sábado, junio 30, 2007


Insumisión periodística al fraude de Paris Hilton en MSNBC

Hace unos días, os contaba que lo de la entrada de Paris Hilton en la cárcel era, muy posiblemente, un montaje propagandístico con algún fin... Bueno, el otro día, el mismo día que salió de la cárcel ¡Se estrenó su reality show en España e Inglaterra!
Como ya estáis muy avanzados, podréis correlacionar un dato con el otro y os saldrá lo evidente: que la entrada en la cárcel de la heredera del imperio hotelero Hilton ha sido una operación de propaganda para publicitar ese programa.
Bueno, pues hace un par de días, una periodista de la MSNBC se niega a dar una noticia de Paris Hilton. Así de fácil. La rubia Brzezinski (no sé si tendrá algo que ver con el oscuro conspirador del mismo apellido) le dice a su compañero que se niega a dar esa noticia y, acto seguido, la rompe.
No hace falta saber inglés para despelotarse de la risa viéndolo.
La mecha de Rosie O'Donnell ha prendido: ¡viva la insumisión periodística!

Es que tanta basura, gilipollez y mentira tiene un límite.
Joder, que fino hilas Rafa, a la mayoría de las personas se nos pasaría algo como esto. ¿De que planeta eres colega?
Si esto es insumisión periodística, yo soy la Reina de Inglaterra. Insumisión periodística (o más bien profesionalidad periodística) sería, por ejemplo, haber tratado el 11S con un mínimo de sentido crítico, honestidad o respeto. Esto es solo una tontada propia de programa de Ana Rosa.
Totalmente de acuerdo ubikdosmil.

Y acabo de ver El Periodico, haciendo un ejercició al más puro estilo rafapal...

Dos coches bombas desarticulados por la polcia en Londres, nada menos que en Picadilly y en Hyde Park, el gobierno le pide a los británicos que esten alertas, osea que TENGAN MIEDO...

Y que la Cia ha hecho experimentos para el control mental (¡vaya noticia!), eso si, sólo entre los años 70 y los 90, ahora no...

Buno, no le quiero quemar las noticias a Rafa por si quiere comentarlas, pero creo que las dos hablan por si solas...
"Y que la Cia ha hecho experimentos para el control mental (¡vaya noticia!), eso si, sólo entre los años 70 y los 90, ahora no..."

Sí, es curioso, parece que toda injusticia, tortura, manipulación, etc, de las "democracias libres" fueran cosa del pasado, como si en el presente los poderes se hubieran vuelto "buenos" por fuerza de la convicción democrática... ¿Alguien se cree que Bush o el poderoso de turno sea más "bueno" u honesto que sus antecesores? ¿Que la CIA es ahora una organización limpia y al servicio de la humanidad?
Rafita, el sólo hehco de que tu hables al respecto es seguirle el juego a esa campaña... Lo mejor es ignorar el asunto por completo.. Ya sabemos que los medios están manipulados, no hace falta que hables de la rica heredera para que lo sepamos...

No seas tan bobo.. mejor hablanos de la Federación Galáctica, de los chemstrails, de la energía libre, del asesinato de Kennedy, de los homosexuales, etc. etc. etc. y no te reduzacas a hablar del Jet Set, para eso ya tenemos suficientes medios..
Creo que tienes razón El hijo del ahuizote, pero un consejo no se dá diciéndole "bobo" al aconsejado, salvo que tengas mucha confanza con él, cosa que deconozco.

De cualquier forma son también muy significativos estos "teje manejes" de la jet set y recordemos que la jet set son también los poderosos, no?
Gracias por el consejo, pero creo que seguirles el juego propagandístico a los poderosos es de bobos, por lo demás ya antes Rafapal me llamó "sionista infiltrado", "rata" y otras esquisiteces, así que llamarlo bobo no creo que sea tan malo en comparación...
¿Y porque sigues aquí entonces?. No lo entiendo, yo no voy donde no me quieren o me insultan, esa es la primera regla de cualquier foro: el que insulta a la puta calle.

De todas formas, no tengo nada en contra tuya amigo, pero si Rafa dice eso de ti, y a sabiendas de que infiltrados hay todavía más de uno, en cualquier caso me lo creo más a él que a ti, a él lo conocemos (da la cara) y tu no sabemos quien eres.
Ya no importa, por lo menos tenemos algo en común: es que sabemos en gran parte hasta donde llega la mierda de la elite en nuestro alrededor...
Desde que se hablo de esa tipa y su ida ala "cárcel" siempre me pareció y sigue siendo un gran chiste, es increíble como de a poco los programas del jet set son cada vez más estúpidos, por ende, esta muy cierto lo que dice sobre el CI y la TV "si vez más de 4 horas diarias TV, pierdes CI" y más viendo esto (Paris Gilton) yo creo que se reduce exponencialmente xD
La corrupción está floreciendo.

Salmo 92:7
Cuando los inicuos brotan como la vegetación,
y todos los practicantes de lo que es perjudicial florecen,
es para que sean aniquilados para siempre.

Este es un primer intento de acertar. No me juzguen si me equivoco.

El Día de Jehová podría comenzar el 10 de Tamuz

Este es un primer intento de calcular el principio del Día de Jehová y parte de las siguientes bases:

Desde el 10 de Tamuz (Junio/Julio) hasta el 10 de Nisán (Marzo/Abril) hay 9 meses, es decir 270 días, un período de tiempo como el de gestación.
La Primera Guerra Mundial se inició con un pretexto ocurrido a finales de Junio de 1914.
Si el 10 de Tamuz marcara el anochecer del día actual, en realidad el principio del nuevo día, entonces el 14 de Nisán de 2008 sería el medio día, un paralelo de la hora cuando Jesús fue empalado.

Pero, ¿cuándo es el 10 de Tamuz?

Según el calendario lunar, es el 25 de Junio de 2007, fecha que ya pasó.
Según el calendario profético de 360 días que empieza en el equinoccio de primavera, es 100 días después del 20 de Marzo, es decir, el 28 de junio de 2007.

Según el calendario profético de 360 días que empieza en el equinoccio de otoño, es 280 días después del 22 de Septiembre, es decir 29 de junio de 2007.

Si el mes de Tamuz inicia con el solsticio de verano, el 21 de Junio, entonces la fecha es el 1 de julio de 2007.

El suceso que marca el inicio del Día de Jehová puede ser, según ciertos criterios bíblicos:

Un atentado o ataque de gran trascendencia en el escenario internacional. [El 28 de junio de 1914 un disparo inició la Primera Guerra Mundial]

Una decisión de la ONU que ponga en peligro el sistema religioso del mundo.

Una serie repentina de sucesos en relativamente poco tiempo que reconfiguren el escenario mundial y le den más poder a la ONU.
Un ejemplo del pasado.

Una razón de peso para pensar que el Día de Jehová empieza un día 10 de un mes del calendario antiguo es que los sucesos que iniciaron la Primera Guerra Mundial sucedieron para esas fechas aproximadamente. La Enciclopedia Encarta proporciona esta información:

Primera Guerra Mundial, conflicto militar que comenzó el 28 de julio de 1914 como un enfrentamiento localizado en el Imperio Austro-Húngaro y Serbia; se transformó en un enfrentamiento armado a escala europea cuando la declaración de guerra austro-húngara se extendió a Rusia el 1 de agosto de 1914; y finalmente pasó a ser una guerra mundial, en la que participaron 32 naciones, finalizada en 1918.

Veintiocho de ellas, denominadas ‘aliadas’ o ‘potencias asociadas’ y entre las que se encontraban Gran Bretaña, Francia, Rusia, Italia y Estados Unidos, lucharon contra la coalición de los llamados Imperios Centrales, integrada por Alemania, Austria-Hungría, el Imperio otomano y Bulgaria.

La causa inmediata del inicio de las hostilidades entre Austria-Hungría y Serbia fue el asesinato del archiduque Francisco Fernando de Habsburgo, heredero del trono austro-húngaro, cometido en Sarajevo (Bosnia, entonces parte del Imperio Austro-Húngaro; en la actualidad Bosnia-Herzegovina) el 28 de junio de 1914 por el nacionalista serbio Gavrilo Princip.

No obstante, las causas profundas del conflicto remiten a la historia europea del siglo XIX, concretamente a las tendencias económicas y políticas que imperaron en Europa desde 1871, año en el fue fundado y emergió como gran potencia el II Imperio Alemán.

Sé que muchos lectores de este sitio no aprecian la Biblia. De todas maneras es mi responsabilidad comunicar el siguiente mensaje, ya que se está viendo el asunto de las desviaciones:

Debe llenarse la medida de su error

Al estudiar cómo trató Dios con la humanidad en el pasado, observamos que muchas veces retuvo su juicio hasta perderse toda esperanza de que hubiera mejora. Por ejemplo, en el caso del juicio de Dios contra los cananeos, él le señaló a Abrahán los pecados de estos con mucho tiempo de antelación. Pero aún no había llegado el momento de ejecutar su sentencia. ¿Por qué no? La Biblia dice:
"Porque todavía no ha quedado completo el error de los amorreos [cananeos]", o como dice la versión de Straubinger, "hasta el presente la maldad de los amorreos no ha llegado a su colmo" (Génesis 15:16).

Pero unos cuatrocientos años más tarde llegó el juicio de Dios, y los descendientes de Abrahán, los israelitas, conquistaron la tierra. Algunos cananeos, como Rahab y los gabaonitas, se salvaron gracias a su actitud y sus acciones, pero, en general, habían llegado a un nivel de inmundicia extremo, como lo revelan excavaciones arqueológicas actuales.

Practicaban la adoración fálica, la prostitución en los templos y el sacrificio de niños. El Compendio manual de la Biblia, de Henry H. Halley, dice: "Los arqueólogos que cavan en las ruinas de las ciudades cananeas se preguntan por qué Dios no las destruyó mucho antes". Al final, ‘la medida máxima de los pecados de los cananeos se llenó’; su maldad había "llegado a su colmo". Nadie podía acusar con razón a Dios de ser injusto cuando hizo que se limpiara la tierra, mientras perdonó a quienes manifestaron una buena actitud.

Encontramos un panorama similar en los días de Noé. Pese a que las personas de antes del Diluvio eran malvadas, Dios decidió misericordiosamente darles otros ciento veinte años. Durante parte de ese tiempo, Noé fue "predicador de justicia" (2 Pedro 2:5). Por lo visto, la maldad de la gente alcanzó con el paso del tiempo el punto culminante.

"Dios vio la tierra y, ¡mire!, estaba arruinada, porque toda carne había arruinado su camino sobre la tierra." (Génesis 6:3, 12.)
‘Se llenó la medida máxima de sus pecados’; el tiempo había hecho que sus malas inclinaciones alcanzaran el punto culminante. Cuando Dios actuó, estaba plenamente justificado. Solo ocho personas fueron rectas a sus ojos, y las salvó.

Se repite la misma historia en el trato de Dios con Israel. Pese a que los israelitas se comportaron de un modo infiel y depravado, Dios tuvo paciencia con ellos por cientos de años.

El relato dice: "Jehová [...] siguió enviando [...] [a] sus mensajeros, enviando vez tras vez, porque sentía compasión por su pueblo [...]. Pero ellos continuamente estuvieron [...] despreciando sus palabras y mofándose de sus profetas, hasta que la furia de Jehová subió contra su pueblo, hasta que no hubo curación" (2 Crónicas 36:15, 16).

El pueblo había llegado a un punto en que ya no era posible que mejorara. Únicamente podía salvarse a Jeremías y a algunos otros. A Dios no se le podía llamar injusto cuando finalmente ejecutó su sentencia sobre el resto.

Ha llegado el tiempo de que Dios actúe

Estos ejemplos nos hacen ver que Dios está reteniéndose de traer el juicio sobre el presente sistema de cosas solo hasta que llegue el momento oportuno. Así se expresa en la orden dada al ejecutor simbólico nombrado por Dios:

"‘Pon dentro tu hoz aguda y vendimia los racimos de la vid de la tierra, porque sus uvas se han madurado’. Y el ángel metió su hoz en la tierra y vendimió la vid de la tierra, y la arrojó en el gran lagar de la cólera de Dios".
(Revelación [Apocalipsis] 14:18, 19).

Fíjese que la maldad de la humanidad había "madurado", es decir, había alcanzado el punto en que no era posible una mejora. Cuando Dios ejecute su sentencia, no habrá ninguna duda de que su intervención está justificada
Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, está claro que el juicio de Dios contra el mundo debe estar cerca, pues este ha adquirido las características que justificaron los juicios divinos del pasado. Miremos donde miremos, la Tierra está llena de violencia, igual que antes del Diluvio de los días de Noé.

Las actitudes de las personas se parecen cada vez más a las descritas en Génesis 6:5: "Toda inclinación de los pensamientos del corazón [del hombre] era solamente mala todo el tiempo". Hasta los graves pecados que motivaron a Dios a castigar a los cananeos son moneda corriente hoy día.

La humanidad ha experimentado cambios terribles, sobre todo desde la I Guerra Mundial. Ha visto la Tierra empapada de la sangre de millones de personas. Las guerras, los genocidios, el terrorismo, el delito y el desafuero estallan por todas partes. El hambre, la enfermedad y la inmoralidad asolan el planeta.

Todas las pruebas indican que vivimos en medio de la generación perversa sobre la que Jesús dijo: "De ningún modo pasará esta generación hasta que sucedan todas estas cosas" (Mateo 24:34).

El mundo está llenando actualmente "la medida máxima de sus pecados". "Los racimos de la vid de la tierra" están alcanzando el grado de maduración necesario para la vendimia.


Co Creative Team Process Part one
By Teaching Mission Piece
Jun 29, 2007, 21:25

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(PROGRESS Service Sector)

As indicated below, Sondjah has invited and encouraged the people of this world to form and replicate the co-creative global working teams within the area of their particular interest.

There are in existence twelve (12) Master-seraphic planetary Service Sectors that you can read about in the Urantia Book ( http://UrantiaBook.org ), and they are included in the service net-working scheme of the www.ChristMichaelsGlobalSpiritualNetwork.com . CMGSN has been established to serve such established co-creative working teams as the Global and Service Sectors reference net-working model.


Harp of God Bulletin 6/27/07

------------ --------- --------- --------- ---

Working Team Demo - Part 1

From: "Roxanne Andrews" <
606agondonter@ comcast.net>

Sondjah – Working Team Demo, All Conference – June 9, 2007

Association for Light and Life Conference - 2007

Unity Village, MO

Working Team Process Demonstration
June 9, 2007

Celestial Consultants: Sondjah Melchizedek – Mansion World Teacher
Shahdnah – Presiding Officer of the Most Highs

Introductory Facilitator: Daniel Raphael

Panel Members: (From left to right)
Deborah Goaldman, Richard Voss,
Meredith Tenney, & Sherille Clayden

Transmitter/ Receiver: Daniel Raphael

Daniel: Today's session is an educational piece on the Co-Creative Working
Team process. It is experimental and developmental where several mortals
work through a channel for advisement and consultations with a celestial
teacher­angel, or Melchizedek, or whomever­a person without skin. (Laughter.)

I was pleasantly reminded of the wonderful successes last year, 2006, at
the Association of Light and Life Conference in Santa Barbara, California,
where several working group sessions were in place, doing virtually this
identical work. It gave me confidence that what I had been receiving was
well founded and not extraneous to the Teaching Mission or to the
Magisterial Mission. In June of last year, [2006] Monjoronson began a
series of twelve presentations/ transmissions, which ended January 1, 2007.
As usual for myself as the TR, material comes through me, Roxanne
transcribes the recorded session, we edit it, she sends it to archives, and
I never read them again.

In December 2006, Spirit nudged me to read the transcripts, to date, which
I did. I was very amazed to find a definite connection between them, as
though they were a complete syllabus. Being pragmatic I asked, "So what?
What's that got to do with me?"

Well ask a question; get an answer, "We want you to put it into a
manuscript format."

Okay, I can do that. So, over the next few months I edited and adapted it
so it would become readable, and this [holding up the manuscript to the
audience] is the document that has come forward. It's available in hard
copy from me for a cost; it is available in PDF form­all you have to do is
email me at daniel.raphael@ comcast.net and I will send you a copy. I was
fortunate to have Barbara Marx Hubbard's supportive comments for the cover.

If you read within the pages of the manuscript, you'll see that the working
team concept is mentioned ­ a cooperative, more intimate, conscious
proposal for working with mortals to create solutions for our issues of
sustainability. This manuscript [says] that we can anticipate some major
problems on the planet, and when they occur we should be prepared for that
and move into an era of light, rather than another "dark ages." Therefore,
we've been called to participate in uplifting our civilization beginning
before those events occur. Whether the cataclysms occur or not, this sounds
like an awfully good idea.

Today, we have a panel that will ask questions oriented toward the working
team process. Sondjah is here and will act as the spiritual
facilitator/ consultant. I will be the TR, and Sondjah will come through me.
Also standing in is Shahdnah, who is the Presiding Officer of the Most
Highs. He came into my awareness about eleven years ago, and occasionally
visits when events develop here that are of concern to the Most Highs. He
presents a very, very large, huge, perspective. He comes from Edentia, and
with the Most Highs is involved in the affairs of humanity.

Members of the panel include my fiancée, Sherille Clayden, Meredith Tenney,
Rick Voss and Deborah Goaldman.

Meredith: I am here for the invocation, not as a member of the panel, right?

Daniel: Yes, you can ask questions as well. (Laughter.) You didn't want to
ask any questions, did you? But, you can't help yourself­you will though!
(More laughter.) We will now have the invocation and declaration of
intention by Mer, and when she's done, we will be greeted by Sondjah,
followed by panel members asking questions about the working team process.
They [panel members] have some scripted questions, but are not limited to
that. Those are just to get them primed and oriented towards asking
questions about the working team process. Mer, please?

Meredith: Everyone, please close your eyes. (Chime rung once.) Divine
parents, we invoke your presence today. We invoke the presence of
Machiventa, that he may share with us, his wisdom of many years, working on
the planet, and his supreme loyalty, which he holds to Jesus. And we invoke
the presence of our Creator Son, Michael, that he may bring to us his
Spirit of Truth, will help to refine our questions and point the way. And
we invoke the presence of Monjoronson, our Magisterial Son, that he may
bring to us a spirit of unity, so that all in this room will unite in a
spiritual path before us. And we invoke the presence of the Melchizedek
brothers, who can teach us and guide us in this process. And we invoke the
presence of our Midwayer friends that they may aid in the communication
process between spirit and mortal. And we invoke the presence of our
seraphic companions, that the Angels of Churches, the Angels of Progress,
may share with us their input, their wisdom and their plans. We invoke the
presence of Mother, that her Holy Spirit may fill the room and that her
graciousness may pervade this place.

We have long lacked a pattern for working together graciously as a team,
and we invoke Mother's help in setting that pattern here today. We call
upon our Thought Adjusters, each and every one. We ask them to step to the
forefront in our minds now, for the whole concept of working team is part
of Michael's Divine Plan to glorify the Father, here on earth; to utilize
mortal beings in their close to animal state, and demonstrate how the
presence of the Father Within can take such creatures and make of them,
conscious, universe citizens, working in productive teams with the
celestial administration. Lastly, as mortals, we declare our intention, to
work in concert with Machiventa and all of the celestial presences named,
to transform this world. We acknowledge that their presence with us is as
real as the presence of the person sitting beside us. We ask that this day
will help to expand our consciousness, of that reality. Amen.

SONDJAH: Good afternoon, this is Sondjah. Welcome to the first working team
demonstration. This session today is for educational purposes. It is our
wish that this process and these teams would be replicated all over your
world. It is my esteemed privilege to be this focal point at this moment
for those forces, those beings, and the powers that flow towards this
project that I may address you and speak with you. What we wish for is that
the Correcting Time pervade all of your world, all its activities, and that
this be done co-creatively with you, not by fiat, not by miracle, not by
command or demand, but done with you, with your participation, for you are
the citizens of this planet and will live out the decisions you make,
whether you participate or do not.

Co-creative solutions add greatly to the soul value of each individual, and
of its planet's future. In the end we see this team process being
replicated in all countries, all nations, all cultures, all ethnic groups,
all races, and all religions that have contact with Christ Michael's forces
of light. Our only requirements are that they consciously participate and
dedicate their efforts towards Christ Michael's correcting program, and
toward the evolution of this planet toward the days of light and life.

I am here today to answer questions you may have, from these panel members,
from each of you in the audience, those questions you hold in your mind,
which you do not ask. Know that someone will ask them if you don't. Let us

Rick: Sondjah, my first question on these working teams, do we first pick a
problem that we would like to deal with, and then bring the team together,
or do we first bring together a team, and then pick a problem?

SONDJAH: It is often best to begin by picking a problem that is common to
each individual who will then participate on the panel, those who have
common interests and common passions, and seek for truth in this process.

Rick: My next question would involve the method when you bring together
people of a common desire, common interest, you can have different
personality types. Not too long ago, you spoke about these personality
types, one type being a "people person," the first person who would start
off the project, and then you would have a person who knows how to make
things happen, so to speak. Would you speak about this? What would be your
recommendations as to help each person in the working team understand what
their strengths are, and what part of the project that they should step
forward and lead at that time?

SONDJAH: Certainly. You must begin with your values. Examine whether you
have common values, and then look to the skills of each individual. If your
values are divergent, then what comes forth will be divergent. The central
program is to determine uniform values in your societies and this begins
with each individual. Values are the universals of human kind, of
civilization that develops into beliefs and ways of behaving, ethics and
morals, social standards. Within the working team, begin by appreciating
the differences, recognizing them to see how they are useful towards the
team process. If everyone were the same on a team, you would have uniform
answers, and you would have voids, you would have empty spaces that would
need to be explored. By using a diverse mind group, you would be able to
explore diverse areas. Those who have lower skill levels will assist by
asking questions that may have escaped those who even know the subject.
This is a good way to start. The recognition of these differences is a
paramount feature of the working team and its eventual cooperative output
and product.

Deborah: Sondjah, say that we are interested in having a co-creative
working team, for example some of its women, who are one team to come
together in an organization that will empower both male and female
qualities of the divinity within each of us, and what is the best way we
can go about bringing this process into that organization?

SONDJAH: First you would pass the idea around to see if there was a desire
to explore the working team process within your women's group. Should this
be approved, then you would proceed to have two groups, one examining the
values of women and the other examining the values of men. You would
eventually compare notes. You would recognize, perhaps, that you have very
similar value structures. However, you know that because of gender
differences, the beliefs that come out of those values, begins to bend and
change with those gender differences. As the working teams future supports
bringing the days of light and life into existence at an earlier pace, and
with order and with progress, your goals would be to look forward to the
eventual couple relationship between men and women. What are the practical
ideals? You would simultaneously look at the values that exist between
those two, and the object of union, of unity, recognizing that you will
always have differences, but appreciating them. How can a couple remain
together when they do not appreciate the differences between them? If you
do not, those positions become points of aggravation, rather than
appreciation. This begins by asking for a difference of opinion. It begins
by including the other opinion before it is shared, knowing that there will
be a place for someone to provide a question, which may challenge your own.
Rather than taking difference, you would ask how did you arrive at that
thought? Working teams are a way of exploring the differences between the
genders, but of also recognizing those differences, allowing for them,
appreciating them and including them in the relationship, whether it is an
intimate relationship, a personal relationship, friendly relationship, or a
business relationship. The interest of the working team for the Correcting
Time is long-term inclusion, rather than finding differences, and moving
toward exclusion. There will always be differences­begin to recognize them
and appreciate them, which helps you move towards inclusion.

Deborah: Okay, so then in the initial phases of building a co-creative
working team, you say the most important thing to keep in mind is to
accept, appreciate our differences? What would you say would be the most
important thing to keep in mind?

SONDJAH: One is to see your similarities, the values, the common values
that you have. Second, but not in priority order of being second, is to
recognize that there will always be differences. Third and equally
important is to remember to be inclusive­you will always have another
gender with you. You will always have those differences, which may rub you
the wrong way, which may be difficult for you to accept­you simply
recognize that they exist. Fundamental to developing a working team, as was
said earlier, is to have a project that you want to work on, a problem to
resolve. It may not even be a problem. It may be a situation that needs
development to move off of it as a stagnant situation, and to develop it
more. (Pause.)

Do not be shy please; ask questions.

Deborah: Okay then, let's get specific. Considering that my field of
expertise right now is in teaching, do you have any suggestions for me on
how I can explore using this co-creative working team process?

SONDJAH: Most definitely. (Pause) There are several ways that you could
approach this: The first is you could find in your community whether there
is a commonality of problems with your education system­and surely, you
will find them­and surely you could come to solutions, but those would be
temporary. Solution finding for problems is short-term, does not lead
towards long-term inclusive solutions. Ideals, however, long for solutions
that are enduring. You would want to ask, "What kind of educational system
could we create, to bring our children into the days of light and life?
What kind of educational system would prepare them for the difficulties of
life, for successes, for failures, for growth, for stagnation, for
development?" You would want to create an educational system that could do
that. Your society has a broad spectrum of individuals in it, from those
who are incredibly intelligent, those who are already bordering on the
morontial, to those who are educationally, intellectually, socially
challenged­those who have immense difficulties coping with daily life in
your societies, whether it is a technologically developed nation or an
economically deprived nation.

What is the commonality that you seek for? What is the thing of this nation
that gave impetus for millions of immigrants? It is for the opportunity of
growth and opportunity for development? What is it that you want to
develop? And that is the inherent potential of each individual to the
capacity that they are capable. You surely cannot put in more than a quart
in a quart jar, can you? Some people have capabilities, which far recede
from your own, but yet they have desires for growth, for development. And,
how about an individual that has an exceptional intelligence, but who is
socially immature? Certainly they need education and training, as well, in
social graces, etiquette, and composure.

The demands of education are a subject dear to my heart­if I had a heart.
(Laughter.) You may know that I am a teacher on the mansion worlds and that
I assist individuals to cope with the morontial environment, and how to
become a part of that. Your question strikes to the core of my self. My
being on your planet, and now with the capacity to see more clearly, hear
you, and be with you in a more present way­albeit not a material
way­assists me to understand your planet and to grow in compassion for you,
and to wish to assist you even more dearly and energetically to help you
grow in your world. And, I will be of great assistance in the future,
should you call upon me.

Deborah: Well, you are called upon now. I would love to have your assistance.

SONDJAH: Then so be it.

Sherille: Sondjah, what do you see developing out of the co-creative
working teams process if it is used diligently for the next fifty years?

SONDJAH: It will eventually have impact upon your nations, political
systems, economic systems, and your trade and your commerce for how
businesses do business­the overall, arching policy-making process within
these institutions and organizations. You are beginning now to see the
early tendrils of the necessity of consideration of all other people. The
environment is forcing you to recognize that individual selfishness on the
part of some nations, impacts the livelihood of other nations. There will
be an over-arching concern for preservation­ not only preservation of self,
but preservation of others.

Your world will come into more uniform economic, monetary and political
oneness, particularly in your business enterprises. This area will be one
of the earlier enterprises to engage the working team, and in fact, already
does so on a material/mortal basis, and only needs the inclusion of the
morontial perspective to assist them in making them more successful. In
fifty years, your nations will have a need for mutual preservation, rather
than self-preservation. More nations will begin to desovereignize their
boundaries, as is beginning in Europe now.

The beginning is the business model, rather than competing, they cooperate.
There is the eventuality that within fifty years, there will be primarily
two or three economic unions around your world, which will find that trade
barriers are counter-productive, and make policies to develop that. In
fifty years, it will be a selfishness to maintain national sovereignty,
which will prevent your world from coming into rapid political union. There
will be a screaming desire to amend that, but few will know how to do that.
This is where the vast global perspectives of a co-creative working team of
celestial beings of the morontial realm need to come into play ­ for we see
the projections for your world, as a civilization, the progress it will
make in fifty, one-hundred, two-hundred- fifty, five-hundred years. This is
fairly predictable. You are entering into an era of tremendous instability,
which will cause a great deal of difficulty, though the larger difficulties
of your world that are to come will force you to be more cooperative.

The successful business enterprises always, always engage competition with
a process of inclusion. Buying out competitors is a process of inclusion.
It is a way of monopolizing the market. You will see vast monopolies in
fifty years that will not be detrimental to the economy. They will be
self-serving in some regards, but self-preserving in others by preserving
their markets to make them work in the long term to provide a profit that
is sustainable. The working teams will become endemic in all of your
cultures, societies, and your political processes because they provide
perspectives that far exceed your own, which will give you an edge on
sustaining your business, religion, your culture, and your priorities. I
will not go further than this to answer your question, and I thank you.

Sherille: Thank you.

Meredith: Sondjah, I have been engaged in a spiritual task to help build
spiritual community and training facilities for training young spiritual
leaders, and I have several questions I'd like to address to you about that.

SONDJAH: I will engage them.

Meredith: First, there have been potential plans considered, both in the
third world in Africa, and here in the United States, but in both
scenarios, disruption among the mortal working team on the ground has
provided a substantial barrier to forward progress. Do you have any advice
for how we might promote spiritual unity amongst ourselves down here, so
that we could come together behind a common goal and move ahead?

SONDJAH: Certainly. (Pause.) This will require a good deal of conscious,
reflective thinking among your group, to recognize that this exists­for
those who disrupt, for them to examine that, to recognize that it exists.
Once again, you must come to recognition of common values, for there is a
dissonance of values that exists with those who disrupt. These must come
into agreement­I would not say "alignment," but agreement. They must want
to come into a conscious, voiced commitment, for the common values that you
have. Once these are established, and this can be done very rapidly, then
comes the recognition of beliefs that spin out of these values. You must
recognize that there are differences of beliefs. There may be a commonality
of values, but oftentimes individual's beliefs differ because of their own
personal investment in those beliefs and how they accomplish them. (Pause.)
Continue, please.

Meredith: Thank you, Sondjah. It has been suggested that the Divine pattern
to successfully build such spiritual community is not existent. It has been
suggested that perhaps we would do better to wait until there were visible
representatives of the Celestial Administration on the planet, before
actually trying to build any training facility, any physical spiritual
community. I'd like your input on when the best time to actually begin is.

SONDJAH: The answer is always from us, "when it is developmentally viable."
I know that that is an impalpable measurement that you cannot wrap your
arms around, but it does speak to the answer to your question. Do not fall
into error as your Adam and Eve did. Do not strive to shortcut the
developmental necessities of society building, community building, family
building, of personality building­of personhood development. You are asking
a lot of these individuals to come to the forum that you wish to engage
them, and it is nigh on impossible for them to do that peacefully. In
addition, you want them to do that from within their heart, being
authentic, genuine, in oneness with this, rather than giving you peace of
mind by agreeing to your statements, by agreeing to your procedure, but
that this should be totally voluntary. They are in many ways being
transparent to you. Would you recognize that their behavior is evidence of
deeper longings for equality? They do not feel oneness with you, yet.

To answer your first question a bit more, do not forget that the stillness
is a universal solvent for differences between cultures, to begin to learn
the oneness that is necessary for community building and for world
building. Be in stillness. Teach them how to be still, to calm themselves.
Do not rely solely upon your own individual efforts, but knowing that their
Thought Adjuster is there to lead them, as well. There is always a helping
hand reaching down to them to bring them into this era of light, their own
era of light. Call upon their guardians to be of assistance, and for the
midwayers to communicate between you, that they may have thorough
understanding of what you are doing. Stillness is universal, and must
become a universal process. Those who seek enlightenment always seek
stillness first; this is a most humble position to assume. It is a humble
process that begins the day by saying, "I do not know the way."

Meredith: Sondjah, when development is feasible, please share with us in as
much detail as possible, how you would like us to begin.

SONDJAH: Once they are able to still their minds and be in stillness, that
the busyness of hunger, the busyness of poverty, the busyness of
acquisition, the busyness of envy­ does not occupy their mind, then you
would want to include them in the process of community building, family
building­ which you address. Ask them to be members of a working team. Make
this not a select group, but one of individuals who have decided that the
way of stillness, the way of enlightenment, is the way they wish to
proceed. Then you will have their hearts, minds, their body, and their
presence, when they are with you. This is required for the working team to
operate. If you cannot be in the working team with these qualities, then do
not attend. Does this help?

Meredith: Yes.

SNIP........ .........
[Part two will be sent tomorrow]

© The Teaching Mission
Rafapal, no te desanimes. Creo que está bien colgar noticias que SON MANIOBRAS DE DESPISTE. Osea, falsos escándalos, o FALSAS POLEMICAS, que sirven para TAPAR MIERDA. ¿os acordáis del tema OSO/OSA y el madroño? es un ejemplo. Y tantas otras patochadas. En cuanto al mensaje de BOLO: Te diré que aún queda mucha gente recta,digna,buena. Debe haber más salídas que no sean apocalípticas.
Rafapal dices... "Es hora de que tú, que pensaste alguna vez que ser homosexual era algo antisistema, izquierdista o revolucionario, despiertes de ese sueño y abras los ojos a la Realidad: el movimiento gay está impulsado, gestado y financiado por el propio sistema capitalista con el fin de separar a los hombres de las mujeres""

Rafapal..Si esto es así explícame porque el partido de tu candidato López Obrador ha legalizado la unión de homosexuales en la Cd de México..

¿Quién es quién? La verdad ya no se sabe...
Y ademáas, el partido de la derecha, el partido gobernante, el PAN, se ha opuesto a estas uniones....

Rafapal, ¿será que te equivocaste rotundamente al considerar que López Obrador luchaba contra el sistema?

Bueno, seguro no será la primera vez que te equivocas, ya van muchas...
Rafapal, y al utilizar esa retórica de "sistema capitalista" inevitablemente haces pensar en su contraparte histórica, el sistema comunista..luego, si no estás de acuerdo con el sistema capitalista ¿estás entonces con el sistema comunista?

Sería interesante saberlo...
con seguridad, López Obrador también está comprado por el sistema, sí.
Lo de izquierda y derecha es algo que hay que superar, pensar que porque uno esté en contra del capitalismo, entonces está a favor del comunismo es señal de que NO TE HAS ENTERADO DE NADA en este tiempo que llevas visitando esta web. El comunismo fue creado por los banqueros iluminati para enfrentarlo a las "democracias".
En la Nueva Era se superan esas divisiones y se integran en la unidad.
Sólo diré que he visto en tu web interminables "interpretaciones" de lo que es o significa "la Nueva Era"

Al parecer en torno a la Nueva Era aún no existe una definíción clara y por ello muchos le dan su propia interpretación que muchas veces inclusive descalifica a las de los demás...

Ahora bien, yo no pregunté por derecha o izquierda, pregunté por lo que tú insistes en llamar "Sistema Capitalista" ya que en el siglo pasado, al cobijo de su confrontación con el Comunismo, se polarizó y dividó al mundo en dos bandos, división que aún persiste ya que Fidel Castro fué uno de los personajes de esa era y ahora, tu admirado Hugo Chávez, ha mostrado mas de una vez que sigue buena parte de sus ideas....con la diferencia de que gracias al petróleo Chávez tiene una gran fuente de recursos a diferencia de Castro que siempre dependió del sistema Comunista para su suministro..

Si al final de cuentas el Comunismo era parte del sistema, tal como dices ¿Donde quedan parados Castro y Chávez?

Ojalá y lo puedas aclarar...

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