only one with control," he said. "I'm the only one with the collateral account, I'm the one with the fiduciary bank. There are only seven or eight people in the world that can do all this."
With a nod to his Christian audience, he said a vision from God came to him during a business trip in Hong Kong: It told him to help the little people, and do a big trade for humanitarian causes. For that, he had formed a company called Omega Trust and Trading Ltd. He was offering hardworking people a chance to reap their share of "the Lord's storehouse."
They could buy Omega "units" for $100 apiece. Under Hood's supervision, each unit would "roll" for 275 days, with a 50-to-1 return. Investors could let it "roll" again, for another 275 days, again at 50 to 1. After that, they could do one more roll, but that was all.
For onlookers, the math wasn't too hard to figure. In less than three years, $100 could become $12.5 million.
Hood sealed the deal by sending investors an official-looking document called a "private party loan agreement." They even got receipts.
Thousands of people fell for his pitch. Later, he admitted it was bull.
"Did you get a vision, an actual vision from the Lord?" a federal prosecutor asked Hood in 2001.
"No," he said. "I did not."
"Have you ever worked for a Fortune 500 company as a trader?" the prosecutor asked later.
"No," Hood said.
"What is Omega?"
"It's a scam."
The loan agreements were worthless. "Prime bank notes" didn't exist. Hood didn't own a bank and had no experience in finance - just a few financial terms picked up from wealthy friends, and the knowledge that others had engineered the same swindle.
"There's other programs similar, and I just picked up on it and thought I had something I could work," he said in court testimony.
Omega lured suckers from all 50 states and a few foreign countries. Dove was one of them. She says she bought two units in 1998 after learning about the program through a friend in the town of Rainier.
She says she began publishing Internet reports in November 1999. In those early writings, she called herself an Omega investor, still waiting for her "prosperity deliveries" like everyone else. She named Hood and his allies and described her contacts with them.
The Omega pitch spread by word of mouth, through relatives and friends. Hood and four confederates created a network of phone lines in 17 area codes. Omega investors could hear phony, prerecorded "updates" from Hood, explaining Omega's status, and why promised fortunes weren't being delivered.
It worked for six years. From 1994 to 2000, Hood got by with excuses.
"Omega has been interrupted due to some unforeseen financial conflicts," he said in a June 3, 1996, phone message, typical of his style. "These situations or those situations should be completed on June 17, 1996. And the banks then will continue to process your checks and credit cards."
Scores of similar messages explained more delays. The deliveries, always a few weeks or months away, never came.
Meanwhile, the money for new Omega units poured in. Hood's four "coordinators," a handful of allies who collected money for Omega shares, piled cash, cashier's checks and money orders into cardboard boxes. The biggest producers collected between $60,000 and $100,000 per week.
They laundered the money through banks in Texas, California, Illinois and the United Arab Emirates, then spent it on themselves. Hood bought a fleet of classic cars, and handed out interest-free loans to friends and family members who bought houses and businesses.
The messenger
Washington was an Omega stronghold. Only California and Texas ranked higher in the list of documented victims. Within the state, the majority of victims lived in and around Yelm.
"It proliferated throughout this entire town," said resident Emily French, whose mother gave $1,100 to Omega.
"It was just by word of mouth," said Rainier resident Frances Motyer, who lost $4,500. "Some friends of ours told us, and when we turned around to talk to other people about it, they already knew."
The victims didn't always fit the stereotype of elderly shut-ins wooed by smooth-talking grifters. Joseph Dispenza, a chiropractor from Rainier, gave $11,700 to Omega. He thought it sounded legitimate.
A Seattle-based tax attorney with a Yelm address gave Omega $280,000, the largest documented restitution claim filed in the Omega case.
Her name is Ruth Sparrow, and she works for Garvey Schubert Barer, a Seattle law firm. Her biography on the firm's Web site states she spent 14 years in the tax department of a Philadelphia law firm and describes her as having "significant experience in federal income tax matters concerning corporations, partnerships and individuals in business and real estate transactions."
Sparrow refused to discuss Omega when reached by The News Tribune.
As he gathered Omega's threads, Esteban "Steve" Sanchez, the assistant U.S. attorney in Urbana, Ill., who prosecuted the case, noticed the Yelm connection. He realized several victims were linked to JZ Knight, the ethereal New Age guru who claims to "channel" the spirit of a 40,000-year-old warrior called Ramtha.
"I cannot tell you what, if any, direct relationship there was between this person in Yelm, Washington, and Clyde Hood," Sanchez said of Knight. "We knew that there were people associated with her that apparently had invested in Omega, but that was not an angle that we wanted to pursue, because apparently it's very difficult to pursue that angle."
Omega was an open secret at Knight's Ramtha School of Enlightenment, four former students say. They asked not to be named, citing the fear of legal retaliation from Knight, who requires students to sign nondisclosure agreements.
"That's how I became involved in it, was through the school," one student said. "I was involved in it and practically everybody else I knew at the school was involved in it. There were tons of people involved in this on just a cash basis. People were sending in cash - cash with no paperwork, no receipt, no nothing. People were promised their money was going to come in before the next snowfall."
The students say Knight never endorsed or promoted Omega. Some recall her telling students to cultivate an "abundance mentality" if the promised fortunes ever came.
Knight did not respond directly to requests for comment from The News Tribune. Greg Simmons, a Ramtha school spokesman, acknowledged Omega was discussed informally among students at the school. When asked whether Knight lost money in Omega, Simmons would not comment.
In the late 1990s, as Omega reached its peak, Shaini Goodwin was living near Yelm, in a gated community called Clearwood.
She had taken classes at the Ramtha school in the late 1980s and later claimed to be a kind of channeler herself, according to those who know her. She sprinkles her daily Dove reports with frequent references to the "Ascended Masters" and "the Illuminati," common figures in New Age teachings.
Dove's mission
In her early Internet messages as Dove, she claimed access to secret information.
"Two new pieces of info suggest that important strides forward are being made," she wrote March 20, 2000. "You are well advised to GET READY. I have personally been reprogramming my old ideas about prosperity so that I am ready to wisely steward this great abundance."
The News Tribune interviewed 12 Omega victims, including current and former Washington residents. Most said they had heard of Dove through her Internet reports. A few remember Goodwin. None recalls her selling Omega units, and Goodwin says she never sold any. Sanchez found no evidence of it, though he didn't know Dove's real name.
She rose as Omega fell. By 1999, Hood's prerecorded excuses were growing more desperate. The feds were on his trail, and he knew it.
His explanations got spooky: The government was interfering with the deal, and "numerous individuals and entities" wanted to see the program fail.
When investors complained or discussed the delays in the chat rooms, he attacked them for spreading rumors, and warned them that they were jeopardizing Omega and their fortunes.
The conspiracy talk played like a dream with Omega followers. They knew about secrecy. They sent money wrapped in aluminum foil and used private mail carriers, believing the government would have more trouble tracking it. Clyde and the others had warned them the government and other powerful interests would try to get in the way. Now it was happening.
The loose network of Hood's allies, hangers-on and true believers fed the rumor mill. Messages preaching patience filled the chat rooms and the boards. Everyone just needed to stay calm, to remember the program would fund.
One key source of soothing messages was Dove, who wrote with a distinctive voice and gradually gained a following.
"I know that I am receiving information because the divine power behind getting Omega to us all wants the group prayers to continue," she wrote in a message posted July 17, 2000. "So I have been given the mission of passing on as much information as I can without jeopardizing the safety of the processes for our benefit."
Many Omega-related bulletin boards and chat rooms have shut down since the Omega trials, but a few fragments survive. The messages reveal a mishmash of anxious victims and wannabe con artists hitching a ride on the Omega idea.
Some posters headlined messages with obvious come-ons ("I WAS PAID TODAY ... THIS IS HOT"). Others tried the sober approach ("TAKE A SERIOUS LOOK AT THIS PROGRAM, HAS TREMENDOUS BENEFITS AND POTENTIAL"). Some offered plaintive stories of sick relatives, spouses and children.
Some of the messengers weren't working for Hood. He didn't collect money from them and had no way of knowing what they were doing. During the Omega trials, he talked about his freelance imitators.
"So some people could hear of Omega, go out and try to copy what you were doing?" a judge asked.
"Yes," Hood said.
"And then that money, you have no idea what happened to it?"
"No. Do not."
The News Tribune tried to interview Hood, but he didn't answer letters or phone messages. His prison counselor in Michigan said he didn't want to talk.
'The dark agenda'
In the summer of 2000, as investigators closed in on Hood, Goodwin reported new plots on the Internet boards.
As Dove, she cited information from unnamed sources, and described secret struggles among the world's financial elites. Beginning sentences with "I have been told," she said a major European bank had come to Omega's rescue, but a major U.S. bank was fighting the program "with every trick and delay possible."
U.S. Supreme Court justices were on Omega's side. An important judge from the East Coast was fighting on their behalf. A group she called the White Knights was waging war against powerful enemies she began to call "the dark agenda."
Between such ominous reports, she called for group prayers and positive thinking. She wrote lengthy instructions that explained how to handle large sums of money when they arrived. She talked about how she would spend her own money once she received it: She would give large gifts to humanitarian causes.
Periodically, she reported "confirmations" - people who had received their money in sprinkles in one part of the country or another. The names couldn't be revealed, for privacy reasons, she said.
Over and over, she told Omega investors that prosperity deliveries would arrive any day. She and others sometimes referred to Omega in a kind of typewritten code, mixing numbers and numerals, calling it "O" or "the big O." On July 26, 2000, she said members of "the big pr0gram" could expect deliveries by July 31. On Aug, 4, she said deliveries were imminent. On Aug. 7, she said deliveries were scheduled for the end of the week.
Soon, she was pitching an "e-group." Readers could subscribe for free and get regular updates from her.
Omega investors, hungry for any information, devoured her messages. She quickly claimed more than 1,000 subscribers. Her reports started showing up more frequently.
Speculation about her identity fizzed. "Who was she?" other writers asked. A few flamed her on the bulletin boards. She fired back in regal fashion.
"My main sources include very important people whose responsibilities require their presence in the most secret and most important activities of this country and all the major countries in the world," she wrote. "My personal relationships to some key people have caused me to be chosen to be the spokesperson to the lenders."
The parade queen
The real story was less glamorous.
She was born Candace Darlene Goodwin on May 4, 1947, and grew up in McCleary, a small town east of Aberdeen in Grays Harbor County.
The oldest of four children, she was dark-eyed and pretty. In 1962 she was crowned queen of the annual McCleary Bear Festival. The photo made the front page of the now-defunct Elma Chronicle.
Candy Goodwin attended Elma High School, and graduated in 1965. She studied French and made good grades. She joined the pep club. Her high school classmates liked her, and she had lots of friends.
"Very outgoing, vivacious, good sense of humor - I picture her smiling," said classmate Karen Olson, whose maiden name was Basset.
After graduation, Goodwin married but later divorced. There weren't any children. She moved on alone. Boyfriends came and went.
For a few years in the mid-1970s, she lived in Minnesota and worked for a computer company. She came back to Washington and, in 1980, landed a job with the state Department of Social and Health Services as a computer specialist. For the next decade, she bounced between state employment and private business, sometimes living with relatives.
She tried to freelance as a computer consultant, but didn't do well. She got interested in New Age philosophy. JoAnn Witt, Goodwin's aunt, says Candy always was "a little different."
In March 1988, she linked up with a Delaware corporation called EAN Corp., and asked family and friends to invest $1,000 in start-up money. She bought a new truck in early 1989 and listed her corporate salary as $5,000 a month on the loan application.
Delaware state records show EAN didn't make a dime. Goodwin says the company's owner deceived her and stopped paying her salary. On July 16, 1989, Goodwin filed for bankruptcy in Tacoma.
She erased more than $20,000 in maxed-out credit cards, kept the truck and went back to state employment for three years as a computer information consultant.
In 1992, she resigned, moved to Port Angeles, and eventually changed her name from Candace to Shaini. Goodwin says she left her job because a concussion from a car accident made working too difficult.
In 1995, an ex-boyfriend named Larry Tipton sought a protection order against Goodwin in Clallam County and accused her of harassment - peeking in his windows, calling him repeatedly and appearing in places where he could not avoid her. Goodwin disputed the claims. She says Tipton was depressed and suicidal and that she was just trying to keep an eye on him. A judge granted the restraining order.
Tipton hasn't spoken to Goodwin in several years. He said he did not know about her Dove pseudonym or her Internet celebrity.
"She's a wonderful, vivacious woman, but her views are a little bit out there," he says. "She's very bright - she'll tie you in knots. If you want to meet a character, meet Shaini."
In 1997, the IRS filed a lien against Goodwin, seeking $12,000 in unpaid taxes dating from 1991 to 1994. The agency does not lift liens until the debt is repaid in full. As of June, Thurston County court records show the lien remains active.
Goodwin says she was audited in the early 1990s and says she thinks she paid those bills. She told The News Tribune she hadn't seen the lien and gives it no credence. She says the IRS is an illegal organization and its actions have nothing to do with her "work." She says she has never mentioned her bankruptcy to her readers because it's "irrelevant."
The messenger
In August 2000, federal investigators smashed Omega. Steve Sanchez filed indictments against Hood and 18 co-conspirators, charging multiple counts of wire fraud, mail fraud and conspiracy.
On Aug. 29, the day after the indictments were announced, Dove posted a message:
"Tonight we were told by a very high intelligence agency source that this whole thing in Illinois 'has been staged' to try to stop funding! However, this case in Illinois TOTALLY LACKS any ability to stop funding. It's almost a comedy, because the whole case will disappear instantly - VERY SOON."
She added a warning to worried Omega investors seeking information about the case.
"STAY AWAY FROM THE WEBSITE that has information on this case!!!" she wrote. "You will be tracked if you go to that website. And, absolutely avoid filling out any complaints - you could lose your funding if you do that!"
The case didn't disappear.
Sanchez won 18 convictions. The sole exception was Michael Kodosky, one of Hood's key lieutenants. He died before his trial began, from complications related to diabetes. Before his death, Kodosky entered a guilty plea.
Dove claims Omega's enemies, including the government, killed Kodosky with slow-acting poison. In her reports, she scoffed at the "Urbana soap opera."
She claimed Omega wasn't the only program affected by battles among the financial elites. At least 50 more "prosperity programs" were in play. Soon, all of them would be triggered by the announcement of a secret law passed by Congress. She called it NESARA - an acronym for the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act.
The law forgave debt and eliminated taxes. It changed the banking system and shifted the backing for the nation's currency, she claimed. New, colorful bills printed by the U.S. Mint were proof. But no members of Congress could admit the law's existence, she said. They were bound to secrecy by a gag order from the U.S. Supreme Court, and violations were punishable by death. Group prayers were needed to hasten the law's announcement.
She had taken Hood's idea and transformed it. Omega no longer was a simple investment, but an article of faith. She no longer was the messenger for one failed prosperity program, but scores. She made it clear she was the only voice, the designated messenger, for every one of them. She made it clear she was the only one who knew the truth about NESARA.
The man who created NESARA
The claim shocked Harvey Barnard, 62, an engineer, consultant and teacher from Louisiana who wrote NESARA 13 years ago during an academic daydream.
While fooling around with mathematical formulas applied to economics, he decided the American economy was fundamentally unstable. So he came up with new formulas, translated them into legal language and wrote a bill.
"It was just an exercise to see if I could do it," he says.
Barnard printed 1,000 copies and sent them to every member of Congress. At first, he figured the idea was so obvious, he'd have to wait about a week for the bill to pass. Unfortunately, no one was interested in saving the economy. He still pitches the idea, and provides copies of his bill on his Web site. But no one has ever sponsored it.
The rumors from Dove suggested otherwise - that the law had been secretly passed. Dove started referring to NESARA by name, and directing readers to Barnard's Web site. The hits jumped and people started e-mailing questions. Barnard was pleased by the interest, but puzzled by claims that NESARA had passed.
At first, he replied to messages with gentle debunking. He pointed readers to official records of congressional actions, and asked them to look for themselves. NESARA hadn't been introduced, let alone passed. It was unlikely, he said, that every member of Congress, thousands of aides and the media would conspire to keep such a thing secret.
"If you believe any of that, you might also want to start looking for ocean front property in Nebraska," he wrote.
Indifferent to Barnard's message, Dove charged ahead, giving more details about what NESARA would accomplish, including forgiveness of mortgage and credit card debt. Subscriptions to her e-group rose above 2,000.
Barnard did some more research, discovered the clusters of Omega bulletin boards and read news stories about the case. He realized people were attaching his brainchild to a scam.
Part of him wondered whether this was a deliberate disinformation campaign to discredit his idea. The other part wondered if these rumors came from somebody wearing a tinfoil hat.
"Two different explanations," he says. "The simpler one is probably more nearly correct."
Again, he responded to the streams of questions, this time with a tougher tone.
"Many people who write to us seem to believe we are somehow connected with various financial schemes," he wrote. "At least some people are representing or claiming such an idea. We cannot vouch for the validity of those schemes, nor do we care to investigate."
To rumors of debt forgiveness, Barnard responded with specifics. That wasn't how his bill worked. True, it would change certain banking laws, but no loans would be forgiven.
"We really do not know how to dispel such rumors other than refute them, but you can help by not forwarding the rumors to others," he wrote.
When people relayed Barnard's messages to Dove, she dismissed them. It was obvious that the NESARA people couldn't discuss what was happening. They weren't talking to her high-level sources. On April 8, 2001, she explained it all.
"WHY would the people at the NESARA website commit 'TREASON punishable by DEATH' by telling anyone who writes them that NESARA secretly passed in March, 2000?" she wrote. "Leave the NESARA people alone - you are showing your ignorance by asking them to commit TREASON."
On April 10, 2001, Clyde Hood crumbled. In the Illinois federal court, he pleaded guilty to mail fraud, wire fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering. He agreed to testify against his co-conspirators.
The chat rooms and bulletin boards buzzed. Dove and other Omega supporters posted hundreds of messages that suggested the program would still pay.
On April 13, 2001, Dove hinted that Hood's guilty pleas were part of a conspiracy to deny investors their money. His confessions were a sham; the anti-Omega cartel was forcing him to lie, to prevent the announcement of the secret law.
"CH knows the whole Illinois court thing is just a smoke-screen, " she wrote, and added a sinister explanation:
"So, WHO benefits from the smoke-screen?" she asked. "Well, WHO wants the 'general populace' to believe these programs don't exist? WHO puts out this fraudulent info? The top world bankers, who have controlled our money system through the Fed, are the ones who want the general populace to believe these programs don't exist. Why? To keep these programs just for the 'RICH,' who have always had access to these huge money makers."
Her reports generated comments and fierce debates about the quality of her claimed sources. Other Omega supporters began to criticize her, saying she was jeopardizing their fortunes.
On April 14, she again took aim at fact-checking skeptics who couldn't understand why Barnard and the NESARA Web site kept saying the law hadn't been passed.
"QUIT bothering the people at NESARA - and quit sending me emails about how YOU 'think' you got the truth about the SECRET law," she wrote. "It's ridiculous for you to think you can just send an email and get the truth about a SECRET law. Congress has been under a STRICT GAG ORDER about this secret law. So, Quit Wasting my time sending me emails on this."
In the summer of 2001, Hood began to sing. During two trials of Omega conspirators, he spilled it all - how he had devised the scheme, how he knew it would never pay, the private mail carriers, the laundered money, the phony update lines, the stories of government interference dreamed up to dupe investors.
"I didn't really realize how big a liar I was," he said.
Meanwhile, federal attorneys in Illinois tried to help Omega victims get their money back. The antique cars, property and other assets bought with Omega money were seized and sold. Victims were encouraged to file restitution claims.
The attorneys ran into a problem. Many investors refused to file, refused to even talk to government investigators. The problem was the Internet, and the never-ending stream of rumors led by Dove and others that urged Omega victims to clam up.
"All this miscommunication, all this misinformation," Sanchez said. "Everybody kept saying, 'I'm told that it's gonna pay tomorrow, so I'm not talking to you.' No matter how hard we tried to persuade people that the information being put out there was erroneous, people didn't want to believe it. We fought for a long time to find somebody who did not distrust the government - somebody who believed that they had been defrauded."
Hood's former attorney, Douglas McNabb, received phone calls and e-mails from Omega investors for months after the trials ended. They wanted the truth - the real truth.
McNabb told them that Hood said Omega was a scam. He had testified to it in open court.
The callers politely said they understood. They figured Clyde had to say that, just to cut his exposure. But when would Omega pay?
"Some of these people, they just really, really believe it," McNabb said. "That's why these people are so susceptible to being victimized again."
It's true, according to experts: For some reason, being defrauded affects the victim like a drug.
"A very well-known phenomenon," says Andreas Schroeder, co-chairman of the creative writing department at the University of British Columbia and author of several books on scam artists and confidence games.
"People who have been suckered once are your very best bet to be suckered again. You'd think they'd be the last people willing to be conned. Nope. It's almost as if you're genetically prone to believing that kind of stuff. Once you've gone one step of the way, there's no reverse - it's only forward."
On Sept. 11, 2001, hours after planes hijacked by terrorists struck the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Dove posted the message that made her a star.
"The three targets today were ALL connected to NESARA and the banking changes. I just learned that at 9:00 a.m. in New York this morning, there was an IMPORTANT banking activity set to be activated in the IMF international banking computer center in the World Trade Center!" she wrote. "This was obviously WHY the World Trade Center was attacked TODAY at just before and after 9:00 a.m.! ... The orders for these plane attacks came from U.S. citizens who are trying to stop our deliveries/funding and NESARA."
The impact on the Internet was electric. Here was a new rumor to chew. Almost immediately, Dove's message appeared on every Omega bulletin board, and leapfrogged to other sites devoted to conspiracy theory.
In Illinois, assistant U.S. attorney Sanchez, who had continued to follow the doings of the Omeganites, read the message and turned away.
"Once I saw that, I said I'm not going to follow this anymore," he says.
From Louisiana, Harvey Barnard posted an angry message on his NESARA Web site.
"Pure idiocy," he wrote. "Such stories would be humorous if the tragedies of that infamous Tuesday had not happened. We find all such rumor-mongering to be despicable, and the nature of such messages is mindlessness at its worst."
Again, Dove waved off the criticism.
"What would you expect them to say?" she wrote.
With one stroke, Dove mixed con, conspiracy, terrorism, faith, finance and politics. Within a month, her e-group gained more than 1,000 subscribers.
"Brilliant," says Schroeder, the scam historian. "That's cunning. That is definitely magnificent."
Sean Robinson: 253-597-8486
May 4, 1947: Candace Darlene Goodwin, later known as Shaini Goodwin and "Dove of Oneness," is born.
August 1962: Goodwin crowned queen of the McCleary Bear Festival.
June 1965: Goodwin graduates from Elma High School.
April 1980: Goodwin begins working on a temporary basis for the state Department of Social and Health Services as a computer operator. She works for the state off and on for the next decade.
1988: Goodwin joins or partners with a Las Vegas woman to create EAN Corp., a Delaware corporation.
June 1989: Goodwin returns to state employment with DSHS.
July 18, 1989: Goodwin files for bankruptcy.
1990: Harvey Barnard, an engineer from Louisiana, writes a proposed congressional bill he calls NESARA: the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act.
1992: Goodwin leaves state employment, moves to Port Angeles, changes her name to Shaini.
1994: Clyde Hood and co-conspirators begin the Omega investment fraud scheme in Mattoon, Ill.
1997: IRS files lien on Goodwin, seeking unpaid taxes of $12,000.
1998: Goodwin, now living in Yelm, buys two units in the Omega investment fraud scheme for $100 each.
November 1999: Goodwin begins writing Internet reports as "Dove," citing secret sources who tell her Omega will pay as promised.
Aug. 13, 2000: Goodwin's reports begin to discuss a "secret law" that affects "prosperity programs," including Omega.
Aug. 28, 2000: Hood and 18 co-conspirators are indicted on fraud and money-laundering charges related to the Omega scheme.
Aug. 29, 2000: Goodwin's report says the Illinois court case "has been staged" to stop Omega from paying out.
December 2000: Goodwin's reports begin to reference NESARA, which she says Congress has secretly passed.
April 10, 2001: Hood pleads guilty to charges of mail fraud, wire fraud and money laundering, admits that Omega is a scam.
April 13, 2001: Goodwin calls the court action in Illinois "a smoke-screen," and dismisses Hood's confession.
Sept. 11, 2001: Goodwin's Internet report says the terror attacks were planned by the U.S. government to prevent NESARA from being announced.
Nov. 4, 2001: Goodwin claims NESARA will be announced "anytime this week."
Nov. 29, 2001: Goodwin says she will not ask her readers for money.
Jan. 1, 2002: Goodwin says NESARA announcement was "seconds away," but delayed by U.S. Supreme Court.
Jan. 15, 2002: Goodwin claims "mass deliveries" from prosperity programs will arrive "this month."
Jan. 25, 2002: Goodwin thanks readers for sending donations.
April 4, 2002: Goodwin claims NESARA will be announced "tonight."
April 11, 2002: Goodwin starts Dove "voice reports" on a Seattle phone line.
April 14, 2002: Goodwin says prosperity deliveries will arrive by mid-April.
June 10, 2002: Goodwin asks for donations.
July 8, 2002: Goodwin claims the World Court has delayed NESARA announcement until spring 2003.
July 28, 2002: Goodwin claims those who speak against NESARA will lose their funding.
Oct. 15, 2002: Goodwin claims the East Coast sniper attacks were a CIA operation and that some reported deaths of sniper victims are "not true."
Nov. 19, 2002: Goodwin asks for donations.
June 20, 2003: Goodwin asks for donations.
Oct. 4, 2003: Goodwin claims NESARA supporters have sent 51,000 e-mails to the World Court in the Netherlands.
Feb. 4, 2004: Goodwin asks for donations.
April 7, 2004: NESARA billboard trucks appear in Washington, D.C.
April 22, 2004: Goodwin asks for donations.
June 24, 2004: Goodwin urges supporters to hand out NESARA fliers at theaters showing the Michael Moore film "Fahrenheit 9/11."
Shaini Goodwin, who calls herself Dove of Oneness, is the architect of a conspiracy theory that grew out of a financial scam. Here it is, in a nutshell:
•In 1998, she puts money into Omega, an investment fraud scheme that runs from 1994 to 2000 and robs victims of $20 million.
•Omega's ringleader, Clyde Hood, confesses his crimes in 2001, and admits Omega is a scam.
•Goodwin writes Internet reports as "Dove," says Hood's confession is a lie and that Omega is real. She claims a secret law called NESARA - the National Economic Security and Reformation Act - will unlock the wealth held in Omega and other "prosperity programs."
•Dove's reports claim Congress secretly passed NESARA in 2000 but that leaders cannot reveal its existence because violating a U.S. Supreme Court gag order on NESARA is punishable by death.
•Dove claims the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, the East Coast sniper shootings and the Iraq war are diversions planned and plotted by the Bush administration to prevent NESARA's announcement.
• According to Dove, once NESARA is announced, banking rules will change and "mass deliveries" from more than 60 "prosperity programs," including Omega, will arrive.
Despite facts to the contrary, Dove of Oneness insists Congress passed a secret law in 2000. Here's what her Web site,, says the secret NESARA law does:
•Forgives credit card, mortgage and other bank debt.
•Abolishes the IRS, creates a flat-rate sales tax.
•Initiates the U.S. Treasury Bank System, which absorbs the Federal Reserve, and new precious metals-backed U.S. Treasury currency.
•Restores constitutional law.
•Requires resignations of current administration to be replaced by NESARA president and vice president designates until new elections within 120 days.
•Requires the president designate to declare "peace," enabling international banking improvements to proceed; ends "U.S. aggressive military actions immediately, and many more improvements."
Coming Monday: Dove battles "the dark agenda"
Up against 'the dark agenda': Shaini Goodwin says those who question her word risk the loss of their prosperity. She swears that those who deny the existence of the secret law NESARA are lying. She claims those who debunk her claims are tools of the CIA and other powerful forces. Still, her following is growing.
Ja ja ja ja Pobres enanos, Rafapal, sigue con tu alentadora misión de rapartir la estupidez a diestra y siniestra entre los que llaman "despiertos" y "vanguardistas"
ja ja ja ja ja
Ja ja ja ja Pobres enanos, Rafapal, sigue con tu alentadora misión de rapartir la estupidez a diestra y siniestra entre los que llaman "despiertos" y "vanguardistas"
ja ja ja ja ja
Para la judaica señora esta de sudamerica:
Lucifer es mi dios porque es el dios de mis antepasados, germanos, celtas, romanos, griegos, persas, egipcios...
Lucifer es un Dios Solar, portador de Luz, un Apolión, Dios del Amor, de Minne. Un Dios venerado por argonautas, maniqueos, cátaros, trovadores Minnesang...
Lucifer es un Dios al que no se ha hecho justicia, fue ultrajado por Yahvé, el Dios de la Oscuridad y de los ejercitos de Israel, un pérfido Sebaoth.
No tengo nada que temer del Dios solar de mis ancestros.
Así que metase sus religiones lunares, de Dioses y mesías judíos donde le quepan señorita.
Y deje de mentir, los sionistas no adoran a Lucifer, adoran a Yahvé, su completo antagónico.
Lucifer es mi dios porque es el dios de mis antepasados, germanos, celtas, romanos, griegos, persas, egipcios...
Lucifer es un Dios Solar, portador de Luz, un Apolión, Dios del Amor, de Minne. Un Dios venerado por argonautas, maniqueos, cátaros, trovadores Minnesang...
Lucifer es un Dios al que no se ha hecho justicia, fue ultrajado por Yahvé, el Dios de la Oscuridad y de los ejercitos de Israel, un pérfido Sebaoth.
No tengo nada que temer del Dios solar de mis ancestros.
Así que metase sus religiones lunares, de Dioses y mesías judíos donde le quepan señorita.
Y deje de mentir, los sionistas no adoran a Lucifer, adoran a Yahvé, su completo antagónico.
Aquí en este blog ni saben de historia, ni de religiones, ni de política y pretenden averiguarlo todo.
Tener que escuchar que los sionistas adoran a Lucifer es el colmo de la ignorancia !!
Tener que escuchar que los sionistas adoran a Lucifer es el colmo de la ignorancia !!
Anonimo 7:34 AM, de quien te ries, de los que creen en NESARA o de quienes la estamos denunciando por ser una manipulación sionista ?
Estaría bien que manifestara su postura en lugar de reirse como un oligofrenico.
Estaría bien que manifestara su postura en lugar de reirse como un oligofrenico.
Ese anonimo 7:34 que se rie solo,es el guacamoles el ahuizote un troll que tiene mas de una año masturbandose la coña cada vez que entra al blog, y ahora le da por tratar a rafa de enano, lo tengo PILLAO a ese changuito,te tengo en la mira.
¿Me tienes pillao? ¿Y que con eso? ¿Ya por eso la Federación Galáctica o el Nesara se convertirá mágicamente en una realidad?..
Pobre Tonto, no evadas el fondo del cuestionamiento...
¿De quién me río? Evidentemente que quienes se creen toda esa mierda...¿Y así quieren que creamos que están despiertos y que son la salvación de la humanidad?...Pobres tipos, parece que los chemtrails ya les fumaron el cerebro ... je je je je
AHH¡¡¡ Pero para esos tontines lo importante es saber quién soy ja ja ja..
Pobre Tonto, no evadas el fondo del cuestionamiento...
¿De quién me río? Evidentemente que quienes se creen toda esa mierda...¿Y así quieren que creamos que están despiertos y que son la salvación de la humanidad?...Pobres tipos, parece que los chemtrails ya les fumaron el cerebro ... je je je je
AHH¡¡¡ Pero para esos tontines lo importante es saber quién soy ja ja ja..
Firma como SOY EL QUE SOY
Ese es Yahvé.
Podrías usar al menos una firma que no fuera un alegato judío, no te parece ?
Sino que credibilidad tienes tu también en tus argumentos antisionistas ??
Anda, buscate otra firma tio porque duele a la vista leerla.
Ese es Yahvé.
Podrías usar al menos una firma que no fuera un alegato judío, no te parece ?
Sino que credibilidad tienes tu también en tus argumentos antisionistas ??
Anda, buscate otra firma tio porque duele a la vista leerla.
Y una pregunta mas para esos pobres oligofrénicos....¿EN VERDAD CREEN QUE ESE ESCUDITO DEL ""COMMAND ASHTAR" ES VERDADERO
Señores, discupen, pero ante tanta soberana estupidez solo queda reírse a carcajadas.. ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja
o bien ponernos a llorar por que con esas estúpidas ideas jamas podremos evolucionar al ser superior al que supuestamente aspiran esos pobres asnos....MIERDA
Señores, discupen, pero ante tanta soberana estupidez solo queda reírse a carcajadas.. ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja
o bien ponernos a llorar por que con esas estúpidas ideas jamas podremos evolucionar al ser superior al que supuestamente aspiran esos pobres asnos....MIERDA
Al menos deberían de ponerlo en idioma sirio como los supuestos mensajes canalizados..Ah pero no, tenían que ponerlo en inglés, el idioma del nuevo imperio.....
anonimo yo estoy de acuerdo contigo, pero necesito que me aclares porque firmas como SOY EL QUE SOY
Espero que esta tercera vez si respondas o empezaré a pensar que no eres trigo limpio tu tampoco.
Espero que esta tercera vez si respondas o empezaré a pensar que no eres trigo limpio tu tampoco.
La única fecha que he descubierto como la más probable para para el fin de este sistema de cosas es el 23 de MARZO de 2008.
De hecho, es muy probable que a mediados y a fines de este año se vean cosas muy calamitosas en toda la tierra.
¿Por qué la encuentro muy probable?
Es casi seguro que ese día se cumplen 6000 años desde que Adán se rebeló contra Dios.
Ese día también se cumplen 1975 años desde que se hizo el Nuevo PActo y 3950 (2x1975) años desde que se hizo el Pacto Abrahámico.
Lo que sí no sé con seguridad es cuánto tiempo durará ese final... Si dura 3 años y medio, debe estar concluyendo para fines de 2011... Si dura 5 años, para marzo de 2013.
Si desean más información escríbanme a
De hecho, es muy probable que a mediados y a fines de este año se vean cosas muy calamitosas en toda la tierra.
¿Por qué la encuentro muy probable?
Es casi seguro que ese día se cumplen 6000 años desde que Adán se rebeló contra Dios.
Ese día también se cumplen 1975 años desde que se hizo el Nuevo PActo y 3950 (2x1975) años desde que se hizo el Pacto Abrahámico.
Lo que sí no sé con seguridad es cuánto tiempo durará ese final... Si dura 3 años y medio, debe estar concluyendo para fines de 2011... Si dura 5 años, para marzo de 2013.
Si desean más información escríbanme a
Como coño que hay de malo en que la gente crea en algo? osea aqui todos a tragar mentiras ? , venga por favor ni sionistas ni ostias , eso es una palabra para definir un grupo de gente que sigue una agenda dictada por la cuspide de la piramide que se creen los elejidos y en realidad lo son , son los elejidos para mantenernos en la puta mierda como esclavos ,
Si aquel que quiera tragarse sumisamente toda la mierda que se dice por ahi , que se vaya a ver la tele y se compre el periodico vaya a misa de 12 y deje de dar el puto coñazo a los demas que estamos por desvelar la verdad , que un dia a ellos tambien les favorecera.
La confederacion galactica nos salvara , dios nos salvara , jesus nos salvara , el perro de bush nos salvara, venga menead el puto culo panda de bagos y salvaros vosotros mismos de la puta inopia en la que estais metidos .
Un saludo.
Si aquel que quiera tragarse sumisamente toda la mierda que se dice por ahi , que se vaya a ver la tele y se compre el periodico vaya a misa de 12 y deje de dar el puto coñazo a los demas que estamos por desvelar la verdad , que un dia a ellos tambien les favorecera.
La confederacion galactica nos salvara , dios nos salvara , jesus nos salvara , el perro de bush nos salvara, venga menead el puto culo panda de bagos y salvaros vosotros mismos de la puta inopia en la que estais metidos .
Un saludo.
No es Jesus (cristiano) quien te salvará, te salvara un Yeshua (judío), o sea un falso mesías.
Es que no leiste mis mensajes anteriores ?
Tu que pasa, que eres profundamente idiota o un judío que viene a tomarnos el pelo a todos ?
Es que no leiste mis mensajes anteriores ?
Tu que pasa, que eres profundamente idiota o un judío que viene a tomarnos el pelo a todos ?
los borregos no despiertan nunca, solo comen pasto y luego estan contentos de ser devorados por sus amos.
sionismo galactico? si claro, hay sionistas en platillos volantes contando billetes
eso ya es irracionalidad fundamentalista hecha absurdo
creo que estas vendiendo propaganda nazid e hace tiempo, haces ver de que en el nazismo esta el unicoe scape y la unica salvacion, que persona mas dogmatica, es como debatir con un rabido al que le dices que no crees en lo mismo y te dice "eres tonto, poco inteligente, ¿que no te das cuenta que tu creencia (cualquiera que sea y de donde provenga) es parte d ela conspiracion?"
De hecho me llama la atencion la poca inteligente conclusion: si el comunismo es sionismo, y si Usa esta plagado de sionistas, porque se enfrentaron de tantas formas estos paises?, ¿porque Usa irrumpio en estados comunistas?, porque no apoyan a Fidel?
Que absurdo...
eso ya es irracionalidad fundamentalista hecha absurdo
creo que estas vendiendo propaganda nazid e hace tiempo, haces ver de que en el nazismo esta el unicoe scape y la unica salvacion, que persona mas dogmatica, es como debatir con un rabido al que le dices que no crees en lo mismo y te dice "eres tonto, poco inteligente, ¿que no te das cuenta que tu creencia (cualquiera que sea y de donde provenga) es parte d ela conspiracion?"
De hecho me llama la atencion la poca inteligente conclusion: si el comunismo es sionismo, y si Usa esta plagado de sionistas, porque se enfrentaron de tantas formas estos paises?, ¿porque Usa irrumpio en estados comunistas?, porque no apoyan a Fidel?
Que absurdo...
No va a venir supercoco y me va a llebar a neptuno a follarme cuatro venusianas en el bar de eipon que es lo maximo en toda la galaxia , venga que pareceis gilipollas , aqui no va a venir nadie , los etes existen y no van a venir a salvarnos de nada , ni va a venir jesuee ni jesuaa ni la madre que pario al cordero , nadie , aqui ya esta repartida la racion asi que como decia un tio en que salsa quereis ser cocinados? , por que como veo el patio , solo vamos a tener opcion a eso con tanto borrego vago y aragan gañan que vive en la inopia y se cree sabedor de todo , iros al carajo sionistas illuminatis o como coño querais llamaros , que con tanto guante de terciopelo vais dando el tajo por la espalda como cobardes que sois , asi amigos nos lleban manipulando con bonitas palabras y palos en la espalda es qe no lo veis?
Moved el culo ostia , que parece que os guste que os lo den todo comido y mascao por otros asi va el mundo.
Un saludo.
Moved el culo ostia , que parece que os guste que os lo den todo comido y mascao por otros asi va el mundo.
Un saludo.
Pedón , firme SOY EL QUE SOY porque así firman muchos comunicados de la Federación Galáctica, incluido nuestro amigo Damian Carmona, encargado en México de Esperanza Abundante..
La guerra fria fue orquestrada por los sionistas. En realidad esta llamada "Guerra Fría" jamás existió.
El comunismo lo crearon ellos mismos con el fin de derrotar las monarquias y democratizar los paises.
Y Castro es precisamente un aliado de ellos por mucho que te hagan creer lo contrario los medios de comunicación.
Cree usted su propia competencia y siempre ganará.
El comunismo lo crearon ellos mismos con el fin de derrotar las monarquias y democratizar los paises.
Y Castro es precisamente un aliado de ellos por mucho que te hagan creer lo contrario los medios de comunicación.
Cree usted su propia competencia y siempre ganará.
Y efectivamente, todas las politicas internacionalistas estan controladas por el sionismo.
Esta realidad es así desde la revolución francesa.
Esta realidad es así desde la revolución francesa.
Ya son muchos los que hablan de un origen judío de Castro, aunque aún no hay pruebas determinantes.
Por Mary Rizzo
Traducido del inglés por María Poumier, miembro deTlaxcala (, la red de traductores por la diversidad lingüística. Esta traducción es copyleft.
Parece que muy pocas cosas son ciertas en la vida; en política, la certeza no existe, acechan las sorpresas. Es importante llegar a comprobaciones, en política, para lograr el consenso. Los ciudadanos de un Estado, tanto como los que apoyan a dicho Estado, tienen derecho a saber cómo está organizado, y deberían estar al tanto de las relaciones económicas y políticas que mantiene este Estado, tanto en el plano nacional como internacional; y si hay contrastes o contradicciones en las elecciones políticas de un Estado, los responsables de estas diferencias tienen la obligación moral de dar cuenta de las mismas a sus ciudadanos y a la opinión pública internacional.
Nada obliga a la población de un país cualquiera a respaldar o a aprobar las decisiones tomadas por su gobierno, pero se hallarán afectados por las mismas de todas formas, porque lo que se decide arriba se hace en nombre de ellos. Así, es imprescindible que la gente tenga información sobre lo que hace su gobierno, y que los ciudadanos estén en condiciones de expresar su eventual desacuerdo, hállense o no en capacidad de garantizar el consenso.
Nada, en materia política, está grabado en la piedra, y los políticos se han convertido en camaleones, maestros en el arte de ser inapresables; siguen la corriente de lo que suponen consensual, tal vez con desconfianza, pero tratando siempre de mantener una orientación general coherente. Cuando los políticos dan la impresión de voltearse según los cambios de intereses, deberíamos echar una ojeada a lo que ocurre en Cuba.
Allí encontramos un apoyo indefectible a la lucha del pueblo palestino y a su lucha de liberación. No faltan los discursos de Fidel Castro donde expresa su apoyo y su amistad a los palestinos. Hasta qué punto estos discursos se plasman en actos, no lo sabría decir, pero en todo caso, se ha establecido una imagen de Cuba como el país que se atreve a condenar públicamente a Israel.
“Cuba reafirma su solidaridad total e inquebrantable con el pueblo palestino en su justa lucha por la instauración de un Estado independiente y soberano y por la restitución de todos los territorios árabes ocupados; Cuba exhorta a la comunidad internacional a denunciar enérgicamente estos crímenes, y se pronuncia sin titubear contra las tácticas dilatorias utilizadas por Israel para seguir imponiendo su política anexionista y arrogante, en violación de las normas elementales de la coexistencia y la legislación internacional, que le valen a Israel el apoyo inquebrantable de Washington.” [1]
Menuda sorpresa me llevé cuando leí en la página una nota anunciando que Fidel se prepara a encender una gigantesca menorá [candelabro de 7 ramas] en compañía de Rafi Eitan, en el marco de la inauguración del Memorial del Holocausto que se está edificando en Cuba:,7340,L-3266051,00.html.
Se puede tener una opinión positiva, neutral o negativa, sobre la construcción de monumentos holocáusticos en tierras muy alejadas de los lugares donde sucedieron los hechos, claro está; a mí lo que me llamó la atención fue el nombre de Rafi Eitan. Rafi Eitan me sonaba, como un nombre muy familiar, pero me costaba encontrar de qué se trataba. Un mail de Jeff Blankfort a su lista de difusión me aclaró el asunto : “Lo que se me pasó mencionar en el mensaje que transferí (y no pude rectificarlo antes de enviarlo) acerca de Fidel Castro encendiendo una menorá en La Habana es que Rafi Eitan, aquél terrateniente israelí mencionado, es el mismo antiguo jefe del Mossad para las operaciones en Europa, y es el mentor del espía israelí condenado como tal en Estados Unidos, Jonathan Pollard. Cabe hacerse la pregunta : ¿habrá seguido practicando el espionaje en Cuba, y para qué gobierno?” [2]
Y ahora resulta que Rafi Eitan es el nuevo ministro elegido en las filas del partido de los Veteranos en las últimas elecciones israelíes.
Así que aquí tenemos a Rafi Eitan, el homre del Mossad y del Shin Bet, famoso por haber organizado la captura de Eichman en Argentina, y también por haber planificado el bombardeo de la central nuclear iraquí de Osirak; famoso sobre todo por su papel en el caso Pollard, aquél Usamericano reclutado por él para espiar por cuenta de Israel, véase,
Rafi Eitan “conocido en el ámbito del espionaje israelí por su apodo de “Stinky”, el “apestoso”, pues una vez había caído a un foso de esparcimiento de estiércol, cuando era miembro del Palmach, la fuerza de ataque paramilitar de Israel, llamada ‘organización de defensa antes de 1948” ( no se arrepiente nada, sino que se ufana de sus actuaciones: “como todo lo que he hecho a lo largo de mi vida, estaba convencido de actuar de la mejor forma posible para el Estado de Israel”. Esto me sorprendió, en la medida en que suponía que había una interrupción en las relaciones económicas entre los dos Estados, de modo que empecé a buscar alguna información adicional sobre el tema. [3] “Durante la última década, Rafi Eitan, conocido como multimillonario, se encontró involucrado en grandes transacciones en Cuba, en los campos de la agricultura y la construcción.”
En una entrevista publicada el 3 de julio de 2006 por Haaretz, se lee lo siguiente : “Eitan es un socio que posee grandes vergeles en Cuba, pero cuando se le pregunta sobre el secreto de sus vínculos con Castro, contesta : ‘No hay ningún secreto, esto no es verdad, sencillamente. No trabajo con Castro, soy un granjero en Cuba, lo demás es invento de la prensa... La empresa se ocupa de agricultura en Cuba, esencialmente la producción de zumo de frutas concentrado, en la unidad más grande del mundo. Algunas veces me he encontrado con Castro, pero no somos amigos.”
En lo que se refiere a la construcción, se descubren cosas interesantes, en 2001: “Israel es el único país en el mundo en aprobar indefectiblemente el embargo comercial de USAmérica, cada vez que la cuestión se plantea en Estados Unidos.”
Curiosamente, Israel está en camino de convertirse en uno de los principales inversotes en Cuba, con hombres de negocios judíos que invierten en todos los campos, desde la exportación de cítricos hasta los proyectos inmobiliarios. Ahora, en un proyecto que va a provocar la ira de los grupos de exiliados cubanos y la administración Bush, un grupo de inversotes israelíes está metiendo decenas de millones de dólares en lo que llaman el primer “complejo inteligente de edificios de oficinas”, un conjunto inmobiliario en las afueras de La Habana, que contará con diez y ocho edificios de seis pisos de oficinas, situados sobre un terreno de 180 000 m2. El Miramar Trade Center (MTC) fue concebido por Inmobiliaria Monte Barreto S. A., una joint-venture entre la agencia estatal Cubalse S. A. y el Grupo BM, una entidad israelí dirigida por el antiguo jefe de los espías del Mossad Rafi Eitan.”
También se pueden leer unos cuantos artículos acerca de Eitan y Cuba; véase:, He aquí algunas de sus declaraciones : “Los negocios israelíes en Cuba están coordinados por la “Business Enterprises corporations” (BEC) cuyas oficinas principales se encuentran en Tel Aviv. El papel de Eitan en el BEC nunca estuvo definido, escribe Slutzky porque, como siempre, a Rafi Eitan le encanta ocultarse detrás del decorado.” Además, él nunca ha ido a Cuba: “al contrario, afirma Slutzky, “ha enviado a otros israelíes allá, y algunos se han quedado como consejeros principales.” Para impresionar a los cubanos, Rafi Eitan organizó giras por Israel para técnicos y oficiales de alto rango. Estas visitas tuvieron lugar este año, con el pretexto de mostrarles una exposición agrícola que tenía lugar en Tel Aviv, y en realidad para que tuvieran un encuentro con el ministro de agricultura Ya’akov Tsur. A medida que Israel se iba interesando en las condiciones cubanas, la administración de las plantaciones de cítricos cubanos cayó entre manos israelíes. Entre varias zonas semejantes, una de ellas sobrepasa por sí sola la superficie total de los vergeles de cítricos de Israel. Si nos atenemos a lo que dice Slutzky, los expertos israelíes enviados por Rafi Eitan descubrieron que la producción cubana de cítricos es “menor que la décima parte de la producción israelí”. Se contaba con ellos para desarrollarla, y ahora hacen lo posible para
aumentar el rendimiento de la economía cubana, especialmente en el campo agrícola.”
Aunque según Slutzky Rafi Eitan jamás haya pisado tierra cubana, Rafi Eitan “representa en Cuba a gran número de compañías israelíes. La alta estimación que el régimen cubano le concede a un representante no oficial de los servicios de inteligencia israelíes demuestra simplemente que el dinero no tiene olor, como reza el refrán”.
Ahí es donde nos sentimos molestos : ¿cómo es posible que un dirigente que está a la vanguardia del respaldo a los palestino autorice a uno de los dirigentes del Mossad a ser copropietario de la “fábrica más grande del mundo” para la producción de zumo de naranja, a coordinar inversiones masivas para las empresas israelíes y edificar el mayor complejo de oficinas y tiendas del país? ¿Acaso no es incoherencia? ¡Eitan no es un simple ciudadano israelí, si él mismo afirma que todo lo que ha hecho ha sido con vistas a servir el interés de Israel!
Como mínimo, Castro debería enfocar el tema a conciencia. Si “ignora” quién es su interlocutor, alguien le puede conseguir un acceso a internet, y en cinco minutos puede enterarse de todo lo que desee saber acerca de Eitan, y más todavía [4]. En el caso de que “se hubiese enterado”, esto tiene que ver con el crimen, pues todo cuanto se hace “en provecho de Israel” tiene repercusiones graves sobre la vida de los palestinos, y se agrega a sus padecimientos, en la medida en que a Israel no tiene el más mínimo interés en el pueblo palestino. El dinero es importante, no se puede prescindir de él. Pero todo tiene un precio, y ojalá Cuba no haya vendido a los palestinos al mejor postor, como han hecho casi todos los demás países en el mundo.
[1] "Declaración del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la República de Cuba," Granma, 4 October 2000. English translation by staff, Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami.
[2] En la lista de difusión de Jeff Blakfort.
[3] Cuba rompió sus relaciones diplomáticas con Israel en 1973 (NdT)
[4] Esto podría resultar más difícil de lo que parece, pues también es una empresa israelí la que administra la infraestructura informática de cuba. Unos individuos no identificados informan inmediatamente a los Usamericanos cuando una empresa extranjera pretende hacer negocios cn Cuba y con Usamericanos al mismo tiempo, aún si se trata de contratos relativos a productos menores o cantidades mínimas, de modo que se le forme juicio en Estados Unidos, renuncie por lo tanto a invertir en Cuba, mientras Cuba se encuentra obligada a dirigirse a otro proveedor, más caro. El propio ministro de Asuntos Extranjeros Félix Pérez roque es el que lo explica en sus discursos. (NdT)
[5] De hecho, la dirección de la economía cubana ha desarrollado sus intercambios con el más firme aliado de Israel en América Central, El Salvador. A pesar de que los dos países no mantienen relaciones diplomáticas, la compañía de aviación TACA salvadoreña tiene dos vuelos semanales regulares entre San Salvador y La Habana; Cuba importa pollo salvadoreño en grandes cantidades, pero teme la infiltración de propaganda adversa al gobierno por los vuelos de TACA. El Salvador es el único país de América latina que vota constantemente las resoluciones Usamericanas contra Cuba en la ONU, desde hace cuarenta años, y el único en mantener su embajada en Jerusalén, mientras que los demás países prefieren, por precaución, tener su sede en Tel Aviv.
Por Mary Rizzo
Traducido del inglés por María Poumier, miembro deTlaxcala (, la red de traductores por la diversidad lingüística. Esta traducción es copyleft.
Parece que muy pocas cosas son ciertas en la vida; en política, la certeza no existe, acechan las sorpresas. Es importante llegar a comprobaciones, en política, para lograr el consenso. Los ciudadanos de un Estado, tanto como los que apoyan a dicho Estado, tienen derecho a saber cómo está organizado, y deberían estar al tanto de las relaciones económicas y políticas que mantiene este Estado, tanto en el plano nacional como internacional; y si hay contrastes o contradicciones en las elecciones políticas de un Estado, los responsables de estas diferencias tienen la obligación moral de dar cuenta de las mismas a sus ciudadanos y a la opinión pública internacional.
Nada obliga a la población de un país cualquiera a respaldar o a aprobar las decisiones tomadas por su gobierno, pero se hallarán afectados por las mismas de todas formas, porque lo que se decide arriba se hace en nombre de ellos. Así, es imprescindible que la gente tenga información sobre lo que hace su gobierno, y que los ciudadanos estén en condiciones de expresar su eventual desacuerdo, hállense o no en capacidad de garantizar el consenso.
Nada, en materia política, está grabado en la piedra, y los políticos se han convertido en camaleones, maestros en el arte de ser inapresables; siguen la corriente de lo que suponen consensual, tal vez con desconfianza, pero tratando siempre de mantener una orientación general coherente. Cuando los políticos dan la impresión de voltearse según los cambios de intereses, deberíamos echar una ojeada a lo que ocurre en Cuba.
Allí encontramos un apoyo indefectible a la lucha del pueblo palestino y a su lucha de liberación. No faltan los discursos de Fidel Castro donde expresa su apoyo y su amistad a los palestinos. Hasta qué punto estos discursos se plasman en actos, no lo sabría decir, pero en todo caso, se ha establecido una imagen de Cuba como el país que se atreve a condenar públicamente a Israel.
“Cuba reafirma su solidaridad total e inquebrantable con el pueblo palestino en su justa lucha por la instauración de un Estado independiente y soberano y por la restitución de todos los territorios árabes ocupados; Cuba exhorta a la comunidad internacional a denunciar enérgicamente estos crímenes, y se pronuncia sin titubear contra las tácticas dilatorias utilizadas por Israel para seguir imponiendo su política anexionista y arrogante, en violación de las normas elementales de la coexistencia y la legislación internacional, que le valen a Israel el apoyo inquebrantable de Washington.” [1]
Menuda sorpresa me llevé cuando leí en la página una nota anunciando que Fidel se prepara a encender una gigantesca menorá [candelabro de 7 ramas] en compañía de Rafi Eitan, en el marco de la inauguración del Memorial del Holocausto que se está edificando en Cuba:,7340,L-3266051,00.html.
Se puede tener una opinión positiva, neutral o negativa, sobre la construcción de monumentos holocáusticos en tierras muy alejadas de los lugares donde sucedieron los hechos, claro está; a mí lo que me llamó la atención fue el nombre de Rafi Eitan. Rafi Eitan me sonaba, como un nombre muy familiar, pero me costaba encontrar de qué se trataba. Un mail de Jeff Blankfort a su lista de difusión me aclaró el asunto : “Lo que se me pasó mencionar en el mensaje que transferí (y no pude rectificarlo antes de enviarlo) acerca de Fidel Castro encendiendo una menorá en La Habana es que Rafi Eitan, aquél terrateniente israelí mencionado, es el mismo antiguo jefe del Mossad para las operaciones en Europa, y es el mentor del espía israelí condenado como tal en Estados Unidos, Jonathan Pollard. Cabe hacerse la pregunta : ¿habrá seguido practicando el espionaje en Cuba, y para qué gobierno?” [2]
Y ahora resulta que Rafi Eitan es el nuevo ministro elegido en las filas del partido de los Veteranos en las últimas elecciones israelíes.
Así que aquí tenemos a Rafi Eitan, el homre del Mossad y del Shin Bet, famoso por haber organizado la captura de Eichman en Argentina, y también por haber planificado el bombardeo de la central nuclear iraquí de Osirak; famoso sobre todo por su papel en el caso Pollard, aquél Usamericano reclutado por él para espiar por cuenta de Israel, véase,
Rafi Eitan “conocido en el ámbito del espionaje israelí por su apodo de “Stinky”, el “apestoso”, pues una vez había caído a un foso de esparcimiento de estiércol, cuando era miembro del Palmach, la fuerza de ataque paramilitar de Israel, llamada ‘organización de defensa antes de 1948” ( no se arrepiente nada, sino que se ufana de sus actuaciones: “como todo lo que he hecho a lo largo de mi vida, estaba convencido de actuar de la mejor forma posible para el Estado de Israel”. Esto me sorprendió, en la medida en que suponía que había una interrupción en las relaciones económicas entre los dos Estados, de modo que empecé a buscar alguna información adicional sobre el tema. [3] “Durante la última década, Rafi Eitan, conocido como multimillonario, se encontró involucrado en grandes transacciones en Cuba, en los campos de la agricultura y la construcción.”
En una entrevista publicada el 3 de julio de 2006 por Haaretz, se lee lo siguiente : “Eitan es un socio que posee grandes vergeles en Cuba, pero cuando se le pregunta sobre el secreto de sus vínculos con Castro, contesta : ‘No hay ningún secreto, esto no es verdad, sencillamente. No trabajo con Castro, soy un granjero en Cuba, lo demás es invento de la prensa... La empresa se ocupa de agricultura en Cuba, esencialmente la producción de zumo de frutas concentrado, en la unidad más grande del mundo. Algunas veces me he encontrado con Castro, pero no somos amigos.”
En lo que se refiere a la construcción, se descubren cosas interesantes, en 2001: “Israel es el único país en el mundo en aprobar indefectiblemente el embargo comercial de USAmérica, cada vez que la cuestión se plantea en Estados Unidos.”
Curiosamente, Israel está en camino de convertirse en uno de los principales inversotes en Cuba, con hombres de negocios judíos que invierten en todos los campos, desde la exportación de cítricos hasta los proyectos inmobiliarios. Ahora, en un proyecto que va a provocar la ira de los grupos de exiliados cubanos y la administración Bush, un grupo de inversotes israelíes está metiendo decenas de millones de dólares en lo que llaman el primer “complejo inteligente de edificios de oficinas”, un conjunto inmobiliario en las afueras de La Habana, que contará con diez y ocho edificios de seis pisos de oficinas, situados sobre un terreno de 180 000 m2. El Miramar Trade Center (MTC) fue concebido por Inmobiliaria Monte Barreto S. A., una joint-venture entre la agencia estatal Cubalse S. A. y el Grupo BM, una entidad israelí dirigida por el antiguo jefe de los espías del Mossad Rafi Eitan.”
También se pueden leer unos cuantos artículos acerca de Eitan y Cuba; véase:, He aquí algunas de sus declaraciones : “Los negocios israelíes en Cuba están coordinados por la “Business Enterprises corporations” (BEC) cuyas oficinas principales se encuentran en Tel Aviv. El papel de Eitan en el BEC nunca estuvo definido, escribe Slutzky porque, como siempre, a Rafi Eitan le encanta ocultarse detrás del decorado.” Además, él nunca ha ido a Cuba: “al contrario, afirma Slutzky, “ha enviado a otros israelíes allá, y algunos se han quedado como consejeros principales.” Para impresionar a los cubanos, Rafi Eitan organizó giras por Israel para técnicos y oficiales de alto rango. Estas visitas tuvieron lugar este año, con el pretexto de mostrarles una exposición agrícola que tenía lugar en Tel Aviv, y en realidad para que tuvieran un encuentro con el ministro de agricultura Ya’akov Tsur. A medida que Israel se iba interesando en las condiciones cubanas, la administración de las plantaciones de cítricos cubanos cayó entre manos israelíes. Entre varias zonas semejantes, una de ellas sobrepasa por sí sola la superficie total de los vergeles de cítricos de Israel. Si nos atenemos a lo que dice Slutzky, los expertos israelíes enviados por Rafi Eitan descubrieron que la producción cubana de cítricos es “menor que la décima parte de la producción israelí”. Se contaba con ellos para desarrollarla, y ahora hacen lo posible para
aumentar el rendimiento de la economía cubana, especialmente en el campo agrícola.”
Aunque según Slutzky Rafi Eitan jamás haya pisado tierra cubana, Rafi Eitan “representa en Cuba a gran número de compañías israelíes. La alta estimación que el régimen cubano le concede a un representante no oficial de los servicios de inteligencia israelíes demuestra simplemente que el dinero no tiene olor, como reza el refrán”.
Ahí es donde nos sentimos molestos : ¿cómo es posible que un dirigente que está a la vanguardia del respaldo a los palestino autorice a uno de los dirigentes del Mossad a ser copropietario de la “fábrica más grande del mundo” para la producción de zumo de naranja, a coordinar inversiones masivas para las empresas israelíes y edificar el mayor complejo de oficinas y tiendas del país? ¿Acaso no es incoherencia? ¡Eitan no es un simple ciudadano israelí, si él mismo afirma que todo lo que ha hecho ha sido con vistas a servir el interés de Israel!
Como mínimo, Castro debería enfocar el tema a conciencia. Si “ignora” quién es su interlocutor, alguien le puede conseguir un acceso a internet, y en cinco minutos puede enterarse de todo lo que desee saber acerca de Eitan, y más todavía [4]. En el caso de que “se hubiese enterado”, esto tiene que ver con el crimen, pues todo cuanto se hace “en provecho de Israel” tiene repercusiones graves sobre la vida de los palestinos, y se agrega a sus padecimientos, en la medida en que a Israel no tiene el más mínimo interés en el pueblo palestino. El dinero es importante, no se puede prescindir de él. Pero todo tiene un precio, y ojalá Cuba no haya vendido a los palestinos al mejor postor, como han hecho casi todos los demás países en el mundo.
[1] "Declaración del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la República de Cuba," Granma, 4 October 2000. English translation by staff, Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami.
[2] En la lista de difusión de Jeff Blakfort.
[3] Cuba rompió sus relaciones diplomáticas con Israel en 1973 (NdT)
[4] Esto podría resultar más difícil de lo que parece, pues también es una empresa israelí la que administra la infraestructura informática de cuba. Unos individuos no identificados informan inmediatamente a los Usamericanos cuando una empresa extranjera pretende hacer negocios cn Cuba y con Usamericanos al mismo tiempo, aún si se trata de contratos relativos a productos menores o cantidades mínimas, de modo que se le forme juicio en Estados Unidos, renuncie por lo tanto a invertir en Cuba, mientras Cuba se encuentra obligada a dirigirse a otro proveedor, más caro. El propio ministro de Asuntos Extranjeros Félix Pérez roque es el que lo explica en sus discursos. (NdT)
[5] De hecho, la dirección de la economía cubana ha desarrollado sus intercambios con el más firme aliado de Israel en América Central, El Salvador. A pesar de que los dos países no mantienen relaciones diplomáticas, la compañía de aviación TACA salvadoreña tiene dos vuelos semanales regulares entre San Salvador y La Habana; Cuba importa pollo salvadoreño en grandes cantidades, pero teme la infiltración de propaganda adversa al gobierno por los vuelos de TACA. El Salvador es el único país de América latina que vota constantemente las resoluciones Usamericanas contra Cuba en la ONU, desde hace cuarenta años, y el único en mantener su embajada en Jerusalén, mientras que los demás países prefieren, por precaución, tener su sede en Tel Aviv.
la verdad es que con tanto palabrerio rebuscado y con tan poca informacion clara a toda clase de gente, o sea gente comun! lo unico que logran es alejarlas!!! o acaso el cambio de conciencia es solo para elitistas?? Seria bueno que llegaran a mas gente!!! tomenlon como un consejo de alguien que busca informacion y si no fuera por mi inteligencia terminaria sumamente cunfundido y desinformado!!! saludos a todos y mas positibismo!!!
Good day !.
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There is no initial capital needed You may commense to receive yields with as small sum of money as 20-100 dollars.
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There is no initial capital needed You may commense to receive yields with as small sum of money as 20-100 dollars.
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AimTrust represents an offshore structure with advanced asset management technologies in production and delivery of pipes for oil and gas.
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